
Saturday, February 01, 2014

Weekend News in 2014 once again.

There is the fight for a higher minimum wage in America. The majority of Americans want to see an increase of the minimum wage. We will see if the Democrats or President Barack Obama will be successful in having an increase of the minimum wage. The executive order sent to some federal contractors deals with $10.10 an hour. It is limited. There has been talk about a jobs bill and universal pre-K. Many Republicans don't want an increase of the minimum wage. President Barack Obama years ago campaigned on a promise to put legislation through Congress to raise the minimum wage. He also wanted workers to experience easier methods to organize unions and to fight for their rights on the job. 2016 is an important year. Some folks could repeal the executive order if a certain person is President. Even $10.10 is not enough to lift people out of poverty. Some want training as a means for human beings to have higher paying jobs. Yet, we see Starbucks and other places filled with workers having M.A. degrees. Most college teachers are now "adjuncts." That means that their advanced degrees enable them to work for poverty wages and few or no benefits.  PhD incomes have fallen off a cliff the last ten years as colleges and universities re-organize themselves more to resemble the corporations who rule our society. Many Democrats take up the cause of the minimum wage when the Republicans are in office as a means to reinforce their brand. We know that the White House proposed recalculating Social Security benefits to lower them. Late last years, he signed off on the reduction of unemployment benefits. Many workers want to have a 15 dollars an hour minimum wage. In the 1980's, before neo-liberalism and Reaganomics took off, the average CEO salary was 25 times to 40 times that of the average worker. Now, the average CEO salary is 250 times to 300 times that of the average worker. We know that both parties have been corporate funded, even the Democratic Party. The origin of the Democratic Party was never progressive. It was created in about 1828. Andrew Jackson was an infamous slave owning, Native American oppressor. He was one stand bearer of the Democratic Party. They were influenced by the Southern Dixiecrats. They had more power than the progressive in that party back then. That is why most black people voted for the GOP from 1868 until the FDR New Deal era in ca. 1932. The Democrats have a mixture of centrist leaders with liberal tendencies like FDR, JFK, and Carter. Gore and Carter came from Georgia and Tennessee. Bill Canton was a DLC centrist and he came from Arkansas. Bill Canton and President Barack Obama talk about feeling folks' pain, but they act more centrist when dealing with the agendas of black African Americans, Hispanics, labor, etc. New York City elected the Democrat Bill DeBlasio. He calls himself a progressive, but he picks Bill Bratton (one architect of the modern stop and frisk policy that grew under Rudy Giuliani) as the NYPD chief. Bill DeBlasio did so over 2 qualified Black and Hispanic candidates to boot. He picked an ex-Goldman and Sachs person as one of his deputy mayors. We are still up against oppression in the world. If Dr. King was alive today, he would be opposed to the intense class warfare practiced against the people by the 1 percent. Reaganomics allowed the corporate hegemony and the deregulation of even their most sordid greed. We need revolutionary action as a means to address these problems. The oppression of black people and all people is built in the social order. That is why when we have to address tax rates on the rich, income inequality, and union membership as a means to see a better world. The best economic time for the States was for 1948 to 1978. After 1979, we witness that growth of income inequality in a higher level. So, we want a higher minimum wage, affordable education, fair tax rates for the rich, an end to the War on Drugs, and the end of the prison industrial complex especially for the poor. We are in a class struggle and we must oppose white supremacy fully.

We have to respect and know about our Afro-Brazilian Brothers and Sisters. They are great people. They are still fighting against the system of oppression. There are millions of them in Brazil alone. There are more Afro-Brazilians now than there are African Americans. Today, Afro-Brazilians are still fighting for liberation. The Sister Benedita da Silva is one of the greatest Afro-Brazilians in our modern age. She fought against discrimination and oppression.  She is a hero and believed in egalitarianism. According to da Silva, "Racial democracy only exists in school books and official speeches; the elite in Brazil have promoted the myth of racial harmony to make people accept certain forms of discrimination and to deny the need for affirmative action." She has fought to black people to have full citizenship rights in Latin America and South America. One of the late Afro-Brazilian heroes was Abdias do Nascimento. He lived from March 14, 1915 to May 23, 2011. He was a scholar, artist, and politician. He was born in Franca, Sao Paulo state. He attended the public school system as children. By 1938, he received a B.A. in Economics from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. He received graduate degrees from the Higer Institute of Brazilian Studies from 1957 and in the Oceanography Institute from 1961. He worked in the dramatic arts. Also, he founded the Black Experimental Theater in 1944. He performed in Orfeu da Conceição, a play by Vinicius de Moraes that was later adapted into the motion picture Black Orpheus. He became a leader in Brazil's black movement, and was forced into exile by the military regime in 1968. From 1968 to 1981 Nascimento was very active in the international Pan-African Movement and was elected Vice-President and Coordinator of the Third Congress of Black Culture in the Americas. For the next decade Nascimento was a visiting universities in the United States (at places like the Yale School of Drama from 1969 to 1971. He was in the University of Buffalo, the State University of New York). IN the University at Buffalo, the State University of New York he founded the chair in African Cultures in the New World, Puerto Rican Studies Program in 1971. He held the position of Professor Emeritus at SUNY-Buffalo. He came back into Brazil in 1983. He worked on supporting legislation to address racial programs. In 1994 he was elected to the Senate and served until 1999. In 2004 he was nominated for the Nobel Prize for Peace. He was in favor of pan-Africanism like a warrior and he fought for the dignity of black Brazilian human beings. Even the University quota system in Brazil has worked wonders in Brazil. There has been a growth of the quality of education and a lowering of the dropout rate. Ícaro Luís Vidal dos Santos is one person who was involved in the program as a means to fulfill his education and career aspirations. Renata da Rosa Santos, 29, and other human beings tell stories about how they benefit from the affirmative action program in Brazil as well. There is still massive work to be done though to address economic and racial discrimination in Brazil as well.

Eugenics is a derivative of the mentality of white supremacy. It is a totally evil agenda. This agenda has been around for thousands of years. We all know that it is immoral to use coercive sterilization against any human being at any circumstance. It is obvious that BLACK PEOPLE are inferior to no other people groups in the world. Black people are dynamic, intelligent, and must fight oppression in order for us to be truly FREE. Also, we see that the global population growth has declined as a percentage per decade since 1960. The UN and other experts believe that the total global population will decline in the future decades. Eugenics has been used for genocidal purposes since eugenics is linked to the murder of humanity, especially HUMANS OF COLOR. The Third Reich used eugenics on our people and others (and they have gathered their research from American and British eugenics as well as a means to conduct their perverse activities). In fact, Hitler was aided by the Western big banks that allowed him to gain power. Regardless of our feelings on abortion, we have to be 100 percent opposed to eugenics, forced sterilization, and forced population control. As for the environment, we have to care for the environment. Caring for NATURE is part of our black African culture and it is a great part of true SPIRITUALITY. We should endorse clean air, clean water, and clean trees. We should all be wise when caring for children, but caring for children (and being wise in how to care for children) is never an excuse to advance some EUGENICS agenda (as you have eloquently stated). The antidote to EUGENICS is LOVE FOR BLACK PEOPLE, the appreciation of our great BLACKNESS, and doing constructive work to improve the conditions in our community (we should know about organic foods, GMOs, and other likeminded issues). Independent efforts to help our community and our people can counteract the acts of eugenics. Margaret Sanger’s words were disgraceful and Planned Parenthood has never explicitly mentioned an apology for their ties to the eugenics movement at all. It is obvious that our oppressor is not interesting in our LIBERATION, but in the exploitation and DOMINATION of black people. Just like the Democrats and the Republicans seek our submission not LIBERATION. We have the right to respect our dignity and our reproductive abilities. Also, we should understand our heroes too. Dr. Martin Luther King lived a courageous life. We ought to use his memory to advocate the legitimate goals of his life. He was right to oppose discrimination and racism. He was right to disagree with imperialism and the Vietnam War. Dr. King was correct to say that it is hypocritical for the government to spend more money on military defense than on programs on social uplift (which is causing spiritual death). He was never alone in his fight for human justice. He worked with countless individuals (including numerous unsung heroes) as a means to fight the powers that be. He reminds us that unjust laws should be opposed directly and firmly. He reminds us that just because you follow nonviolence, doesn't mean that you are a coward (regardless if you accept the tenet of nonviolence or not) and that self-determination is glorious. Yes, there is dignity in LABOR. We are fighting for the establishment of the BELOVED COMMUNITY for our black people where we are truly FREE. He was correct to say that Black is Beautiful and we should struggle together for our rightful place of liberation for our people. WE HAVE THE RIGHT TO EXPERIENCE LIBERATION. We should live our lives daily to understand the struggle of our people and to do what is right for the betterment of all people. The inspiration, the strength, and the massive resiliency of black people can never be stopped at all. We will win.

We know that cultures all over the world shared similar architectures and belief systems. We are all humans, so we share a common heritage. There is the famous icon called "REBIS." It has been mentioned by Renaissance occultists. They used it in their manuscripts. REBIS is dealing with the right hand of the sun and the left hand allied with the moon. Before, REBIS was ever written, the icon was crafted by authentic operative Freemasons (who put it in their designs and constructions). We see the similar religion icons found in ancient doorways in Bolivia, Turkey, and Pompeii. To the ancients and the occultists now, the rebis to them corresponds to the philosophy that humans are divine, we have a soul, and we are gods. I am just keeping it real. It is true that we don't need oppressive religious authorities to reach eternity. Yet, many religious places have enriched the lives of humanity for thousands of years. The ancients showed a lot of words on spirituality and philosophy. The Universal religion of antiquity has been shared by ancient cultures all over the globe. That is why the same parallel religious icon has been used by all of them. The image of Rebis has been called by some as the Philosopher's Stone, the Gold of Alchemy, the Pearl inside of the Oyster, etc. The Rebis is one of the secret teachings of Secret societies and the lost sacred sciences. To followers of the Rebis, it deals with the human true eternal Self. In occult tradition, Rebis was the first human being as perfect and divine. Rebis is conscious of its own inner divine nature. Rebis fell and became what humans are today. Gnostics (who are one of the ideological forerunners of the Freemasons) believe that God created the Rebis and became jealous when the Rebis was as powerful as him (knowing his eternal godhood). So he divided the Rebis into two sexes, two independent beings weaker than the original and imperfect. One sex became predominantly male with emphasis on solar qualities like day, light, hot, fire, and dry. The other sex became predominantly female with emphasis on lunar qualities like night, dark, cold, water and wet. I don't agree with this mythology, but I just want to show background information on the Rebis. In the occult tradition, primordial human was neither masculine nor feminine. It was neutral before the sexes were separated. The Rebis is the balance of the opposite forces of the Universe. All opposites were united in the beginning according to occult tradition. Before creation, there was perfection in the Universe. God is perfection and man is the Creation of God. When humans know their destiny and their wisdom, man can be spiritually stronger. We have to have unity with the truth in order for your life to experience completion. Now, in the Middle Ages, operative Freemasons used the Rebis iconography in their structures. Many of them were architects, designers, and builders who are believed to have inherited esoteric wisdom from Antiquity, which they encoded in their work―used the “god” Self icon throughout their constructions. Many structures have a human holding two animals as found in the Basilica of Sant Ambrogio in Milan and in other places in Europe. The truth is that we should look external and internal for strength and guidance. God wants us to understand the external world and to realize that we have great internal value. Once, we know that, we can be better and live a more spiritually enriched life. For God existing is concerned with external and internal realities. Now, I do not believe that humans are God or can be God. God is God Humans are humans. Man can never be God at all.

We should be accurate as possible in our presentation. We should try our best to not to be wrong. We have to be upright and courageous in describing our interests and fighting for true revolutionary solutions in the world. We should reject bigotry and forever realize the intrinsic value of all of humanity. For when we ennoble or exalt truth, then we are blessed with enriched wisdom. We can learn from the Tea Party about what not to do or not to accept ideologically. We should research information in dealing with a wide spectrum of cogent, relevant subject matters. We can disagree with others peacefully and allow intellectual freedom, but we should stand steadfast to hold onto legitimate precepts (of respecting workers, of harboring respect for the poor, of rejecting the evils of the prison industrial complex, of loving human rights, and of appreciating our legacy of believing in the power of community). These strong, paramount precepts can move our souls to achieve fruitful, social justice. We should seek accountability among any elected representative and strongly allow our voices to be heard. Our inherit legacy and our cultural background never accept passivity towards evil, but an unconquerable spirit of heroic strength and legitimate activism. Justice is the inherit goal of our legitimate endeavor. We should reject the notion that we must excommunicate human compassion from our minds. We must think in a revolutionary fashion and steer the youth in a greatly mature fashion. We should be compassionate toward our people and the poor including the rest of humanity (for we believe in preserving our integrity and seeking proactive solutions in the Earth). We should never be afraid or ashamed to overtly promote our interests as black people (from standing up for health care solutions to improving our educational services). It is just for us to advocate the love of civil liberties, the love of Nature, the fight against poverty (as a means to institute economic justice), the abhorrence of imperialism, and the acceptance of self-determination among black humanity. We all know how the system works. Regardless if someone checks their race or not, if someone doesn't want to hire you, they can reject you. The bigger point is to use efforts to improve our conditions. There should be a focus on not only education and a moral code in our lives. We have use efforts to fight discrimination and to make sure that qualified black people have the fair opportunities to receive a higher education or a career in their lives. We should enact every effort to inspire the youth to do the best that they can do and to stand up courageously against evil in the world. We should fight poverty and ally with real programs that can fight economic injustice (so, the poor and others can have economic growth and true prosperity). When we stand up against evil, change will come. INDIVIDUAL SUCCESS AMONG some BLACKS DOESN'T EQUATE LIBERATION. ONLY COLLECTIVE PROSPERITY AND COLLECTIVE JUSTICE EXISTING AMONG ALL BLACK PEOPLE WILL EQUAL TRUE BLACK LIBERATION. There is great value in the INDIVIDUAL and great value in the COLLECTIVE. It is obvious that the War on Drugs has failed. Legalizing marijuana is such a common goal among many. If we just do that (without other revolutionary actions), then nothing gets solved, because we have to deal with systematic problems relating to the prison industrial complex, various laws, various institutions, and other things that contributes to broken lives and harm done to communities nationwide. If corporations exploit marijuana legalization for their own profit (or for economic exploitative purposes without benefiting the masses of the people), then we have issues here. I think we should end the War on Drugs completely, focus on treatment, focus on ending unjust laws, and find ways to use marijuana in constructive means from research to medical purposes. No one should be in jail for a long period of time for nonviolent drug possession at all.

 By Timothy

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