
Saturday, February 08, 2014

Weekend News in February of 2014

First, Bless Rhonda Lee’s child. Having a child is a great blessing in the Universe. :) Rhonda Lee acted in great courage during this situation. Her words (in Facebook) to her critics were inoffensive, brilliant, very engaging, and outlined great refutations of the sick stereotypes & bigotry embraced by numerous ignorant human beings. The reality is NATURAL BLACK HAIR ON A SISTER IS VERY BEAUTIFUL. More Sisters are wearing natural hair in the States. Also, not all Sisters with weaves are sellouts either. People have a diversity of hair for different reasons. We should always respect our BLACK, NATURAL IMAGE that the CREATOR gave us. I love my black melanin and I love my blackness in general. Rhonda Lee is acting positive, she is contributing her time to assist humanity, and she is not intimidated by her haters. She should be encouraged to keep on fighting for her dignity and FOR her human rights. Her human rights were violated when she was unjustly fired by folks. We have to continually oppose unfair discrimination against our people. A BLACK WOMAN should never be intimidated from racist faux bullies. She is right to file a lawsuit against the station that fired her. She has the facts on her side. She should not regret a single syllable of what she wrote in her FACEBOOK comments at all. We all wish the best and more blessings for the Sister Rhonda Lee. We have to defend the dignity and the humanity of black women and black girls in the world (including the fact that we should defend the dignity and humanity of black men and black boys in the world as well). Sister Tamika D. Mallory has written great words on many issues. We should learn about these issues and then some. I had to wake up about a lot of things in my life. Our eyes are open on the actions of the oppressor and we have to do the long work in order for us to witness rightful justice for us and our posterity. We should continue to support the Black liberation struggle. Our struggle deals with revolutionary change in the world beyond reform. We are all in favor of decency, of humanity, and for true human rights for human rights are superior to states’ rights. We should reject decadent economic policies and decadent economic systems that blatantly were involved in the enslavement of our ancestors (and continues to exploit humanity in the four corners of the world today). So, we know what we must do. We should oppose militarism and imperialism. We should agree with improving Nature, we should disagree with record income inequality, and we have to come to turns that we are not truly FREE. It pains for me to say that, but it is true. I have thought about some folks agreeing with forming cooperatives among the poor and working class black human beings. This and other efforts (like raising the minimum wage, etc.) can solve many economic problems. We still have hope. I have hope for the future and I will continue to fight for truth. We should reject the evil exploitation done by Zimmerman. We should know about the dangers of tobacco, and we should continue learn about our black heritage not only in February but year round. We are blessed to laugh and to joke, to learn information, and to just have a good time as Brothers and Sisters. We are in the same struggle and we are one people. Our strength is superior to the hatred of fake people. There is a time for serious action in the world and there is a time for humor, joy, and human reflection. All in all, we are multifaceted beings with similarities and differences among each other.

Black Panthers were more than being made up of men. From then and now, we still need activism, more action, more struggle against oppression, and continued effort to eliminate the evil conditions in our community. WITHOUT BLACK WOMEN, THE BLACK PANTHERS WOULD HAVE NEVER BEEN VIABLE AT ALL. WITHOUT BLACK WOMEN, WE WOULD HAVE NEVER EXISTED AT ALL AS BLACK PEOPLE. SO, WE SHOULD GREATLY RESPECT WOMEN IN GENERAL. We need revolutionary social change in the world. They have been made up of strong Black Women as well. The Black Panther Party did great things for humanity. They not only stood up against racism and police brutality in real life. They organized many programs, including free breakfast programs for children, free medical programs, free clothing programs, free escort programs for seniors, and free food programs in service to the people. That is why the enemy hated them. It is one thing to talk about revolutionary solutions. It is quite another to carry it out and the BPP assisted the community with love for the people. That is why the FBI hated them, because the BPP opposed the racist, imperialist, and economic exploitative state. Many black women had a great leadership role in the Black Panthers too. The Black Panthers' 10 Program was an excellent, progressive document that described the summary of the agenda of the Black Panthers (it dealt with full employment in black communities, decent housing and education, and an end to police brutality). Many Sisters in the Black Panthers lead marches, fought police brutality, and work in community based programs to help the people. Many of us know about Sisters like Kathleen Cleaver, Assata Shakur, Elaine Brown, and other Strong Sisters who were BPP members. These Sisters are strong and their stories should be known far and wide. Assata Shakur was courageous to stand up against the evil FBI too. Also, there are other unsung Sisters in the Black Panther also who contributed their time and efforts to fight for black human liberation. There was Barbara Easley-Cox. She was a Black Panther Party member in the Oakland chapter like her late husband Don Cox (1936-2011). Barbara Easley-Cox knows Angela Davis (another fighter against the prison industrial complex) and Kwame Ture. Barbara Easley-Cox worked in Philadelphia, New York, and Oakland. She gave great advice to the youth: "...People need to figure out where they want to go, what they want to see accomplished. The '70s and '80s were the time of the "Me Generation," and the process of all this "me" means there's still a lot of work to be done. It's important to recognize that you're not the only person suffering in your community. Join something secular and local in its nature, whether that's saving a building, saving a park, or something else..." The overall Black Power Movement is part of the overall black liberation struggle from the days of the Maafa. Ever since the Maafa, black human beings of both genders have fought against oppression. Sisters in the Black Panthers wanted to grow black racial consciousness in the states and grow black political and cultural institutions in an independent fashion. True independent is never about bowing down before the Democrats and the Republicans. It is about thinking independently about issues. Also, some BPP members unfortunately believed in sexism and used discrimination against women in the BPP. So, we should oppose sexism and misogyny in the strongest terms possible. Oliver Morris was another late Black Panther Sister too. She was part of the Black Panther Party in the United Kingdom. She led rallies against police brutality and wanted land justice for human beings. Malcolm X, Kwame Ture, Angela Davis, and the Black Panthers from the States regularly visited London and other places in the United Kingdom as a means to advocate revolutionary justice for black humanity. There were Brixton Black Panthers who fought for liberty too decades ago by the names of Althea Jones, David Udah, Linton Kwesi Johnson, Beverly Bryan, etc. The Sister Olive Morris worked in other organization that fought for black human rights and the rights of women of color too. RIP to Sister Oliver Morris. Another Strong Black Panther Sister still around fighting for justice is Kiilu Nyasha. She usually fights for prisoner rights and that issue is important one today. The human rights of prisoners is part of the 21st century human liberation struggle overall. The prison industrial complex has been corrupt and its overt policies of exploitation and harm have been known among human beings from across the political spectrum. She has supported the dignity of political prisoners since the 1960's. Kiilu worked in developing the backbone of the Black Panthers in New Haven, Connecticut. She worked to defend Bobby Seale and Ericka Huggins from nearly being sentenced a long time in prison in New Haven, Connecticut. 

Liberation is about being free. Most of our people legitimately and rightfully so reject the retrograde extremism of the GOP. Also, if we want to be free, we have to not be mentally bounded under the Democrats too. Now, not all Brothers and not all Sisters in both parties are traitors or sellouts in my views. Among both parties, you have sincere human beings of goodwill that want liberation, justice, and freedom for humanity. The problem is that the leadership of those running both parties has advances agendas that are not conducive to the benefit of black people collectively. There may be some programs here and there from others that can change things, but we need comprehensive revolutionary solutions as a means to be totally free. The fact is that we not free. We are free from oppression. We are not free from discrimination. Regardless of the political tides in the world, we can never be free unless all of humanity is free (that includes our Brothers and our Sisters too). So, we know that Fox News is the Republican ministry of TV propaganda. MSNBC is the mouthpiece of the White House too on many issues. So, we should use discernment when dealing with corporate run media outlets.  We have to deal with reality and truth as a means to see changes. In the past 50 years, many things have gotten better and other has gotten worse. Black unemployment is still double white unemployment and black wealth remains a tiny fraction of white wealth. We see the evils of gentrification harming urban communities and the numbers of black people in prisons including jails have grown enormously. We know the evils found in the GOP, but the corporate Democrats have promoted not only austerity and imperialism. Some have agreed with the spying on American citizens. Our people were victims of FBI, CIA, and NSA spying decades ago and even today. Now, we found that such agencies use informants, plant evidence, and commit murder plus assassinations against dissidents in the world. Some corporate Democrats love privatization, love war crimes in other nations, and want other evils in the globe. We should never compromise with war crimes and corporate raiders at all. We know that many of them supported the NATO war crimes in Libya. There were rebels (funded by the West) acting as racist lynch mob against Black Libyan men, women, and children. Our Brothers and Sisters were killed by these rebel savages and the rebels are folks I will never support at all. Many of these rebels were funded by the Western elite. So, we see that many Democrats ally with the interests of the corporations no in the interests of the people. The neoliberal economic paradigm has harmed Americans and humanity globally. We should not only call for a higher minimum wage. The events of West Virginia with the huge chemical spill documents the need to clean up the environment and maintain real environmental regulations too. Without caring for Nature, we don't care for ourselves. We should continue to fight for our liberation. 

 It is a shame that he or George Zimmerman is exploiting the death of Trayvon Martin as a means to try to try to gain "popularity." He is trying to use celebrities as a means to advance his own narcissistic, nefarious agenda. He craves attention. The best thing to do is to give him no attention at all. No one should fight this man in the boxing arena. Even if someone beats him in a boxing match, he will use that as a means to promote himself. So, the best thing that we should do is to ignore his antics. We should give him no attention at all. He is a non-factor when it comes to the interests of black people. Our interests like usual deal with us building our communities, improving our families, fighting injustice, uniting with our Brothers and our Sisters globally (in a pan-Africanist fashion), and opposing the extrajudicial murders of unarmed, innocent black human beings. The fact is that we are not free. We have to defend our interests and FIGHT. There is no sin in FIGHTING EVIL. It actually builds up human character, increases discernment, grows real strength, and gives us appreciation of the strength of our ancestors. Unless we fight to make ourselves free (and take our Power and create our own Power) which is by birthright, then we can never be free indeed. Stephanie Brown James helping Sisters to learn about politics and to grow in their professional lives in general is fine with me. We should be politically independent. Also, we have to understand that in every phrase of the black liberation struggle, black women had a key role in every phrase. That is historically accurate. Inspiring Sisters to grow their total potential and respecting their value are great concepts to believe in. As Malcolm X said before he was assassinated: " every country you go to, usually the degree of progress can never be separated from the woman. If you’re in a country that’s progressive, the woman is progressive. If you’re in a country that reflects the consciousness toward the importance of education, it’s because the woman is aware of the importance of education. But in every backward country you’ll find the women are backward, and in every country where education is not stressed it’s because the women don’t have education. So one of the things I became thoroughly convinced of in my recent travels is the importance of giving freedom to the women, giving her education, and giving her the incentive to get out there and put the same spirit and understanding in her children. And I am frankly proud of the contributions that our women have made in the struggle for freedom and I’m one person who’s for giving them all the leeway possible because they’ve made a greater contribution than many of us men..."

Anton Moore should be greatly commended for his efforts. The crime rate declining in South Philly and in other urban communities nationwide are positive developments. We know that many of the best people to institute revolutionary change in poor communities are people who come from such poorer economic backgrounds. Anton Moore is a strong man. He is doing the real work in handling gang violence and other evils in Philadelphia. We know that we must deal with the horrendous communities of our communities and our public facilities as a means to make society better. Community programs like Unity in the Community are vitally necessary to provide many of the real remedies to our oppressive conditions. We should individually improve our lives and be held accountable for our actions. If someone does evil activities, then that person ought to be punished. Collectively, we should fight oppression and bigotry in the real too. Real programs like these can fight back against social disintegration. We should know our rights, stand up, and fight for justice. At the end of the day, if we want the substantial peace in the world, then we are entitled to justice. Subway has to do what is right. It must eliminate the toxic chemical of azodiacarbonamide from their foods ASAP. In life, we definitely understand and comprehend fully about the vital quality of human health. We have every right to seek transparency and accuracy in dealing with eating any foods. Also, when we embrace more NATURAL FOODS AND ORGANIC FOODS, our lives can benefit in enumerable ways. It is additionally important to improve the environment. We have to make sure that we endorse policies as a means to have CLEAN AIR, CLEAN WATER, AND A CLEAN ECOSYSTEM IN GENERAL. Life is interconnected for what we do as humans have a correlated effect in the environment in general (from animal species to plant species). Vani Hari has done a great job in outlining profound awareness about this topic. We don't want people to suffer horrendous sickness as a product of inject any toxic chemical. We should learn about issues like these including about GMOs, the TPP, and other concepts as a means to grow our intellectual understanding of health and food supplies. An important part of life is helping our neighbors and loving the CREATION plus LOVING TRUTH. When we respect THE CREATION (there is nothing wrong with worshipping the CREATOR TOO), we honor the best in our precious souls. Debra Y. Fraser Howze ought to be commended for fighting HIV/AIDS in the world. It is a serious in our community and for human beings globally. It is nothing to be played with and we should use excellent, reasonable means to battle against HIV/AIDS. It is true that people have to quit smoking themselves, but that doesn't mean that we should do nothing in dealing with teenage smoking. We should do something. We should not only use ads. We have the responsibility to educate children, to advance healthy eating, and to live by example. We should improve our lives and honestly tell the youth of their value and their dignity is worth more than smoking a cigarette. When we as adults show love for the youth sincerely and guide the youth positively, then more of the youth will see the horrendous dangers of tobacco usage. As long as we are alive, we have. Having hope doesn't mean that we have naiveté about our situation. It is about having patience, maturity, and compassion in order to use proactive action as a means to engineer excellent solutions to pressing problems.

By Timothy

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