
Tuesday, February 18, 2014



 By the way, you try to switch horse in midstream--those both horses are losers. Intially your argument--if we can calll it an argument--is that the fact that Blacks voted 97% for Barack Obama was evidence of racism. As if voting for a Black person is somehow of racism. When challenged on your non-substantial conception of racism, you modified it by arguing (or implying) that because Obama was (on your allegation) the worst of all presidents, then then the fact that most Blacks voted for him was evidence of Black racism. But you offered no evidence that Obama was the WORST president (probably because only your racism incllined you to assume such). Then you claim hat Obama created an economic crisis--or global depression---which you also cannot prove. And so, Blacks who voted for Obama given that ALLLEGED fact, were displaying racism. Now you say that Black racism is in "black victimhood"--a vague buzz intended to deny and deflect from the reality of white racism by charging with racism the actual targets of racism.

A few things: The state of the capitalist economy is not as bad as under Bush. Since here's little good about capitalism, I won't say it's betrer--just not as bad at the moment. But even if the economy had gotten much worst during Obama's administration, that wouldn't prove that Obama CAUSED (your implicit assumption); and hence those grounds for regarding Obama as the worst president wouldn't hold.

By ASSUMING not only that the eocnomy is WORST, but also that Obama is the CAUSE, involves you in committing the Fallacy of False cause. You must offer convincing EVIDENCE that he is the cause--assuming (as I do not) that the economy is much worse, and in a state of depression. Obama is another corporate politician. And there have been MANY worst than he--including the previous one. Actually, the machiiations on Wall Street have more to do with the state of the economy than actions by either Obama or Bush. Corporate power rules the state, not vice versa. But even if I granted ALL your dubious assumptions about the economy and Obama's role in it, that wouldn't prove that Obama is the WORST president ever.(Would we not have to consider Hoover even worst after charging him with the Great Depression? Or Bush under whom the current recession began?). And there are other considerations such as the human rights violations of previous administrations I mentioned in earlier posts.

 Moreover, the fact of Blacks voting for Obama wouldn't prove that Blacks are masters in a system of racial domination of others, priviligeging themselves and underprivileging others. Nor would it prove that Blacks (more so than whites) are guilty of the self-deceiving choice of believing that their "race" is superior or more human than other races. It isn't just that your claims are the OPPOSITE of what most Black people see and experience.

Tons of scholarly research over time show that racism is PRIMARILY (though not exclusively) a WHITE practice in America. Decades of psychological tests (including one done at Harvard SINCE Obama's initial relection) demonstrates this. Numerous studies by human rights groups--including Amnesty International--point to the PREDOMINANCE of WHITE RACISM, not Black racism. Which is not to say that Blacks CANNOT be racists, only that they are far LESS LIKELY to be, even when we're talking about ATTITUDES.(Institutional black racism is virtually nonexistent). You live in a myopic world.


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