
Saturday, March 15, 2014

Weekend News

Paul Ryan is wrong on numerous levels. First, he cites Charles Murray. Charles Murray is a blatant agent of the system of white supremacy by promoting the lie that black people have inherit genetic inferiority intellectually to whites collectively. So, his credibility is over by even allying with an enemy of black people like Murray. Poverty is caused because of complex factors. Most people who are poor work. Ryan refuses to talk about growing economic inequality, discrimination, and lax resources in poorer communities that contribute to poverty in the first place. Some people are poor by no fault of their own excluding laziness. He ignores to talk about the poor in rural communities too. People like Ryan are hypocrites. They or the reactionaries want massive funding for the military industrial complex and for corporations, but they refuse to have government funding to rebuild cities and other communities in America. Also, many men in the inner city love work and they love ethics. The same ones lecturing us on the rights of men (when we should have egalitarianism or true freedom for men and women) ignore how Paul Ryan basically bashed men living in inner city communities when social problems are not limited to urban communities at all. It is just that inner city men have been made scapegoats for the crimes of the super-rich. The problem can never be solved unless there is a national approach to solve the issues of poverty, discrimination, economic oppression, and other ills in the nation. You have to advocate economic justice. Paul Ryan wants to lecture on poverty, but he advocates no radical, revolutionary solution to address poverty in a comprehensive fashion. He does not even advocate a jobs plan or a guaranteed annual income or a slight increase in the minimum wage (which can fight poverty). Some in Congress want to send 1 billion dollars in aid to Ukraine, but the reactionary Republicans refuse to advocate an economic package to address the issues in Detroit (which has been harmed economically by select big banking interests). Whites do receive the highest amount of government assistance. We have to address the SOCIAL CONDITIONS IN AMERICA as a means to reach to that Promised Land. The Sister Barbara Lee is correct. Many human beings who are very intelligent, very moral, and very honorable are poor not because of laziness, but because of a diversity of factors. Poverty is multiplex in its composition. I have watched grown men in my neighborhood back in the day working, caring for children, and being strong in an upright fashion. There are tons of inner city men who know the value of hard work and excellence in their behavior. Tons of inner city human beings have to work two jobs to survive literally. There is massive poverty that resides in rural communities as well. Poverty cuts across racial backgrounds. We should advocate solutions and not blame innocent human beings for being poor. She or Rep. Barbara Lee should be commended also for voting against the Iraq War Resolution back in 2002.

First, RIP Tamara Blaine. Her memory should be known and respected. This story is a tragedy and we have to love our natural beauty at the end of the day. Blaine’s mother talking about the NYPD's treatment of the case is typical of the NYPD. That is not unusual in my eyes. Far too often, many of the police don’t care about black life and some of the police have brutalized black human life in a grotesque fashion. Some even try to justify police brutality. Like always, we all wish for the Mother of Sister Tamara Blaine to make Mobley to experience accountability and for Tamara's mother to experience justice in this situation. Tamira Mobley must be made accountable for her actions period. We have to take a stand. We have to be fair here and realize that life is precious. The truth is that we have every right to respect the humanity and the dignity of real black women. The reality is that black women are not the biggest hypocrites in this planet. Male bashing is wrong. Female bashing is wrong too. We should move forward and not fight some unintelligent, evil gender war among our people. We should fight poverty, injustice, crime, the prison industrial complex, the War on Drugs, social nihilism, and other real ills. We know who the biggest hypocrites in the planet truly are. They are the ones who brutalized continents, instituted genocides, created the system of white supremacy, and harmed societies internationally via imperialism and war. Black women should be treated with dignity and respect. So, black men and black women have every right to fight for improvement, to fight for human decency, and to fight against nefarious stereotypes at the end of the day. Now, the fundamental point is that we have to respect our black identity and to make sure that those who commit such tragic errors should be made accountable for their actions. Edud is a person telling the truth on the vicious nature of white supremacy. When even white sociologists and many studies confirm our views (like how innocent black kids are even judged unfairly as guilty as compared to white kids), some folks just still want to deny the TRUTH, which validates the essence of conscious black human beings' arguments. The truth is that black people have suffered a great deal and we have the right as black people to understand the system of white supremacy (and to call for justice in the world). Our dignity and our value are worth respecting, defending, and honoring. That is the point.

I love to study real black African history. It inspires me and it educates me as well. Real black history is not just found in ancient Egypt, but it is found all over Africa. We know that Negroid black human beings lived in ancient Egypt before (as admitted by scholars, historians, and sociologists). One of the greatest black historians and scholars on this issue were Brothers John Henrik Clarke and Frank M. Snowden, Jr. Each dedicated their lives to uplift black humanity and to tell inspiring facts on the legacy and humanity of our black people. John Henrik Clarke is a strong inspiration in my life, because he not only wrote books, but he publicly advocated pan-Africanism in public. We have to accept revolutionary ideals (like embracing an end to unjust laws, fighting for an end to imperialism, and wanting our interests to be promoted) and enact revolutionary solutions as a means to liberate our people. Also, black African Nubians established the Meriotic alphabet long before the modern English alphabet came into existence. The histories of Nok, Axum, Mali, Songhai, Ghana, Zimbabwe, etc. document the strong, stirring, and intellectually potent qualities of the black African experience. These civilizations are a part of our ancestors and they are a part of us too. They represent the strength of our black personhood, the devotion to community as found in our being, and the love of justice that is maintained in our hearts. We are all Africans and we are one black people. It is as simple as that. When you have Lord's Holy Spirit coming alive in your being, the truth comes alive. When you have inspiration, a just cause, and a revolutionary mentality, the walls of oppression & prejudice will come tumbling down. So, the walls are crumbling and we will win in the end. So, real Brothers and real Sisters should continue on what they are doing. Real folks (including me) respect humanity. One hero that many don’t know was Edward Wilmot Blyden. He was a great father of Pan-Africanism. He wanted African Americans to come into Africa as a means to live a better life. He worked in politics in the nation of Liberia. He spoke to major black congregations in America about his work in Africa. Many religious places in America back then were locations where black people debated issues and planned for revolutionary actions. He was also serving editor at The Negro and The African World. He wanted Africans to appreciate spirituality while opposing European oppression. He maintained ties with the American Colonization Society and published in their journal, African Depository and Colonial Journal. Before WEB DuBois, before Garvey, and before Padmore, there was Blyden and Martin Delaney advocating Pan-Africanist ideals. We should remember about the Maji Maji Rebellion too. This was when black human beings fought against German imperialists and many of the rebels were nearly wiped out. The Zanzibar Rebellion was when black people liberated themselves from Arabic and Asian colonialism and oppression too. Most African Americans are descendants from West Africans, but some black East Africans were taken into America involuntarily as well. Also, many of us African Americans do claim Timbuktu with vigor. In the final analysis, we are all one African people fighting the nefarious forms of oppression in the world society. Africans and African Americans all share one humanity and we are all BLACK. SO, OUR BLACKNESS SHOULD BE HONORED AND RESPECTED. 

I heard of the many black Pan-African heroes before. I now know how much heroic that Blyden was. I am going to make this year, the year of much more intensive research into our black Pan-Africanist heroes. Also, the lynching of Qaddafi was immoral. Black men and women were lynched by terrorists too in Libya (with the sanction of NATO). NATO committed war crimes in Libya too. Never forget that the Somali's water has been polluted too by Western corporate interests. You can research that reality too. We can never forget that treason. When Africans are harmed like that, then we should not omit that. Cynthia McKinney has amazing research on the crimes in Libya too. The Brother CLR James is a human being to be admired for numerous reasons. Not only did he advocate the West Indies to experience independence from colonialists. He advocated revolutionary policies to benefit black humanity. For that, his work and actions ought to be acknowledged prodigiously. One thought comes to my mind. Many establishment liberals condemn Black Nationalism in a harsh fashion, because they believe in the lie that Black Nationalism is solely reactionary, limited in scope, and without a plan. That is a lie since there are different variations of nationalism. Many black nationalists are progressive, international in scope, and very wide range. In other words, black people should control their own communities, but that is not enough. Black people should not only control their own communities, but we as blacks should work to radically change society so no one can economically exploit humanity (and we have to prevent some black people from creating a reactionary program that will exploit other black people in an evil fashion). There is no true black racial solidarity in capitalism since capitalism is about materialism, consumerism, and the love of profit beyond the love of the people. Pure black nationalism should not be a corporate business. It should be a living philosophy activated in real life that deals with altruism, solidarity, strength, and communal advancement. We should take care of our own people and treat our neighbor as ourselves. The system of white supremacy must be gone and replaced with JUSTICE. Black people have the right fairly enhance our community via revolutionary solutions. So, we should always know about such revolutionaries like CLR James. Malcolm X was a great man who represented the revolutionary Black Nationalism thinking. He grew intellectually to talk about human rights beyond just civil rights. He became an internationalist. He wanted to internationalize the struggle as a means to make the United States accountable for its brutal mistreatment of black Americans (and sent to the United Nations). He realized that it is the nature of the system that was responsible for the oppression of African Americans. Malcolm X knew that there can be no true liberation among black humanity unless Black Unity was first established. Black people have every right to be organized to fight oppression. So, we see that Malcolm X was making a transition to organization and to structure as a means to fight for the liberation of black people. He was developing his own ideas.  Malcolm X wanted to go further. He wanted to revolutionize the struggle by being more progressive. The learning that black people must fight for freedom in organized strength is great. Yet, it is not the only step. It is one legitimate step. We have to deal with social conditions and economic oppression as a means to be free. The modern capitalist system has been exploitative and modern capitalism has always been linked to racism. He gave his life as and was courageous to say the things that he said in 1965 or in the final year of his life.

Kevin Cole has written an excellent article on Professor Carroll Quigley. Kevin Cole writes about the rare interview Carroll Quigley had with Rudy Maxa during 1974. Cole makes the interesting points about how there are many issues that are omitted from the 1975 Washington Post article about the Georgetown University professor of history Carroll Quigley. His magnum opus “Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time” was published in 1966. It was greatly researched. The deal is that reactionaries from the John Birch Society and other affiliated groups as a means to justify paranoid anti-Communist views. In real life, Carroll Quigley disagreed with that agenda of the JBS. The Washington Post article made the error of calling Quigley’s works as solely a right wing vs. left wing dichotomy. The real issue is that the Anglo-American establishment love monopolies of power. Groups like the Royal Institute of International Affairs and the Council on Foreign Relations were organized by the Trustees of the Last Will and Testament of British arch imperialist and DeBeers Diamond Co. founder Cecil John Rhodes. Quigley said that the reactionaries plagiarized, misinterpreted, and manipulated his works as a means to formulate their agenda. One example is that Cleon Skousen was called ignorant by Quigley. Skousen was a Professor of Religion in Brigham Young University. Gary Allen wrote a book entitled, “None Dare Call it a Conspiracy.” Quigley claimed that Allen had plagiarized whole portions of his own book “Tragedy and Hope.” Quigley said that secret societies are not the same and they are not. Quigley said that the CFR has no direct origin from the Bavarian Illuminati at all. Quigley accurately points out that history is not monolithic, but nuanced at times. We know that Skousen and Allen had ties to the John Birch Society (which has some members that promote the lie that the Bavarian Illuminati evolved directly in the CFR). The John Birch Society was founded by Robert W. Welch, and included Fred C. Koch, founder of Koch Industries (who later resigned) and film and stage director Myron Fagan among its nearly 100,000 members. Yet, there are secret societies in the world and secret society history is important to investigate and know about. We know that the Pilgrim Society was created in 1902 to foster a relationship with English speaking human beings in dealing with politics, press, education, etc. In the audio recording Professor Quigley continues, “I knew the Round Table Group was very influential. I knew that they were the real founders of the Royal Institute of International Affairs; I knew that…all the stuff that is in print… that they were the real founders of the Institute of Pacific Relations. I knew that they were the godfathers of the Council on Foreign Relations here. I knew that for example, you know the big study of history, many volumes of Arnold Toynbee? Alright, I knew the manuscripts of that were stored in the Council on Foreign Relations during the War, so they wouldn’t be destroyed by German bombings, you see?” “I began to put these things together and I discovered that this group was working for the following things. They were a secret group. They were looking to federate the English-speaking world; they were closely linked to International Bankers, they were working to establish a world….what I call a three power world…” Quigley learned that the plates to his book had been destroyed in March of 1974. Carroll Quigley was fearful of not saying certain words on tape as a means to protect his future (or possibly protect his life). Kevin Cole did a great job in outlining research about Carroll Quigley and his research indeed. So, we should investigate these matters and seek the truth fearlessly.

By Timothy

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