
Wednesday, November 02, 2016

Truth is Great

I am inspired to vote. You will always have some cynics and skeptics trying to diminish the importance of voting. While those cynics exist, some states are already having policies that limit which times that people can vote. Therefore, we are in fight for our voting rights in our generation. The Supreme Court years ago gutted parts of the Voting Rights Act and that was wrong. So, on Tuesday, I will vote. A lot of people died for that right and I will participate in that right. Our power as human beings is indisputable. For example, it was the people who fought for collective bargaining, for the end to American slavery, and for the passage of the Civil Rights Act plus the Voting Rights Act. I voted for the Presidency for first time in 2004 and soon I will vote for the Presidency on next Tuesday. The person that I will vote for won't be Trump. I will vote for justice, for tolerance, for freedom, for liberation, and for the quintessential promotion of social justice. That is what I will vote for. I was watching Unsung that talked about NY Undercover. That show was a show that appealed to me. It came about in 1994 and I watched it every Thursday night on 9 pm. It appealed to me since it represented urban youth culture and what was really going on in the streets of America. Also, it had themes that appealed to a diversity of people, because it talked about love, police brutality, undercover work, family, friendship, and other concepts that human beings daily go through universally. It showed black people, Latino people, women, and people of color in a way that was groundbreaking for a police-related show. NY Undercover was a show that was part of my generation. When I look at that show, I see myself, because it showed an honesty about urban life. I wasn't raised in the suburbs. I was raised in a working class, urban community, so NY Undercover certainly outlined what much of my life was when I was growing up. I always have a respect for the show indeed.

PBS has a new series called "Black America Since MLK: And Still I Rise" which was narrated by Henry Louis Gates (which has great research on Afro-Latinos too). The new documentary (which will exist in 2 parts in a few weeks of November) will show information about Black American history and culture from the 1960's to our time in 2016. Black History in the 21st century has been filled with triumphs and challenges. We saw the 2000 Election voter fiasco, Katrina, and other injustices. Also, we have seen many victories like the growth of black engineers, the continuation of black accomplishments in STEM fields, politics, and other fields. We have seen black excellence in athletics, fitness (with great fitness people here in Facebook. You know who you are. :) ), etc. Also, the great point of this new documentary is Still we rise. Therefore:
Still We rise.

One question in life is how to organize the Civil Rights Movement historically and socially. I ponder that question a lot. I can't show all aspects of this history here, but I can show a summary of important events. First, I visualize everything chronologically. One secret in understanding history is to organize the events chronologically, so you can see the flow of history. First, Plessy v. Ferguson of 1898 made Jim Crow legal in America nationwide. Later, the Niagara movement came to fight racial injustice and that caused the NAACP to be passed. Also, in this time of the early 20th century, independent black nationalist movements existed like Marcus Garvey's UNIA which wanted pan-African unity. WWI and the Great Migration caused the expansion of black music, culture, and art. The Great Depression and WWII showed the black struggle of equality to my people. Yet, those events also represented the hypocrisy of American society claiming to promote democracy overseas but not promoting it in a true, fair fashion domestically for black Americans. The years of 1954-1968 are the years that represent the Golden era of the Civil rights movement. From the Brown v. Board of Education decision to the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., America changed forever. In the 1950's, the murder of Emmett Till caused black Americans to say in a higher level that enough was enough. Then, the Montgomery Bus Boycott came and the early march in D.C. in 1957. By 1960, there were the sit ins in Greensboro, North Carolina. SNCC developed with the help of Ella Baker. It is also important to show the accomplishments of black women in the freedom struggle. Without black women, we wouldn't be here literally. Septima Clark is the Grandmother of the Civil Rights movement. She worked in education, voting rights promotion, and other aspects of helping people. The NOI grew with its Minister Malcolm X. There was the Albany movement in 1962 and the Birmingham movement of 1963. The March on Washington in 1963 outlined the call for equality and justice. SCLC and SNCC grew. By 1964, the Civil Rights Act was passed and it was the beginning of the turning point. Many people in the black freedom movement didn't view the civil rights movement as going fast enough. That is why the rebellions occurred. These rebellions existed, because many people were tired of poverty, police brutality, and economic deprivation. Malcolm X left Mecca in 1964 and became more progressive. Malcolm X promoted the OAAU in 1964 and he wanted the UN to confront America over its human rights abuses against African Americans. He continued to fight for justice in 1965. He was assassinated in 1965. Later, the Selma movement came about by courageous human beings to promote voting rights. Bloody Sunday was when police used horses, tear gas, and clubs to assault innocent protesters in Selma. Coverage of it was shown globally and it galvanized the public to support the Selma movement in a greater level. Selma was the peak of the old school civil rights movement. The Voting Rights Act was passed in the Summer of 1965. Then, the Watts rebellion happened. In 1966, the Black Power movement existed which wasn't about racism. The Black Power movement was about self-determination, love of Blackness, and opposition to imperialism overseas. Dr. King, by this time, became more revolutionary and spoke out against the Vietnam War and poverty. In 1967, Dr. King gave his great speech in NYC in the Riverside Church to oppose the Vietnam War. The Black Power movement expanded into the Black Panthers and other organizations. From 1968 to 2016, we see the growth of the black middle class, the growth of black millionaires and billionaires, and the growth of black excellence in many areas. Yet, many black people experience economic inequality, poverty, struggling schools, police brutality, and discrimination. Therefore, while we made some progress, we still have so much to go as black people. In 1968, the world changed when Dr. King was assassinated. Today in 2016, we still deal with economic inequality, poverty, discrimination, the War on Drugs, mass incarceration, sexism, labor issues, racism, police brutality, etc.
Still, we rise.
We want black liberation without delay and without restraint.

Dr. Hilda Hutcherson is one of the greatest doctors of our generation in America. For long years, she has not only helped people medically. She has promoted great work in giving black people and other minorities opportunities to go into the medical field. She has advanced diversity and mentorships nationwide. She’s also among the top physicians in the nation as according to Black Enterprise and Castle Connoly. She worked in Columbia University. She has written books, and inspired the world via her work ethic and her gracious actions. I wish the best for the Sister.This is great, excellent news. The Williams Sisters have done it again to promote solutions to problems (like unjust violence and other evils) in the world. The new center, which they have been involved with, will help the youth, adults, and families in enumerable ways in Compton. They are not only from Compton, but their actions once again conclusively document how they love their community too. The Yetunde Price Resource Center in Compton will bless so many lives in Compton, California. Yetunde is named after their eldest sister who was a victim unfortunately of gun violence. Therefore, Serena and Venus Williams' cause is just. This cause represents the necessity of us to promote progressive, peaceful solutions in improving our communities. They are amazing athletes and their philanthropy is truly glorious. Bless this project and Bless Venus and Serena Williams.
#Black Excellence.

I'm not shocked at this. Many of the alt-right movement and many racists are some of his supporters. Donald Trump is the representation of the face of the white far right. Trump is what they (or far right xenophobes) believe in. Trump is an enemy of democratic values and an enemy of progressive ideals. The Klan since its inception has raped black people, murdered black people, and used acts of terrorism against black people and other groups of human beings. Many of the Klan's view are similar to Trump's proposals. It is what it is. The Klan hypocrites claim to promote white nationalism, but America originally inhabited by white people. America, as a nation, existed by theft, genocide, and broken promises by a group of white landowning heavily slave owning extremists (who viewed it their duty to oppressed others by virtue of their race and class). Now, we know the truth. Also, it is important to recognize the heroic Americans for a long time who fought against white racists, slavery, economic oppression, sexism, racism, and other evils. We abhor racism, sexism, and xenophobia. We want to live in a land where human beings have human liberation and to live our the pursuit of happiness for real. Donald Trump is not a hero to me when he has disrespected women. That is why it is by our power that will end far right agendas in the end. In the end, we will prevail, because the truth prevails in the end.

By Timothy

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