
Friday, April 29, 2016

Friday Political Information in late April of 2016

We live in a new era of American society. We have ongoing poverty that that have killed millions in the world since 1995. We have debt-filled money. We have policies that abrogate or violate the democratic rights of human beings in America and throughout the Earth. The cover up of Western crimes have been done by the corporate media in many cases. Since World War Two, the Earth has at least 248 armed conflicts and most of them started by America. The neocons have rekindled a Cold War II in Russia by promoting an expansion of NATO, which is against the promise that Bush Sr. made when Russia ended the Warsaw Pact. The 2008 subprime financial crisis had its roots from the 1999 repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act. On November 12, 1999, President Bill Clinton signed into law the Republican-sponsored Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, which effectively removed the separation that previously existed under the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933 between investment banking, which issue securities, and commercial banks that accept government insured deposits. Before 1999, the Glass-Steagall Act made it illegal for a bank holding FDIC-insured deposits to invest in anything other than government bonds and similarly low-risk vehicles. With his signature, however, President Clinton allowed largely unregulated super large banks and large insurance companies to engage in risky financial practices, as they are known to have done historically and as it should have been expected. The banks and insurance companies’ new financial products collapsed, and that led to the devastating 2008 financial crisis. The neo-con supported Iraq Liberation Act promoted efforts to remove Saddam Hussein in Iraq. Later, in 2003, the unjust Iraq War began. The Western military aggression in Libya caused untold bloodshed and destruction of Libyan lands. After the U.S. intervened in Libya along with a few European nations, some rebel groups succeeded in capturing Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, on October 20, 2011. They sodomized him, and they murdered him and his family. Chaos ensued and Libya is still to this day a failed state run by groups of religious fundamentalist fanatics, besides creating millions of refugees fleeing their devastated land. Hillary Clinton was apart of this policy of invading Libya. Unelected super delegates dominate who will be the Republican and Democratic nominees for Presidents. Wall Street interests and PACs do influence elections for years and decades. The myth of American exceptionalism is loved by the members of the establishment too. We want a better society where human justice is made real for all.

Indonesian Communists, ethnic Chinese, intellectuals, union activists, and other victims were murdered by reactionary forces in Indonesia. This started in 1965. 6 generals died in September 30, 1965. The PKI or the Indonesian Communist Party had 43 million members and millions more sympathizers. Yet, military dictators took over Indonesia for decades and did mass murders also in East Timor and West Papua. President Sukarno was an independent nationalist who was respected by the Indonesian people. As one CIA adviser warned in 1963, “If the PKI is able to maintain its legal existence . . . Indonesia may be the first Southeast Asia country to be taken over by a popularly based, legally elected communist government.” Two years later, the military-led bloodbath put an end to that situation. Indonesia’s government, whose leaders include military veterans of that era, still refuses to open criminal investigations into the mass murder, as called for in 2012 by Indonesia’s National Commission on Human Rights. But some survivors nonetheless welcome the chance to expose truths that have been vigorously suppressed over the years by mass political arrests, press censorship, and pervasive indoctrination programs in the country’s schools. This is why many want the Obama administration to declassify U.S. government documents related to the massacres of Indonesian people just like it did recently to Argentina’s “dirty war” from 1976 to 1983. CIA documents and U.S. defense attaché papers remain classified today. Numerous Freedom of Information Act requests for these still have been denied. The genocidal acts in Indonesia were evil. Eisenhower’s administration financed an unsuccessful military rebellion in 1958 against the neutralist Sukarno government. The U.S., British and Australian intelligence operative planted false stories about PKI plots to assassinate army leaders and to cause a revolt (via importing weapons from Communist China). Suharto and his colleagues quickly arrested the killers, blamed the PKI for the atrocity, and aroused popular outrage by spreading false stories that the murdered generals had been sexually mutilated. They also charged that Indonesia’s Communists were targeting Islamic leaders. In response, the country’s largest Muslim organization issued an order to “eliminate all Communists.” On Oct. 5, 1965, U.S. Ambassador to Indonesia Marshall Green informed Washington that Muslim groups were “lined up behind” the army, which “now has opportunity to move against PKI if it acts quickly. . . Momentum is now at peak with discovery of bodies of murdered army leaders. In short, it’s now or never.” Green was hopeful: “Much remains in doubt, but it seems almost certain that agony of ridding Indonesia of effects of Sukarno . . . has begun.” To help make sure that came to pass, Green advised telling coup leaders of “our desire to be of assistance where we can,” while remaining in the shadows. In addition, by December 1965 the U.S. embassy began sending the Indonesian military lists of PKI leaders — facilitating their liquidation. “It really was a big help to the army,” said Robert J. Martens, a former member of the U.S. Embassy’s political section. “They probably killed a lot of people, and I probably have a lot of blood on my hands, but that’s not all bad. There’s a time when you have to strike hard at a decisive moment.” So, this Indonesian genocide was evil and it showed the brutality of Western imperialism and reactionary policies.

That video (of innocent men reading anti-woman comments to female journalists, who are the victims of disrespect) recognizes the epidemic of the disrespect of women. It doesn't just occur in the Internet. It occurs in the streets and even in job settings at times. This is why I have no respect for any demented troll who uses vitriolic slander against women. Women have been the victims of harassment, rape, murder, and other evils. Society must change. It is a disgrace for cowards to exploit the anonymity of the Net as way for them to hurt other people. We can agree on issues and disagree on issues. Yet, there is no excuse for viciously attacking any woman verbally. We certainly know that tons of women are strong and have expressed resiliency plus they are fighting back against the injustices of pay inequalities and sexism. Misogyny is an evil scourge. We should speak out and enact social activism to fight for what's right. I am glad that the child survived (in Baltimore after he was shot). I will not give the police the benefit of the doubt. During this time, there should be a thorough, independent investigation to ascertain a precise, accurate determination of all facets of the event. Two cops involved in the incidents were plains clothes cops, so they didn't have their uniforms on. We have heard plenty of stories in Baltimore about youth being harassed by some police. So, all facts should be known and we wish for the child to have a full recovery.

Immigrant rights doesn’t just deal with Latino people. It also deals with black immigrants as well. Right now, the Supreme Court is listening to arguments in the United States v. Texas court case. This is the case that challenges President Obama’s oral arguments on immigration. The President’s measures want to protect nearly 4.5 million undocumented immigrants from deportation. It will allow them to apply for work permits under the expanded Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and the new Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents (DAPA). These actions were blocked by a lawsuit claiming an undue burden to the Texas government in issuing ID and driver’s license documents to newly eligible U.S. residents. People, who bring up the legal challenge, want to block any portion of the 11 million undocumented immigrants currently in America to access services from being able to navigate society (with safety and dignity and from obtaining a small amount of relief from the threat of deportation). The administration executive order is small and a temporary step. We want a full, robust transformation of the immigration. Change is happening. There are groups like the BAJI or the Black Alliance for Just Immigration that since 2006 have been fighting for the human rights of black people. They focus on analyzing the causes of migration and promoting a human rights framework in creating solutions. The U.S. immigration system is heavily racialized. BAJI wants black leadership in the immigration movement. We want racial justice.

Protesters and activists are in the Supreme Court building to speak their minds. There are Latinos, whites, and black people there. People from immigrants who are from Haiti, Cameroon, etc. talk about what is means to be Black once they come into America. Immigrants from Africa and the Caribbean have lives that matter. The newly formed UndocBlack Network have promoted immigrant rights and economic justice too. UndocBlack is led and organized independently by Black undocumented immigrants (many of whom are part of the Black Immigration Network). As the US population is reshaped by immigration, the Black population in particular is becoming increasingly foreign born: The foreign-born segment of the Black community is estimated to reach 16.5 percent by 2060 due to the rapid rate of immigration from Africa and the Caribbean. Opal Tometi (or one co-founder of the Black Lives Matter movement) is a Nigerian-American. Black immigrants are running for office in black immigrant enclaves like in Baltimore, Minneapolis, and Miami. Social and economic justice are what we believe in. Just as the civil rights movement led to the Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1965, Black leadership today will help lead to critical interventions and the necessary shift forward in the fight to change immigration policy. We are fighting against mass criminalization, corrupt policing, and other injustices. There is an intersectionality of humanity. Immigrants from Africa and the Caribbean always played leadership roles in Black liberation struggles from slave insurrection to the Black Power movement. We are fighting for our human rights.

By Timothy

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