
Friday, April 25, 2014

More Great Words


Your stances on issues make you a RINO within the Republican Party. You might be right that we have to agree to disagree in whether your fabricated version of history is due to brainwashing or a misunderstanding of things. Our infrastructure is still in horrible shape and replete with century old piping, dilapidated roads and crumbling buildings in many areas. This would be even worse if not for the new deal. The Great Depression also widened the gap between the poorest if the poor and the wealthiest. Of course you'd think it prolonged the depression because your flawed theory of trickle down economics tells you that there's no way prime pumping grows the economy. The Republican Party is not the party of Lincoln these days and if his views were as progressive now as they were viewed then you all would be calling him a socialist radical. It's just like adjusting for inflation, you're claiming these people would be considered conservatives now because their public views were about as in line then as it gets for the 1800s which is exactly where a moderate republicans views might be now. But you have to understand those views were progressive in that time. The modern Republican Party is mainly the champion of the wealthy. That's why your biggest supporters are the super wealthy. Not the poor. And while you may be moral and give back to make up whatever progressive income taxes had been lowered to since the time of Reagan when the gap between the poor and wealthy in this country started to balloon like that of a 3rd world country, the majority of your brethren are not and would label you and your family as rinos. You've gerrymandered the house which is the only reason you'll maintain it. I can't vote republican knowing that any rep that gets in there will tow the GOP agenda if they want to stay in office, which means declining investments in health, education, and any domestic programs in order to make room for extravagant spending on obsolete weaponry as opposed to r&d, tax cuts for the super wealthy, and the lobbyists agenda who often line their pockets. There's corruption on both ends which is why we need your party to be viable as it once was, its just so blatant amongst the GOP which is still willing to invoke the southern strategy to drum up votes as they've done with Obama on this birtherism, pandering to the Ted nugents of America, and trying to undo the progress made in the civil rights era while blatantly ignoring instances where practices are still unfair such as hiring and promotion in this country. But you see the world through a different lens which is possibly tinted in a way you would not realize that, so agree to disagree.


Anglias04's Words to Me:
Thanks. Unfortunately I am still in the middle of finals and have some deadlines at work and otherwise and waking up to respond respond to repeated posts and skewing of history with crafty wording is not really an option at this point. I'm going to have to bounce at this point as I said based on my situation long ago. Out of all the right wingers I've argued against after stirring up the hornets nest on drudge etc over various accounts over the years depending on what account I have for the particular site they link, id have to say this one has been the most unnecessarily prolonged because of her willingness to go back accept what I've just said but then skew it and frame it in revisionist mantra. I have quite a few republican friends and my best teachers have been a staunch democrat of ap us history and a contract law republican. But most republicans I know are either republican because their parents were or for tangential issues such as abortion or strong religious views they think the party is in line with. The truth is its become the party of the wealthy against the issues of all minorities and poorer whites who its often brainwashed to put against us and hold all of us back. The democrats are far from perfect but they're also far from the GOP in that respect and the best option we have for now. Once the GOP destroys itself and is reborn to be a viable party in a minority majority nation in which it can no longer play on prejudice fears, maybe then we will have a viable two party system again, though that may take 20 years. Also apologies for typos and spacing, please realize that most if what I post from work has to be from a cellphone even during lunch and breaks.



Thanks for your concern, but real quick:
1. Democrats also come in all sizes shapes and more often than not ethnic backgrounds. There's a reason why the Republican Party of today is far less popular with minorities than that of old and it has to do with the prejudice displays accepted and tolerated by the vast majority of you. How about you look at the 1828 election and look up a map of the 2012 election. Just do a google search and look up the stats for how each state voted on Wikipedia. If you don't believe the southern strategy worked and that the parties switched sides you're ignorant to history.

2. Any neocon on the most popular republican websites would label you a RINO. Especially if you ran on those platforms. Pro gay marriage and welfare, anything pro civil rights such as affirmative action. Your handlers would beg you not to say a word on other issues and campaign solely on abortion or something.
3. Teddy Roosevelt drew the same support at the turn of the 20th century as the democrats do today and for good reason. Their domestic policies were largely similar and in the same vein. Many of his views were shared by his cousin FDR. The Great Depression and its aftermath IMO created an environment where both parties restructure themselves and became the parties we have today. Don't follow the party name follow the people and where they lived. That same southern conservative Christian voting block you claim as republicans were pro slavery back then anti Lincoln and his agenda. Their descendants largely make up the republicans of today and whoever else the GOP and the wealthy of today have been able to bamboozle.
4. You. Can revise history all you want to demonize JFK etc at that time. The fact is the parties switched sides and lost that conservative voting block his 50s handlers had him scared to protect and in the 60s he was fervently on the right side of history. The democrats have almost always been on the right side of history since then and regardless of whatever their personal feelings are the party's agenda in the modern era is progress. Regardless of how good of a person you and my republican friends may be your overall party agenda is status quo and regression and prosperity for the wealthiest.
5. Your version of history with FDR is completely revisionist and in line with what I expected following the republican recent reevaluation of history. Your party had been spreading the same ignorance about FDR since you realized you had a problem in the 90s. And touting Reagan in a more positive light as some type of super president both domestically and in foreign policy. No one from the 40s would have believed how you all have tried to assassinate FDRs character. He wouldn't have been voted in 4 times if the new deal wasn't benefiting the country. But it conflicts with your trickle down theories so you've convinced yourselves it must have prolonged the depression the same way you find a couple wacko scientists to pay to say there is no global warming you've found wacko economists who disagree with the vast majority. The same way you've found nutjob statisticians to claim you'd win the last election in a landslide.
6. Forgot to respond on abortion earlier but sperm also have living cells for that matter. A fetus does not have a functioning brain and heart on day 1 and functioning organs for some time. You can't tell me with certainty when life begins and the bible doesn't attempt to. Yet you've got many republicans staunchly opposing even basic contraception, let alone other forms if birth control and the morning after pill. I'm against abortions after the second trimester. Your party is also made up of many running on anti abortion campaigns even in instances of rape and incest.
7. Keep doing good in the world in your donations to the poor but please stop spreading revisionist history.

1 comment:

  1. angilas0423:18

    TruthSeeker24, I must say I am very humbled by all this that you have assembled here. I didn't know anyone had a page of quotes from me until today but I am glad at least someone found inspiration from it, since I hoped all my down time spent arguing against staunch neo-conservatives and blatant racists trying to corrupt the minds of a new generation, had not been spent completely in vain. Knowing that it may add to the ammunition for you and some of your followers to use in the many battles of the pen that are to come against those who would corrupt history to thwart the downfall of an ideology that is increasing its volume during its own death throws, brings me peace and makes me feel comfortable in taking a step back online for a while so that I can handle some urgent business in my own downtime outside of work.

    At any rate this is likely my last post for the next couple of months or so on disqus. Every time I enter the fray in one of these political discussions against such hateful individuals my mind is wired such that it becomes a distraction, and one that I realize I have a hard time walking away from. Best of luck to you in your endeavors to seek the truth, and hopefully I can be of aid to you a bit later in the year, along with the other truthseekers and speakers you have found.
    Kind Regards,
