
Saturday, January 25, 2014

Geoliberatarian New, Great Words in 2014

When I say that the Republican Party's ridiculous obsession with taking out of the social safety net budget what they should be taking out of the war, police state and corporate welfare budgets is only helping pro-war/pro-police state/pro-fractional reserve banking/pro-Wall Street Democrats politically by giving them "left cover," I'm not doing so just to hear myself talk. I'm trying to draw attention to a political reality about which an alarming percentage of conservatives and right-leaning libertarians seem to be in willful denial -- a reality that, if gone unrecognized and unaddressed much longer, will likely result in Obama Democrats taking back control of the House by default later this year, and in Hilldog winning the Presidency by default in 2016. Is that what you want?

Perhaps the following will give relative newcomers at least some idea of what I mean...



I don't know the man personally, nor am I a mind-reader, so I'm in no position to assess the goodness or badness of his intentions.

What I do know is that, just as you know a tree by the fruit it bears, you know an ideology by the fruit itbears.

And there is certainly nothing good (and arguably everything evil) about an ideology that produces a budget proposal that calls for outright eliminating the low-income home energy assistance program while maintaining "war funding" for two additional years at President Obama's "requested levels."


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