
Saturday, December 14, 2013

Saturday Advice

There are many in the younger generation that handle their business in life. There are many in the younger generation that do not have a lackadaisical approach to society either. Many in the younger generation should be told to continue to handle their business and to advance ethics. Yet, ethics has nothing to do with playing women in the back of the bus and playing men into a dictatorial task master. Men and women have similarities and differences (and we can acknowledge our value in the world with insight, strength, and cooperation). Men should be men and women should be women in the world. If a man desires marriage and children, that man has the right to pursue it in an ethical fashion. Also, the older generation should be held into account for their contributions and errors not just the younger generation. No generation has been totally fallible in its actions. That is why we learn lessons throughout generations as a means to create a better future. My personal life is my personal life. I will have a black wife and have black children wisely. Throughout human history, the youth have been at the vanguard of social change and real revolutionary changes in the course of human history. Both the older and younger generation should respect each other without arrogance. It is true that many young men should acknowledge their gifts and execute real actions to benefit the black community. We all want the same goals and we are fighting for that goal of black liberation. I do respect real insights since it is accurate that the youth should not waste time in their lives to do foolishness. Not all of the youth are playboys. Isaiah is clear about his words. Men have the right to execute strength, stability, and social prominence. Men do not have the right to mistreat others under the guise of religiosity though. Many of the youth doing errors ought to be criticized and inspired to change though. All human beings have the right to have a legitimate job, work, and be free from oppression. The youth should be encouraged to handle their business and be fruitful in society. Yet, not all of the youth are monolithic. Many young human beings are protesting, building, and fighting for active, authentic change in the globe. Far too often, some ignore any positive work that the youth are doing from music, community development, charity, and other functional components of society. There should be radical advice given to the youth to be moral and righteous in their lives. The most important thing is the power. You can have all of the diversity you want (I have no issue with studying cultures or respecting the diversity of humanity), but if we do not have the Power to control our own images and our own power base, then our overall efforts for liberation will be futile. Folks just want qualified, gifted human beings to express their talents in the world. Black people in general should continue to strive for excellence and seek legitimate power to control our own images in the foreground and in the background. Those in the background have more power than those in the foreground since those in the background create the scripts, the production, and the direction of shows, plays, etc.

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