
Wednesday, April 02, 2014

The Occult Meaning of Lady Gaga’s Video “G.U.Y.” (A Must Read and Great Job V.C. You always show the truth).


  1. Re: music industry scumbags.

    The comedienne Dave Chappelle shared some really interesting opinions about entertainment industry scumbags; in this interview with Oprah. An interesting irony I noted in the interview.

    Near the end Chappelle says something about how he would be willing to return to the entertainment industry on certain conditions; and that he also wanted 'to give back' (egoist cultural consumptionism/capitalism addiction/disorder). Oprah interprets his 'giving back' statement as an intention to 'give stuff away for free', and gets 'adult' on him, warning him about how irresponsible it is to have the public media power he has ('you are on prime time television'), and to make promises of 'free stuff'; very very irresponsible; she says.

    I was left gobsmacked by her hypocrisy. I don't ever recall her ever using her podium (perhaps cause I don't watch it, but the few times I did, it did not appear her worldview) saying anything to object to the irresponsible behaviour of 'offering free stuff' such as politicians (whom she voted for, and endorsed) offering (a) free corporate billion dollar welfare bailouts to bankers; or (b) social dependency enhancing welfare promises of 'jobs', 'health care', etc, etc, to citizens to bribe them to get their vote.

    As for Lady Gaga.. Hou verby boet!!

  2. Copy of comment to: Princess Diana's Death and Memorial the Occult Meaning:

    MILED Clerk: Lara · 2 minutes ago

    "Initiates are fully aware of the fact that symbolism is the only true language of humanity and it can only be understood by those who are worthy. ... If you are unfamiliar with concepts discussed here, do yourself a favor and learn the language of the powerful."

    LOL... you may know allot about this occult brainwashed abstract la delusional land language... and you may be right that it is the 'language of the powerful'.....

    I am sorry, but respectfully I disagree. In my opinion the language of the powerful is about resources and resource wars and all this occult self delusional abstract crap is their self hatred guilt ridden attempt to avoid taking personal responsibility for their egological illiteracy. Instead they invent this abstract delusional childrens fairy tail story occult la la land; to transfer their guilt into some sort of justification for their greed and reptilian mind cooperative incompetence; for having failed to marshall their stolen resources, and cooperate with each other like rational egological and ecological literate adult humans to implement a commonsism international social contract limiting all tribes procreation and consumption to carrying capacity limits.

    Just like alcoholics and drug addicts are addicted to alcohol to avoid confronting various inner and external realities they hate, frequently subconscious secret aspects of themselves; so individuals can be addicted to political ideologies: capitalism or communism etc to join some resource thieving political ideology tribe to avoid confronting the root overpopulation and overconsumption causes of resource wars; and just like children can avoid reality by escaping into fantasy stories; so occultists avoid taking personal responsibility and escape from taking personal responsibility for co-creating a world, according to their deepest desires; and instead they escape into occult symbolism ritual bullshit; which rapes their psyches and beings and relationships, from that which they so desperately desire.

    Talk about seriously beyond ****ed up!!! But if that makes them happy, its their choice, just like it is any other addicts choice to engage in their addictions.... Long as they leave me the **** alone, its none of my business. I can only observe, and feel sympathy for those trying to get out of this addiction, or leave those happily addicted to their own choices. Those who wish to get out of their addiction to this shit; I will help if I can, and consider them sincere in wanting to get out of this occult plausible deniable escape from personal responsibility reality.
