
Saturday, July 27, 2013

Poll Says White People Would Like To Drop Race Conversation


White people are no more "racist, evil people by nature" than black people are "violent thieves by nature,
Actually history proves me correct,not only Americas history but global history. It is a fact that wherever White men have gone they've always brought trouble and war with them,this rings true since civilization began to current times. Part of having an honest discussion is stating facts. Do I mean All White folks not at all, but more than enough to keep the ball of racism, oppression and division going. Racism like stealing is a learned behavior and due to the racist history of America one can argue anything Black folks learn, we learned it from our historic oppressors.,
Which Jesus are YOU talking about??? The blond haired, blue-eyed, pale skinned one??? And while you desire Elders and Cosby to be on this "panel" let's add Tim Wise and Father Phlanger as well. I'm sure they will acknowledge the SAME thing I'm stating. Whites have NO interest in addressing white supremacy as they have NO desire to lessen their privalige. The continued "game" is to PRETEND that Blacks have an EQUAL share in YOUR behavior. NOT!!! That's like asking a rape victim to SHARE blame with the evil rapist!!! GTFOH with that "game".
This is what I meant about the type of white person who comes to this site and trys to be some kind of half-a$$ed psychoanalyst. You have absolutely no insight into the emotions or thoughts of black people because you cannot even do a simple thing like listening. Racism is YOUR disorder, therefore your focus should be on analyzing yourself and figuring out how to cure it. When you are ready to do that then we can begin to have a real conversation about race.
See, that's WHY the so-called "race" conversation can NEVER occur. Whites can NOT give up their FALSE ideology of supremacy. A close look at your posts SHOW that YOU want to direct the "conversation". I am suspose to ACCEPT YOUR Ghanaian preachers WORD, while you REJECT a counter voice. Whites want to CONTROL the topic BECAUSE they want to protect their FALSE supremacy at ANY cost. And don't ACT surprised at YOUR behavior. Yes, you are rapists, murderers, torchers, liars, molesters, genetically jealous, diseased, and the list goes on and on. No wonder YOU don't want Blacks to talk about your behavior to the WORLD!!! You are the one who believes in MURDERING innocent children planting bombs, shooting up movie theaters, churches, etc. The EVIDENCE SHOW who has the anger issues. Nice try, though!!!
Well, they better get use to it because, this topic is never going to go away until white supremacy is eradicated .What that means is, it requires YT people to be honest and do something about those that keep it alive. Off my soap box.
Has there ever been a conversation though?
I wonder do they say that to the so called Jews that migrated to that land now called Israel or is this a conversation that is dropped when they make "claims" of talking race with Black people?
Japanese people remember the a=effect of the atomic bomb.I know this because a friend of mine that happens to be of Japanese descent told me that every year a day of remembrance is set aside for the victims of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.Infact her parents and her Grandmothers who are alive go on a pilgrimage there every year.
Europeans that migrated to Israel from Europe that claim The Holocaust always speak on their history.........Blacks are the only group of mass trauma that are discouraged to deny the pain of the race as it pertain to racism because it makes the descendants of the oppressors uncomfortable but that is not OUR problem. Black people need to dig very deep to the centuries of pain because many Blacks are still slaves when it comes to "mentality"....
Black people need to educate other Blacks on just how deep this issue is.As Black people,we don't even have our ORIGINAL names. We don't speak our native tongue.We don't the actual African country our ancestors come from.No one has been hurt more by racism than Black people because our original oppressor taught other races to hate us as well.My Dad is actually thinking about taking a test to ascertain such the history of his bloodline.

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