
Tuesday, December 03, 2013

Savant's Words

Interestingly, Huey P. Newton seemed to infer that the developments of what we now call "globalizatio n" was already eroding nation state. He seemed to advocate (during the early 70s, not late 60s when he advocate REVOLUTIONARY NATIONALISM) what he called "revolutionar y intercommunalism. " I need to find his works and recall his arguments, and see if they are plausible. Nonetheless, it's possible (not certain) that the nation state is living on borrowed time--as is capitalism. But for as long as they exist, they ought to pursue democratic, egalitarian and humanistic agendas



I disagree. I think Marcuse was right when he argued in AN ESSAY ON LIBERATION that the "Utopian possibilities inherent in the technical and technological forces of advance capitalism" are such that a more rational and democratic use of them could "terminate poverty and scarcity within a very forseeable future" (p.4). (Sorry, I just happen to be in my office right now during office hors, and happend also to be reading Herbert Marcuse, Angela davis's philosophy prof. Not trying to be pedantic. LOL!) But really, the capacity to end poverty, ignorance and disease not only in America, but globally now exists. Granted the 1% would lose because their status as a privileged elite would be gone. But we can create a prosperous, thriving, creative community of freedom that will not require us to impoverish, enslave and oppress others.The average person could have, i believe, a standard of living and opportunities for cultural and intellectual life available to the upper middle class during the prosperous 1960s. To be honest, I don't think this can be achieved under capitalism nor under the old Soviet or Chinese system either. But a cooperative democratic society with the widest possible distribution of wealth affording also opportunities for human cultural enrichment would indeed enable human beings to achieve lives of dignity and decency. There would simply be no more "under class," Social inequalities could be minimized to the point where radical class divides begin to vanish. And a new human community could emerge from our efforts. King would call it the BELOVED COMMUNITY. We can conquer and destroy poverty rather than victimizing and disdaining the poor.



Max is a jack____ as usual. But one of the things we know about virtually ALL American cities, is that they are virtually all ruled by the CORPORATE elite. That means they're owned and ruled by the white ruling class (who also own Max's dumb a___) regardless of whether the political administration is Democrat or Republican,black or white or blue. This is another issue anyone talking about forming a Black nation need to take stock of. How would you form a nation that would be truly self-determining given the pervasiveness of corporate power? Some thinkers believe that the day of the nation state, is over. But is an independent nation state what the maker of this thread had in mind?



LOL! You know, in his Autobiography W.E.B Du Bois mentioned that as a young man his natural sympathy for the white poor was blunted by his awareness of their animosity toward Blacks. White workers striking (justifiably) for a decent wage, would just as easily go on strike against an employer who hired Blacks (whom many white workers REFUSED to work with), or if the employer even thought about paying a Black worker a wage equal to the peanuts whites themselves were receiving. The Irish poor protesting the Civil War draft in New York in 1863, were at first protesting that they were drafted while the rich evaded the draft. Reasonable objection, I'd say. But it quickly turned from resistance to CLASS injustice into an ANTI-BLACK riot in which over 300 of our people were massacred. One of the central reasons why underprivileged whites can get anywhere is that many of them are to busy trying to prevent us from getting anywhere, and then blaming us--not the ruling class--for their beng unable to get anywhere. In so doing they're helping to keep themselves poor and oppressed by the 1%. The vast majority of whites are oppressed, but not by us.



Cogito2 wrote:

Excellent points! Anything that threatens their hegemony is problematic for them and you are correct in that they fostered the belief in the minds of those subjugated by their inhumanity that they (Europeans) were essential to our or Africa's existence. It is the height of hubris and deception that they believe that the evolution of humanity would not have EVOLVED without them; ascribing to themselves credit for things that evolution itself bequeathed to humanity.
Actually, they are straight up lying with evil intent, and know they are lying. For example, they justified slavery by saying it was a good thing to bring all of us heathens out of Africa so we could become good civilized Christians; as if coerce conversions were moral or legal. Any conversions held under the conditions of slavery is immoral and illegal because slavery is coercion. Besides, a great many, if not most, of the slaves were already Muslims and some were already Christians. All of us were already more civilized than the whites.


African countries like GHANA, KENYA, NIGERIA, and SOUTH AFRICA are countries that are coming up through oil, business, and mineral resources.
And most violent crimes are committed by whites, not blacks. GEt your facts straight before you post.



It's funny now when white people say, "go back to Africa", I like, if I had the money, trust me I would.



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