
Thursday, November 14, 2013

The JFK Assassination: Beware of the Coverup of an Obvious Plot

1 comment:

  1. "This year the most important November date is the 22nd, the event that changed the course of world history – is the 50th anniversary of the assassination of President Kennedy in Dallas TX."

    Anthropocentric ecologically illiterate 'civilized' humans really really are arrogant; and their obsession with the abstract bullshit of anniversaries and birthdays; while totally and utterly refusing to live in ecological reality; a serious delusion. Kennedy's assassination an event that changed world history; maybe for masonic white males, obsessed with masturbating to blood sacrifices; and dumbfuck ignorant civilized liberals who believed that peace can be achieved without addressing the root human factory farming causes of war? Wonder what this Dr. prick's definition is of history.

    If anthropocentric ecologically illiterate journalists like him don't wake up soon; and start listening to the voices of other species; then according to Guy McPherson; every single day, of each year from 2040 onwards, ongoing for perhaps hundreds of million years thereafter... Planet earth will have daily anniversaries of how racial and biological white males; exterminated human life on planet earth for their own greed and due to their inability to take control of their sexual and psychological ego genitals; and terminate industrial civilization.
