
Friday, September 13, 2013

More Conscious Information from Sister Trojan Pam and others

Pam says:
This is a brilliant commentary, Trojan Pam. With the state that black America is in however,, I don’t see us getting out of this mess anytime soon. What are we supposed to do and how do we begin if you cannot get the average black person to face these truths?


TrojanPam says:
@ Pam
That’s a good question, one that all of us–who are working on being less confused–have asked.
There’s no magical answer. After years of frustration, here’s some of my conclusions and suggestions:
1. Black people can NOT undo 500 years of damage in a few decades, especially under the system of white supremacy. That’s like a person infected with TB trying to cure their disease while being forced to live inside a TB ward where they are continually re-infected.
2. Educate yourself about the system of white supremacy, what it is and how it works. There is a lot of free info on this site and on my other site — — where I have posted over a hundred sound clips by Mr. Neely Fuller, Jr, who was my biggest influence in understanding racism/white supremacy. I also have on this site some Yurugu videos and videos by Dr. Frances Cress Welsing, and many others.
Also, check out The C.O.W.S. (Context of White Supremacy) internet radio program where host, Gus Renegade, has a huge variety of guests, black, non-white, and white, to talk about white supremacy. What is most interesting are the white guests who are often exposed as practicing racism EVEN while claiming to be an “anti-racist.” (!)
to listen/download archives of COWS programs:
to learn about current or upcoming COWS programs:
3. Refuse to be discouraged by black people who want to stick their heads in the sand, or who call you a “black racist” (which cannot exist in a system of white supremacy), or who are too afraid to look at OR accept the reality of living BLACK under the system of white domination/white oppression.
4. Associate with like-minded people, preferably people who are more knowledgeable than you. The “smarter” they are, the smarter you will get. Avoid participating in and supporting ANYTHING (movie, TV program, comedy, etc) that degrades YOU or other black people . When you explain why you are not participating or supporting anti-blackness in entertainment, politics, economics, etc, you will influence other people–even when you don’t know it. The people you alienate, frankly, are the same people you might be better off without.
5. STOP using words that promote white supremacy, black inferiority, like
good hair
pretty (light) eyes
pretty (light) skin
black and ugly
ugly (when referring to hair texture)
STOP calling other black people “monkeys and gorillas” (something we learned from WHITE PEOPLE)
STOP calling other black people “niggers” — a WORD/CONCEPT that did NOT exist in Africa until WHITE PEOPLE colonized it
STOP treating black people with LESS courtesy than you treat white people. Be aware of how you act with whites VS blacks and work on being less anti-black
STOP treating lighter-skinned or black children with a white parent BETTER than you treat brown or dark-skinned children. We are DEVASTATING the self-esteem of our black children the SAME WAY our own self-esteem was devastated when we were children.
STOP calling other black females “bitches” and “hos” — a WORD/CONCEPT that comes out of our CENTURIES of sexual degradation and RAPE, where the African female slave was REDUCED to less than an animal and her rape by WHITE MALES was justified by saying she was sexually “loose” and “immoral” — in other words, a natural-born “ho”
a B________ is a FEMALE DOG, and every time we call another black female that word, we are REINFORCING OUR OWN STATUS as less than human
6. Share construction information, whether on this site, or other sites, with other black people. People may be more open to information when they feel it is voluntary, rather than have someone (like me) preaching at them to “wake up” or change.
I created the Counter-Racism Boot Camp (see the top menu) to encourage a greater understanding of what white supremacy is and how it functions.
7. Continually remind yourself of the foolish mistakes you’ve made (and are probably still making) and don’t be too quick to condemn other black people who don’t understand white supremacy because we have been LIED TO all of our lives, from the cradle to the grave — and programmed to believe white is superior, black is inferior.
8. Don’t expect miracles. The majority of black people are NOT going to get it, and out of that number, the majority may not want it. Plant a seed of food for thought AND KEEP IT MOVING.
Hope those suggestions help


Pam says:
Great, great advice. I can say with confidence that I have been practicing these good habits for a number of years now, since I have been politically and socially aware from a young age (I’m over 50 now). I am still educating myself on how white supremacy works and I try very hard not to get too angry or discouraged by the knowledge that we are caught up in such insidious system. It is enough to make one want to give up but I know that none of us can do that.
I have already listened to one of the COWS radio programs and will continue to do so; in addition I will continue to read and study this and other knowledgeable.websites. I get rather disgusted, however, by some of the news websites that are supposed to be for African Americans because some of them are infected and overrun with white racist trolls who are obviously trying to sabotage and destroy whatever discourse we might be having. I’m pretty sure you have seen this phenomenon and I’d love to hear your opinion on it. On one particular site I and other regular users have sent emails full of complaints about racist trolls and their annoying, nasty commentary, and keep asking them to do something about it. I received one response but nothing since, so I keep sending emails with links and screen captures to them in the hope that something will be done. I have even gotten to the point of looking at the FCC website to see if I can file a complaint of some kind. What’s your advice on this matter?

Pam says:
Great, great advice. I can say with confidence that I have been practicing these good habits for a number of years now, since I have been politically and socially aware from a young age (I’m over 50 now). I am still educating myself on how white supremacy works and I try very hard not to get too angry or discouraged by the knowledge that we are caught up in such insidious system. It is enough to make one want to give up but I know that none of us can do that.
I have already listened to one of the COWS radio programs and will continue to do so; in addition I will continue to read and study this and other knowledgeable.websites. I get rather disgusted, however, by some of the news websites that are supposed to be for African Americans because some of them are infected and overrun with white racist trolls who are obviously trying to sabotage and destroy whatever discourse we might be having. I’m pretty sure you have seen this phenomenon and I’d love to hear your opinion on it. On one particular site I and other regular users have sent emails full of complaints about racist trolls and their annoying, nasty commentary, and keep asking them to do something about it. I received one response but nothing since, so I keep sending emails with links and screen captures to them in the hope that something will be done. I have even gotten to the point of looking at the FCC website to see if I can file a complaint of some kind. What’s your advice on this matter?


TrojanPam says:
@ Pam
I never know what stage someone is at. It’s always great to dialogue with someone who is on the same page. I feel like giving up quite often, but it lasts a short time, and I’m right back doing whatever it is I do. I agree, we can’t afford to give up as there are NOT a lot of alternatives left. Either we are going to wake up OR face the consequences–and I’d hate to see that happen, although I know the battle is FAR from over.
Oh yes, the white trolls and gov agents, are crawling on every so-called “black” website and portal, most of which are NOT black-owned. I had to stop going to ‘Black Voices” because the gov agents were so vicious and nasty that I knew tangling with them would be dangerous.
I believe there are many white impostors who start horrible flame wars between black males and females by posting an ugly and inflammatory comment, and even when you suggest that this is happening, most of the black people are so fired up with anti-black blood lust that they don’t care anymore.
We have been programmed to attack and dislike each other for over 500 years, and at some point, it starts to feel “normal” — like rats trapped in a cage who start to bite each other out of frustration.
The people who own these sites are not going to act in the best interests of black people, and I suspect they are actively promoting anti-blackness among black people. White supremacy NEVER takes a holiday…
I’m not in favor of censorship — because that might put me out of commission. I’m sure there are people out there who think I should be shut down. I think what we have to do is to use these racist comments as a way to strengthen our RESOLVE to solve this problem — and to keep us from getting “soft.”
I think black people should take this comments as PROOF — EVIDENCE — of who and what we are dealing with, but I agree the white commentators who are posing as black people to deliberately provoke hostility between black people are problematic.
Don’t know what the answer is to that but to expose them as best we can.


Pam says:
Thanks for responding, Pam. I’ll be studying all the info available on this website and I look forward to your next article.


larissa says:
Obama and his wife have been on several talkshows. I think both of them have even danced on talk shows, such as when he danced on the Ellen Degeneres show. When was the last time a president of any country danced on TV? His role sometimes seems more like an entertainer or a buffoon, like a court jester. Previous presidents have been known to give interviews, but I can´t recall seeing a president on a talk show such as letterman, the voice or oprah. it just goes to show the real status of blacks, even when they hold one of the highest positions in the world they are still expected to lower themselves for the entertainment purposes of white folks.


mstoogood4yall says:
“But, we are between a rock and a hard place. We need to ‘expose’ him for the puppet that he is, but steer clear from attacking him as a Black man. An attack on his skin, however light his complexion, is an attack on ALL Black men.”
yep that is the truth. I also can’t stand any of the things he’s doing and I know he’s being used to put a black face on this and to say see the black president did this to everybody. When whites attack him its to make him as a black/biracial male look bad, but when we point out his wrongs it has to do with his job performance not his skin.


TrojanPam says:
@ larissa
I had the same thoughts when I saw him sitting and grinning on “The View” and playing soccer in Latin America while we were bombing Libya and assassinating the AFRICAN LEADER of an AFRICAN SOVEREIGN NATION, and I realized this imagery is deliberate and that President Obama is set up on these “play dates” by the white people who control him.
I keep reminding people that the White House is a STAGE and what we’re seeing is a STAGED PLAY, where everything that happens is PLANNED and has a PURPOSE — and that’s to promote confusion, anti-blackness, deception, and white supremacy.
Again, your comment goes back to CASTE VS CLASS, and it seems that the “first black” president is a PERFECT EXAMPLE of what I meant.


@Trojan Pam
I really like your blog, the information is amazing. I will admit that there are still things that I’m learning via your website and even if I disagree with some things, your blog is on point. I think this information is really needed for younger African-Americans, who might be tempted to fall into “the post-racial,We are The World” stuff since Obama’s presidency. Anyway, I think what throws people off in understanding white supremacy is that we are wrongly taught that racism/white supremacy is due to mere ignorance and fear.Obviously it is not. It is 1,000 times more deeper than mere ignorance and fear. Also, I think African-Americans need to understand this MAJOR point. While we as blacks need to indeed take care of issues that harm our community(e.g. crime,drugs,etc.), we need to look around at other groups that have been affected by white supremacy(e.g. Native Americans,Australian Aboriginals, New Zealand Maori,etc.). While they all have their unique sets of issues due to human diversity, they have similar outcomes compared to blacks(e.g. lower education,less income than whites, poorer health, higher rate of mortality/death). And this was not due to random events, it was indeed white supremacy. Anyway TrojanPam, keep up the nice work!


TrojanPam says:
Thanks for supporting this blog!
I agree with all your points, I hope you’ll share the info with others to give them food for thought.
I don’t expect anyone to agree with everything I post, because I don’t have all the answers myself,
and then draw their OWN CONCLUSIONS — based on LOGIC


LBM says:
I agree with the “ignorance and fear” tripe. “Fear”, I guess it depends on the context but we must never allow anyone to say white domination is due to “ignorance”. This is a well thought-out 24/7 offensive. The average white understands his/her stake in maintaining this and is more than willing to do their part. What “power” we do have lies in our ability to apply some of the basics codes we’ve discussed time and again : don’t socialize with, don’t have sex with, try to hold our dollars away from, at least their private enterprises i.e family-owned restaurants, boutiques, salons, etc Whatever power we have lies in our ability to shake off the need for white approval and overcome anti-blackness.


TrojanPam says:
Right, “ignorance” implies harmless and innocent and there is NOTHING innocent about a GLOBAL SYSTEM OF OPPRESSION.
how can 9% of the world’s population dominate and oppress most of the other 91% by being “ignorant?”
LOGIC alone tells us that is IMPOSSIBLE
Since I’ve been increasing my understanding, I rely less and less on white validation
people have NO IDEA how empowering and self-esteem building that feeling is!


Thanks for seeing my point of view. The reason why you, I and those who are trying to understand TrojanPam’s work(of course Trojan Pam could correct me if I’m wrong) needs to understand that the simplistic fallacy that racism/white supremacy is due to mere ignorance and fear is wrong is to see how deep white supremacy really is. When people say white supremacy is due to ignorance and fear, we probably are thinking about some uneducated country folk that dont know better and have never seen a black person in their life. However, racism in an urban setting disproves that theory hardcore. For example, as you could tell from my username, Im from New York City. In most of these urban places(NYC, Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia,Boston,etc.), the whites are not ignorant and do not fear blacks as some of them have black co-workers,black friends/classmates and some of them even date black people. Yet, they will still hold a sense of “superior” thinking due to their whiteness. So yes, I agree with you 100% when you say-”The average white understands his/her stake in maintaining this and is more than willing to do their part”. Thats why people need to do away with this moralistic and utopian garbage of “We Are The World” and “We Are THE Human Race”. Those are nice phrases but in a world dominated by white supremacy, those are not REALISTIC ways of thinking!


Jamie Turner Sr says:
Always good reading here; it’s passed on to many of my relatives,friends, and strangers…………………


TrojanPam says:
@ Jamie Turner Sr
Appreciate that, please continue to share whatever you find constructive on this site

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