
Wednesday, May 22, 2019

On Impeachment and Other Issues.

The Democratic candidates running for President represent like a Dream Team of politicians. It is the most diverse and most qualified field of candidates in American history. Each of the candidates have strengths and weaknesses. Each have differences. They are unified in desiring Trump to be electorally defeated by 2020. It is important to note that we must advocate policies not just words. Rhetoric has its place, and it is fine to show rhetoric at given times. Likewise, we have to promote real policies like abolishing the Electoral College, making sure that federal voting rights are strengthened, endorsing background checks involving gun purchases, promoting a wealth tax for the super rich, and defending democratic rights. We want living wages, infrastructure development, and an emergency jobs program. Today, more House Democrats are calling for impeachment. There is no question that Trump should be impeached. There are tons of evidence documenting his lying, obfuscation, and deception. Any other person, who is not President, would be indicted for doing what Trump has done. The essence of true justice is allowing those who make a mockery of legitimate law to be held accountable. There is nothing wrong with kitchen table issues, but revolutionary solutions are needed.

In life, you have to speak the truth and at times write the truth. As a people, we must always reject women scapegoating and colorism. Colorism is evil, because it falsely denotes superiority and inferiority based upon skin complexion. There is light privilege as proven by human experiences and sociological research. Therefore, black people exist in a diversity of shades, and it is important to treat all black people with dignity and with respect regardless of a black person's skin complexion. That means that we must always condemn colorists (who are found in the industry and in other places). One of the great things to do is to not financially support anyone who is a colorist and to stand up to people who spew colorist garbage. Also, we reject women scapegoating. Women suffer way more than men. That is a historical fact. There are tons of women who tell me stories about their experiences, and it is important to defend the rights of women. Women gave the human race birth. That alone should be cherished, and we have the responsibility to help our community. We don't need egoism. We reject bigotry and racism. We abhor xenophobia. We desire what everyone else desire. We desire freedom. We want justice and we want our descendants to live in a world where they flourish without horrible restraints.

There is a lot of talk about impeachment. The Democrats have issued subpoenas to Hope Hicks and Donald McGahn's chief of staff. Last night, Pelosi met with leading Democrats who wanted impeachment. Pelosi refused to do so since she said that many victories are already here like the court ruling criticizing Trump. Many people want at least an inquiry of impeachment. One of the most important parts of our lives is to defend democracy. When a rouge President ignores subpoenas, promotes xenophobia, spews racial hatred, demonizes people in vulgar terms, and has no empathy for the suffering, then we have to do the opposite of that narcissistic person. The Golden Rules works then and it works today.

There are two types of unity. A real one and a fake one. A real unity tries to brings people together, but this real unity transforms society in giving people rights, ending income inequality, and addresses capitalist exploitation. It is a type of unity that not only talks about immigration rights being suppressed or police brutality against minorities. It gives solutions like amnesty to migrants and an outright federal policy to protect voting rights (including reparations given to African Americans without compromise). A fake unity is centrism. Again and again, we know that centrism doesn't work, because being in the middle doesn't help all people. It only benefits the status quo since being lukewarm is not revolutionary or practical. There are millions of people in poverty in America alone. There is a War on Drugs ravishing communities. There is an opoid crisis. Also, we have an authoritarian racist in the White House who doesn't have true empathy for those suffering. Therefore, more revolutionary solutions are key in making the world better. If a person lacks adequate policies to help the poor and the working class, then that person isn't a revolutionary.

Now, Trump wants Don McGahn not to testify. This is the example of the Trump administration hostility towards any legitimate inquiry on his administration. The Mueller report found numerous acts of obstruction of justice by the Trump  team. Even one Republican Congressman Amash recently said that there is enough evidence for Trump doing obstruction of justice. Trump trying to stop the Mueller investigation, William Barr trying to obfuscate the facts, and the deceptions shown by Trump outline his absurd agenda. Months of hearings, tons of witness testimony, and convictions make everyone aware that the Trump administration is one of the most corrupt administrations in American history. Rep. Amash said that the Trump administration's conduct constitute impeachable offenses. He is right. Trump has used Tweets to disrespect Amash personally instead of being just on the issues. Trump is a coward who uses name calling and disrespect as a means to prop up his nefarious views. Trump trying to cover up and muddle the waters won't work forever. One member of the House Democratic Leadership, who is David Cicilline, said that if McGahn doesn't testify tomorrow, they would launch an impeachment inquiry. Democracy means transparency. The Mueller report should be read by people, and we have to fight for our rights. No one is above the law, and we have to make sure of that in present plus future generations.

By Timothy

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