
Sunday, March 24, 2013

News about Life

It is known that FEMA is a well-known group. They have done legitimate things in helping out victims of disasters and they have a more controversial side to put it lightly. FEMA is said by some that they are federalizing the police for domestic control. It is a known, documented fact that the DHS or the Department of Homeland Security has brought at least 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition. Much of these forms are ammunition are outlawed by the Geneva Convention and some of the ammo include the types of ammunition that are specialized for snipers, fully automatic assault rifles, heavily armored assault vehicles with gun ports, and scores of riot gear. DHS acts as a domestic operation that violates human civil liberties all of the time. The DHS has now 30 years’ worth of ammunition. The question is why do they need these things? Well, we know. That is self-explanatory. We know that on FEMA's Center for Domestic Preparedness site, there is a listing for Program J called "Field Force Operations." It shows how the DHS has been training state and local law enforcement to prepare for successfully mitigate threats in their minds. They want to be prepared for NSSEs or National Special Security Events. The Center for Domestic Preparedness site mentions that following words: "....Activities included in this course are mass arrest procedures, team tactics, demonstrator tactics, crowd dynamics and mob behavior, use of riot control agents and less lethal munitions, and the employment of personal protective equipment (PPE).” The site wants the DHS to train in how the First, Fourth, Eight, and Fourteenth Amendments to the U.S. Constitution deals with civil action and disorder. Such a three day course on this matter takes places at Homeland Security's Center for Domestic Preparedness at Fort McClellan, Alabama. That class is related to another one called Field Force Extrication Tactics. That tactics class allows student to have “knowledge and skills regarding the tools and information necessary to extricate an individual safely from a protester device.” This course is not limited only to law enforcement, but emergency management, health, fire, EMTs, and public safety communications personnel among others. One issue discussed is, “Distinguishing the roles and responsibilities of the extrication team from other law enforcement assets.” Teams here are also referred to as “Civil Disobedience Teams” or CDTs. A description on the Texas Department of Public Safety site claims one of the Field Force Extrication Tactics course objectives is “To identify and protect protester rights as guaranteed by the First Amendment while still conducting extrication procedures.”  A human being who is in state and local law enforcement can register for the initial Field Force Operations. It has a four step process with a medical screening form. According to the Texas Department of Public Safety course, the participants must “have the ability to march 100 yards, lift 185 pounds with assistance, kneel on one knee, run 20 yards intermittently, stand for long periods of time (approximately 3 hours), shout commands, and don, properly seal, and doff an air purifying respirator.” These courses have been going on for years. Yet, the DHS is having bulk weapons, ammo, and riot gear purchases into much clearer perspective on what is going on. The DHS is gearing up and training our law enforcement for the mass arrests of the American people during emergency circumstances especially. We know that there is a leaked Army manual that talks about how military assets are to be used domestically to quell riots, confiscate firearms, and even kill Americans on U.S. soil during mass civil unrest. This training is also related to the Army's Internment and Resettlement Operations manual. That manual talks about how political dissidents will develop an appreciation of U.S. policies after they are reeducated by PSYOPS officers and detained in American prison camps called FEMA camps. Since the Sandy Hook shootings, extremists on both sides either want to scapegoat the Second Amendment or deprive innocent human beings of their liberties. The DHS for years have portrayed American gun owners and political enemies of the state as terrorists. The DHS has paid 2 million dollars for training aids to a supplier of non-traditional shooting targets (of actual shooting targets of pregnant women in nurseries, elderly people, and little kids referred to as “no more hesitation”). This is really immoral. The DHS announced its idea of public safety including spy drones on the public. Recently released government documents also show DHS has customized predator drones for domestic use to track cell phones and identify whether or not a citizen is carrying a gun. We know that the Patriot Act, the NDAA, the war crimes of the West, the NSA spying on even innocent citizens, and other tyrannical policies are evil and blatantly nefarious. We have every God-given to not only oppose unjust laws, but to constructively enhance the general welfare of all of society for our land is not a place where we sit at the sidelines. It is a land where our ancestors shed blood so that we could live here. We have the right to oppose injustice wherever it is located in the Earth. We have the right to do activism.

Cyprus is suffering as well economically. The European Central Bank told Cyprus that it want it to secure a €10 billion ($12.9 billion) European Union (EU) bailout by Monday, or face a cut-off of ECB credit and the bankruptcy of Cyprus’ banks and government. Cyprus' Parliament recently passed legislation granting the state emergency powers like capital controls to block the sudden outflows of money from Cyprus in the midst of mass protests and withdrawals of cast at banks' ATMs by Cypriot depositors. On Wednesday, the Cypriot Parliament voted 36-19 to reject an EU bailout demanding a €5.8 billion contribution from Cyprus. This was to be paid by taking money from all bank accounts in Cyprus (both from the small depositors and larger bank account holders). The larger account holders mostly came from the Russians and the British, who use the island country as an offshore financial center. The Cypriot bank workers feared losing their jobs. So, they protested in front of the Cypriot Parliament in Nicosia. They clashed with riot police. They held signs up. They read, “Merkel = fascist,” attacking German Chancellor Angela Merkel, whose government was the key force behind EU demands that the bailout be paid for by confiscating money from Cypriot bank accounts. The government announced the creation of a so-called National Solidarity Fund. This entity will take money from Cypriot pensions, the Church of Cyprus, and donations from private citizens to help fund bank bailouts. Central Bank of Cyprus Governor Panicos Demetraiades announced that Laiki Bank would be restructured and merged with Bank of Cyprus. These banks (or the nation's 2 largest private banks) have been hit hard by the economic crisis and the EU austerity measures in nearby Greece. These banks have relied on emergency funding from the Central Bank of Cyprus in order for them to avoid bankruptcy. Cyprus uses the euro. Yet, the ECB can order its central bank to cut off the ELA or the Emergency Lending Assistance to the country's private banks. Cypriot Finance Minister Michalis Sarris and Energy Minister George Lakkotrypis were both in Moscow. They want Russia to fund Cyprus. They are even reportedly considering offering Russia access to offshore natural gas deposits near Cyprus, partial ownership of its financial sector, and the use of a naval base at Limassol. Russia's only naval base now in the Mediterranean is at the Tartus in nearby Syria. Syria is now a target of an US/EU led proxy war against the Russian backed Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad. Russian Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich warned that the EU’s move to confiscate money from depositors in Cyprus undermined confidence in the global banking system: “If such a solution is possible in Cyprus, it’s possible everywhere … It will mean there’s no place to keep money and that the banking system has stopped working.” Russian banks like Alfra Bank and VTB will lose large sums of sums if Cyprus' banks collapse if Cypriot capital controls cut them off from their assets in Cyprus. The reactionary EU austerity measures in Cyprus have harmed Cypriot workers and pensioners. Now, we see the EU and Russia competing against each other. We see the war on terror as well. The looting of Cyprus is wrong. Some banks are moving their financial operations into Western Europe because of the economic crisis. Caps on deposits will not stabilize the situation according to financier Michael Pugh. He had worked in Russia and Cyprus. Some speculate if the financial collapse in Cyprus would harm the entire Eurozone. The market alone can't solve this issue. Only radical steps from the private and public sector can.


I don't believe in criminals using guns or owning them, yet it is a fact that disarming the people had a vicious, tyrannical history. Nothing is new under the sun indeed. Hypocrisy is the order of the day of so-called establishment pacifists. They yell about total pacifism, yet many of them lived in condos and enclosed locations. They don't expect cops to come into their homes, yet they want the state to be armed to the teeth. They want the state to use weapons to kill human beings overseas in the name of democracy (yet, they lecture us on pacifism and gun violence). I respect a pacifist if they are consistent in their views. They refuse to not want gun control from the crooked cops though. The state has no right to have a monopoly of arms at all. The elite maintain a monopoly of armed force in order to have their class rule. It is known that the ruling class has tried to disarm the population in the four corners of the Earth in periods of war or social struggle. It is known that when you have radical gun bans, only the criminals and the super-rich including the state will have access to them. Now, we all know the history of the Second Amendment. I do not agree with all of the Founders' motivations and belief systems in dealing with Second Amendment. Yet, the right to self-defense is a law of reality. This does not mean that we bow down to white supremacist culture that glamorizes violence that loves to harm animals for wanton abuse, and to view guns as equivalent to the smoking gun in solving our issues. Peace is superior to violence and guns are tools (which can be utilized for good or evil) not gods. For we see that some of our oppressors utilized the Second Amendment as an excuse to dominate early U.S. society. Yet, citizens have the right to be armed legally. In our history, slaves were denied arms, because of racists' fears of the slaves revolting against their cruel system of chattel slavery. The racist Chief Justice Taney admitted that he did not want black human beings to have rights or even the right to keep arms. We know that John Brown and his allies organized his raid on Harpers Ferry in Virginia during 1859. He used arms in an attempt to liberate human beings in bondage. In that time period, ex-slave and abolitionist Frederick Douglass, a close friend of Brown, openly defended a man’s “right of self-defense” when fugitive slaves were being hunted by agents of the slaveholders, even if this meant “shooting down his pursuers,” as occasionally happened. “Slavery is a system of brute force,” he said. “It must be met with its own weapons.” The Civil War came and brothers and sisters fought valiantly for freedom. When racists tried to kill the brothers and sisters in Brooklyn back in the 1860's by racist anti-draft mobs, these brothers and sisters used arms to defend themselves. This was in the North; so many Northerners were just a bigoted as some of the Southerners in that Civil War era.  During the period of Reconstruction, heroes fought against the oppressors. Black human beings wanted political power and the Confederates used reactionary Black Codes as means to deprive black human beings their God-given rights including the right to possess arms. An 1865 Florida statute, for instance, made it unlawful for “any Negro” to possess “firearms or ammunition of any kind,” the penalty for violation being the pillory and the whip. In response, the federal government’s Freedmen’s Bureau widely distributed circulars which read in part, “All men, without distinction of color, have the right to keep and bear arms to defend their homes, families or themselves.” Even President Grant opposed the Klan harming innocent human beings in the South. Union Army forces had to occupy Southern states even during Reconstruction since the Klan was just killing innocent human beings and harming society. Reconstruction officially ended with the evil Compromise of 1877. Black liberation was harmed. It took over 80 years after Reconstruction for black human beings to get some rights. Now, we do need gun safety reforms and guns shouldn't be owned by criminals or anyone with serious mental illness problems. On the other hand, it is hypocritical for those to yell about gun control when they ignore how British and U.S. cops brutalize youth for the sake of the Drug War or continuing the violation of human civil liberties. The background to the Firearms Act (1920) in the UK was aptly described by Joyce Lee Malcolm, author of the book To Keep and Bear Arms: The Origins of an Anglo-American Right. In an article “Gun Control in England: The Tarnished Gold Standard” (, Malcolm observed: “It was fear of revolution, not crime, that resulted in the first serious gun controls. In 1920 the government faced massive labor disruption, feared a Bolshevik revolution, and worried about the return of thousands of soldiers traumatized by an especially brutal war.” Even the workers movements of the Chartists advance the right of the citizens to bear arms. To exclusively have the military, the police, or select individuals to bear arms is extremist and silly. They or the establishment refuse to discuss radical anti-poverty measures, but they want to continue the stop and frisk action. Yet, an unarmed population is at the mercy at anybody even tyrants as history shows.


The Caribbean culture is diverse with influences from Africa, Native American human beings, Europe, and from the four corners of the world. The rich history of the Caribbean is readily known and it is beautiful too. Educators, farmers, artists, merchants, traders, technological experts, theologians, etc. made a huge large part of the Caribbean region. Oral histories and cultural preservation is a great theme. Now, the tropical setting is a big portion of the Caribbean scene. This has influence the diverse music, architecture, attitudes, and customs. Some African customs are still followed in the Caribbean. Jamaica believes in a strong self-sufficient ethos. That is why Jamaica still has a strong democracy filled with Rastafarians, business leaders, political experts, and musicians. The Creole languages are heavily spoken in the Caribbean. Creole is a patois or language that is made up of an African syntax and European lexicon or words. Slaves created it to communicate with the European plantation owners. We can find French Creole with regional dialects in Haiti, Martinique, Guadeloupe, St. Lucia, Dominica, and French Guyana. There is the language of Papiamento, which is a Dutch, Portuguese, English, and African blend. There is the language of Patwa as found in Jamaica. Jamaican Patwa is an English lexified creole language with Western African influences that is spoken mostly in Jamaica and the Jamaican diaspora. The Creole languages are known to be spoken by the poor, labor class, etc. Now, other human beings speak it more. There is Jamaican English and the Rastafarian use of English, so don't get things twisted. It is not a secret that old African culture and customs influence much of the religious worship, rhythmic dancing, singing, art, and even the thinking of the Caribbean. We know about Voodun in Haiti. We know about Junkanoo in the Bahamas. We understand bout the Rastafari in Jamaica. These were all influenced directly or indirectly by African movements. We know that reggae music and jerk cooking are African inspired gifts to the world from the Caribbean. There is the Eastern Caribbean soca tradition with the limbo dance ritual has roots on the slave ships that came to the colonies on the horrific Middle Passage or Maafa. You can't fully understand about Caribbean culture without learning about its music and dance. Music has been a very fixture of Caribbean heritage.



In our words, good is battling evil. Some folks believe that if a tyranny like in Nazi Germany came about, then they will recognize it. Yet, we live in a society filled with tyrannical laws, fascism, and militarism. We still have militarism, yet this system if nepotism existed long before 2008. It is part of human history wherefore the forces of good are battling against the forces of evil. The Patriot Act has many similarities to the Enabling Act. The massive war crimes in the war on terror from the West and others are similar to the war crimes done by the Axis Powers. These modern 21st century war crimes are not just drone attacks, but cluster bombs and wars of aggression (in violation of national and international laws). The workers have been harmed worldwide via austerity measures and economic exploitation. This subsequent exploitation generates a widening of economic inequality. Here, we live in police state conditions here. In the UK, habeas corpus is virtually gone. In the States, in NYC, human beings can be illegally searched via the stop and frisk policy. In Detroit, some want some unitary leaders to control the political functions of the entire city indeed.  In our modern day society, we must continue to think critically about issues. These issues are economic, political, social, and other components of intellectual thinking. Too many human beings in the world, not only in the West, do not understand the premise of right and wrong. When you have moral relativism, society will exist in chaos or in a nihilistic capacity. When you have threats like SOPA, the NDAA, the Patriot Act, and other evil laws, then you have a problem in America too. We have an issue too when some want to see human beings as aliens or less than a member of the human race. The lie that we need to reduce America's in a radical fashion is a scam by some in trying to loot the workers' tax money and give it to the banksters and imperialists. We have poisoned water globally, corporate funded GMOs, and a brutal criminal justice system (that harms especially the poor of every color). The existence of evil is real. Evil tries to destroy the essence of goodness in society.  One issue now is that some human beings see this current world as normal or that everything is okay. The CIA, FBI, and other intelligence agencies spying on American citizens without warrants or on trumped up charges is not normal. When Agribusiness is involved in dangerous GM seeds, then that is not normal. So, we should inform ourselves and we have the responsibility in doing something constructive in helping the human race from activism to building a real infrastructure that can solve our problems.


By Timothy

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