
Friday, December 28, 2018

Savant's New Words


Trump's lack of moral compass leaves America on its own

Not taken seriously as literature or philosophy. I've not seen Ayn Rand taken seriously by philosophers even though she considered herself to be a philosopher. But I seem to recall reading or hearing that the Koch brothers have established (or are trying to establish) an Ayn Rand institute in a university in Florida. And one of the conditions is that her ideas must be taught, but not questioned. No critiques allowed. Kind of like Marxism-Leninism under Stalin or Aryan biology under Hitler.  (Yesterday | post #3117)


Trump's lack of moral compass leaves America on its own

The Inquisition belonged to an old reactionary feudal and theocratic society which the Spanish Republic sought to end. The nearest thing to the Conquistadors were probably the Puritans who destroyed the native American population. The Puritans who, likening themselves to the Hebrews under Joshua, brutally struck down Pequods and other Native Americans whom they saw as wicked Canaanites. An Inquisition is something like what America's religious fundamentalists and Christian Right generally would happily impose on the USA if they could.  (Yesterday | post #3114)


Trump's lack of moral compass leaves America on its own

Empty rhetoric. Both parties are corporate parties. But you imagine that the proto-fascist Republicans are the "true patriots." You're a sleepwalker.  (Yesterday | post #3113)


Trump's lack of moral compass leaves America on its own

REALITY: the American war in Iraq was/is an invasion. The US war in Afghanistan is an invasion. The American war in Vietnam was an invasion. The US military incursion into Haiti, Dominican Republic, Grenada were invasions. Destitute refugees from violence and poverty are...refugees. Oh did we forget: the land which these refugees are supposedly invading were SEIZED by the USA by means of INVASIONS. REAL INVASIONS.  (Yesterday | post #3112)


Trump's lack of moral compass leaves America on its own

Maybe because they were set upon by troops with tear gas and clubs. Not surprising to me. Only loony paranoids can imagine that the USA is being invaded or subject to conquest by a group of destitute unarmed refugees. But we wouldn't have the loony president we have if a fraction of the American public wasn't loony.  (Yesterday | post #3111)


Also threatening the black man for not thinking the way you dictate that he should. Your racism has been duly noted boy. Well surveys continue to show PRO-BLM sympathies among the VAST MAJORITY of African Americans. I think the lowest estimate of approval I've seen is about 65%, and it gets as high as 80%. Republicans are overwhelmingly anti-BLM. Democrats mixed between those who are sympathatic and those who are uncertain or neutral. Millennials (including white millennials) are more likely to be pro-BLM than older folk. And, of course, more Blacks than whites favor BLM.  (Sunday | post #74)


Prove that it is the truth. Merely saying it is not proof. Oh, and since the Civil Rights Movement and the Black Panthers also got financial contributions from "outside " or "liberal whites"--shal l you also dismiss them as frauds. Guess what: Read the writings of AMILCAR CABRAL, and he mentions that there were resources sent to the PAIGC, the REVOLUTIONARY movement that overthrew Portuguese colonialism in Guinea-Bissau. Were the Portuguese overthrown by a fraud movement in West Africa? Movement depend on internal sources, but do not necessarily spurn all sources from outside their constituency. That's commonplace. Indeed, why don't you research the financial ties of the anti-BLM groups. Who knows? Maybe they're funded by the Koch brothers...or Trumps.  (Sunday | post #73)


Trump's lack of moral compass leaves America on its own

There are no invaders. So, what's your point?  (Sunday | post #3104)


Trump's lack of moral compass leaves America on its own

Had Franco not won, and Spain not been forced by Hitler's intervention and Western blockade into its fateful dependence on the CP and the USSR, a Spain much more democratic than the USA or England--because economically as well as politically democratic--would probably have emerged in Spain. Anarchists and libertarian socialist forming cooperative economic institutions and governance on the basis direct democracy (at least on local and regional levels), and a multiparty democratic republic nationwide, would have created a REVOLUTIONARY democracy subversive by its example of both the West and the Stalinist east. Neither Stalin, nor Roosevelt nor Churchill and (obviously) not Franco, Hitler or Mussolini could have slept easily.. That is why they all conspired against it lest the Spanish workers and peasants SUCCEED and become a subversive example to the common people everywhere. They had to be crushed as the Paris Commune had to be crushed. Just the same, the revolutionary spirit of freedom will rise again and again until either humanity perishes or all the old repressive establishments are swept from the face of the earth. Freedom Rising!  (Sunday | post #3103)


Trump's lack of moral compass leaves America on its own

Does Paul's ignorance know no limits? is his stupidity congenital. He is obviously unaware that it was to BOYCOTT of Republican Spain---the DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED government of Spain--which forced the Republic into its fateful connection with the USSR, and actually strengthened the position of the Stalinist CP in Spain. Once the fascist thug Franco raised a military coup against the Republic, and with the embargo on Spain, the Spanish republic was forced to turned to the USSR whose tool the Spanish CP was. Receiving no arms or funds from the other supposedly democratic countries of the West, the Republic founds arms and funds from the USSR. It was this situation which strengthened the treacherous CP which, on my view, is second only to Franco himself for the destruction of Spanish democracy. But it is good to hear Paul say in so many words what we've suspected all along--that he hates democracy and is pro-Fascist. For a democratically minded person would not have said "Thank God Franco won" He would not celebrate the tyrant who came to power with the aid of his fellow fascists Hitler and Mussolini while democratic Spain was being sabotaged with the assistance of her fellow democracies. A democratic minded person would have said "How tragic that the Spanish Republic was undermined by other supposedly democratic countries; that she would be ruled by a tyrant second only to Hitler and Stalin as a totalitarian mass murderer." But Paul's attitude is that so long as capitalism is protected--big business supported Franco's-- then "to hell with freedom and democracy." Paul is an ally of fascism in Spain, Chile and the USA.  (Sunday | post #3099)


Trump's lack of moral compass leaves America on its own

It's interesting that even among REAL Marxists, those who identify with Marxism--not the boogeman of Paul's paranoid imagination--thee is a great deal of contention and diversity. As Noam Chomsky notes SOME Marxists are actually closer to the social Anarchists than anything else. Critiques of Leninism by Rosa Luxemburg are nearly as severe as those by Anarchists. Some of the critiques by American anarchist Emma Goldman resemble critiques I've read by Dr. King. And Frantz Fanon's critique of the rigid bureaucratic centralism of Communist Parties, and his negative reaction to the bureaucratic system of health care in the USSR (for the short time he was there), all are part of the tradition of the democratic left. Yet ALL these people are SOCIALISTS. Hell, even Oscar Wilde was socialist as is indicated by his essay "The Soul of Man Under Socialism." But Paul has the thinking capacity of a goose. if you're to the left of Bill Clinton or Obama, or even as "left" as them, then you're a Communist in the Bolshevik, Stalinist sense.  (Sunday | post #3097)


Racism in America

LOL! What you're posting is stuff I knew about when I was a TEENAGER! And stupid, arrogant Paul pontificates without know any of this. Ironically, during my near fatal encounter with Baltimore police in East Bmore at age 17, i was reading BAsil Davidson's LOST CITIES OF AFRICA (and Dostoyevky's CRIME AND PUNISHMENT) (An elder who happen also to be in Johnson Square when the pigs pulled up told me to drop those books out my hand lest the cops say they thought I was carrying a gun.) In HIGH SCHOOL i was reading Basil Davidson, W.E.B Du Bois, and even Cheikh Anta Diop. And bird brain simpleton and bigot Paul DARES to lecture me about Africa or anything else!  (Sunday | post #2325)


Racism in America

You wouldn't know a fact if it bit you in the butt. And I've yet to see you cite even one SCHOLAR in African history to support your stereotypical Hollywoodish version of pre-colonial Africa. You should not be allowed to post anything on Black America or Africa until you are sufficiently informed and educated.  (Sunday | post #2324)


Trump's lack of moral compass leaves America on its own

That sounds like a better description of the manic right word "Communist ". Which is why a right wing idiot like Paul can call Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (a personalist who rejected Marxian materialism) or an Anarchist like Noam Chomsky (who's a non-marxist leftist who EXPLICITLY rejects Bolshevik ideas and politics) as a Communist. Which is why the Civil Rights Movement was denounced as Communist. However, it is often the case that a word may have more than one meaning. The problem happens when one wants to make a word mean whatever one chooses.  (Sunday | post #3092)


Trump's lack of moral compass leaves America on its own

Trump is the victim of his own greed and stupidity, his own arrogant megalomania and dictatorial aspirations which incline him to believe that he can run the government and the entire country as his private fiefdom. What he expects of his cabinet, indeed of the Republican Party (and maybe the nation) is not integrity, and heaven knows not intelligence. What he requires if servile fealty and sycophantic devotion and obedience. But until such time as the whole nation is put in a fascist straitjacket, he will get that kind of obedience only from his blindest followers and obtuse admirers--like Paul. But the rest of us are saying "Hell no, Il Duce Don. You ain't taking us that ride--at least not without a FIGHT!"  (Sunday | post #3091)

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