
Wednesday, August 17, 2016

The Struggle Continues

There are 2 issues that I have to mention. The first issue is the flooding in Southern Louisiana. First, we all send prayers to the people suffering there and we want those who experience unspeakable loss comfort and we support any organizations helping the victims of the massive flooding. Also, the other issue is obviously another important one. You know what I'm going to mention next. Recently, there has been a controversy over a person being shot and the unrest in the city of Milwaukee. Years ago, I didn't know too much about Milwaukee, but Milwaukee is a strong city with an inspiring history. It is a Midwestern city that has been the victim of austerity and deindustralization for decades. That is why many factories are massively closed there and the poverty rate is very high. Like always, there should be an independent investigation to find the facts. The city's poverty rate of 29% — unchanged from a year earlier — was nearly double the national rate of 14.8%, leaving Milwaukee as the nation's fifth most impoverished big city. That's huge, so Milwaukee is facing an emergency over its infrastructure. Of course, I don't believe in destroying innocent property or harming innocent human life. Yet, as Dr. King has said, the riot is the language of the unheard. If we want solutions, we have to express empathy and understand the massive suffering that poor and working class people go through every single day. A lot of our Midwestern Brothers and Sisters have been unheard and we have to understand the situation in Milwaukee and in other places if we want to active real solutions for society. We condemn police brutality and any form of racial injustice. The National Guard has been activated in the city and there has been a radical form of the militarization of the police since the late 1960's in America. I do believe that regardless of who the next President will be (I don't want Trump to be the next President), all levels of government and us as the masses of the people should endorse like a Marshall Plan to rebuild urban and rural communities in America (along with policies that advance economic and social justice). People hurting need jobs with a living wage, adequate health care, great education, and true investments for the future. We all should be part of the solution. We live in crossroads in World history. The Cold War is over and the problems of economic inequality and economic deprivation are still with us in the 21st century. I certainly hope for the best for the citizens of Milwaukee.

It is certainly inspiring to witness many people supporting Gabby Douglas. She was a victim of racist hatred and other despicable people who utilized social media to spread negativity. The haters of Gabby Douglas used social media to disrespect her human dignity, but Gabby Douglas' human dignity is vibrant and glorious. Those haters obviously have jealousy, hatred, and evil intentions. The truth is that just because she didn't put her hand across her heart doesn't mean that she wants to promote enmity among humanity or she has ill motives. She expressed herself. In schools, people stand when the pledge of allegiance is shown, but people aren't forced to put their hands on their chests. This situation has exposed how the haters make America almost like a deity instead of honoring the magnificent accomplishments of the gymnast Gabby Douglas. America is not God and the last time that I have checked, America is not perfect either. The tea about America is known from the usage of slavery against innocent people to the mass incarceration state. Therefore, Gabby Douglas is a young Sister who has a great light and a great love for humanity. Gabby Douglas has won numerous gold medals and she is just getting started in her life.
I wish her the best and Bless Her.

The big lie is that feminism exclusively means misandry. Many people have advanced that lie and I'm glad that many people are refuting that lie. People don't have to be a feminist if a person doesn't want to, but to assume that every feminist is anti-men is a lie. Feminism means the total political, social, and economic equality among the human family. I'm glad that people know the true meaning of womanism too. Still, some people will distort the meaning of feminism (for political reasons and for other purposes) or express hatred of any woman expressing her humanity independently. The truth is that we have a crisis in our community and in our world where a high number of black girls and black women suffer abuse, murder, rape, harassment, and other forms of mistreatment. Gender discrimination is real and lawsuits and countless stories document this. African-American women earn 64 cents and Latina women earn 56 cents for every dollar earned by a Caucasian man. As of August 2014, 74 colleges in the United States had pending Title IX sexual violence investigations. Women are more likely than men to be murdered by an intimate partner. There is male privilege in the world and many folks have minimized or ignored the legitimate concerns and aspirations of black women in general. It is true that more black men should do more to not only condemn miosygnoir, but to oppose it. It can be done in organizations, educating black youth about integrity and respecting black women, and other actions. Feminism is for everybody. We know many of people who claim to be conscious (like the rabid, profane talking Hebrew Israelites, Tariq Nasheed, etc. There is a video where Tariq Nasheed jokes about his biracial girlfriend as being a "mula__o slave." That isn't funny), but advance regressive, far right, and oppressive views on sex, race, and on society in general. The fundamental point is that from a micro level and from a macro level, change in society is needed. Women and girls have every right to have access to STEM fields if they desire, they have the right to live without oppression, and they have the right to have the pursuit of happiness (on their own terms). Women have every right to speak their minds. Black liberation is always about the liberation of all black people regardless of sex. We want freedom and justice.

During the 1960’s and the 1970’s, the Black Panther instituted many programs to help the masses of the people. Their famous program was the Breakfast Program for children. Black Panther men and women organized buildings to help children with reading, writing, and other fields. They also gave children breakfast day by day. It was a very powerful and successful program. The announcement for the Free Breakfast for Children Program started in September of 1968. They called for volunteers to grow the program too. The breakfast program was officially started in January of 1969 in St. Augustine’s Episcopal Church in west Oakland, California. Beckford-Smith, LaVerne Williams, and other women helped to be involved in the program too. In its first week, 135 children were served daily at St. Augustine’s. By March of 1969, another Free Breakfast for Children Program existed in the Fillmore area of San Francisco. It was in the Sacred Heart Church. It grew quickly all over California. From August 1969 to August 1970, the Black Panther Party created an extensive amount of programs geared to help out the community. They were liberation schools, child development centers, the Sickle Celle anemia research Foundation, free housing cooperatives, the Free Pest Control Program, the Seniors Escorts Program, the Free Ambulance Program, free health care clinics, the Free Distribution Program, the Free Clothing program, and other services for the community. Thousands of children were fed with the breakfast locations. Former Detroit Panther JoNina Abron said that the breakfast services were supported in a widespread way throughout the black community. These programs also educated children and adults on real Black History. The breakfast program in Brownsville, NYC fed children and other hungry people in the community. Churches and supermarkets aided the Black Panther Party in giving food to children and other human beings. These responses from the Panther Party came in response to the anemic resources from the War on Poverty budgets to help the poorest of the poor (especially when billions of dollars back then were sent to the Vietnam War). Of the course, the police and the FBI hated the Free Breakfast program as the claimed that they were promoting “indoctrination of children.” Many cops raided breakfast locations constantly. The police in Richmond, California used a disinformation plan by lying and saying that the Breakfast programs wanted to promote racism and riots. Safiya A. Bukhari advanced the program in Harlem, NYC. The Black Panther Party used free health care clinics since many poor communities lacked adequate health care service. A book written by a great black woman named Alondra Nelson entitled, “Body and Soul: The Black Panther Party and the Fight against Medical Discrimination” document how many Black Panthers helped black people in health care services and in health in general. These free health care clinics included physical examinations, personal care, testing for lead poisoning, high blood pressure testing, first aid actions, and other services. These clinics existed in New Haven, Kansas City, Seattle, etc. They did amazing work in sickle cell research. They also helped out prisoners with their Free Busing to Prison Program. The mass incarceration rates grew from 1968 to the present. The Party liberation school called the Intercommunal Youth Institute in Oakland lasted from January 1971 to 1982. It was praised and it was involved in a great measure by Ericka Huggins. Therefore, the Black Panther Party had wide ranging programs that were unsung among many quarters.

New York City is the microcosm of American society. NYC has a lot of diversity and many great people just like in other American locations. Likewise, NYC is filled with problems like police brutality, racial oppression, and economic inequality just like in the rest of America. The death of Akai Gurley was a tragedy. He was murdered by a crooked cop, who has received no prison time while many nonviolent drug offenders (who have murdered no one) constantly receive years in prison. That is a total disgrace. The sick part is that some people wanted Liang to receive no punishment whatsoever, which is reprehensible. I have no problem with the money sent to the family of Gurley. Also, change must happen. We live in America, which has the most diverse amount of people ethically, linguistically, and culturally in human history and cops ought to have the sense to use commonsense when they encounter civilians. Yet, far too often, the Blue Wall of Silence and crooked behavior exist. Some folks who wear a badge act as terrorists. Now, we see a new century with gentrification (even in Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn), still many homes being affordable for the poor, and police brutality in New York City (with a population of almost 9 million people). Therefore, the war for justice is far from over. Yet, we rise. Our ancestors suffered some of the worst mistreatment in human history. Our ancestors were kidnapped and traveled involuntarily thousands of miles across continents in brutality. Yet, we rise to make great accomplishments in architecture, in astronomy, in other STEM fields, in science, in theology, in politics, in athletics, in music, in art, and in other parameters of culture. We believe in building in our community too as building resources and helping our neighbors represent empathy and social enlightenment. So, for the sake of my black ancestors, I will continue to sound that horn and proclaim the truth that liberty for our people is a goal that I will unequivocally cherish and I will endorse forever more.
RIP Brother Akai Gurley
Black Lives Matter.

By Timothy

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