
Sunday, August 18, 2019

Some of Trojan Pam's old posts

This is a horrifically heart-breaking story – and another wake up call for blacks in America. No one (black) is off limits. Not our children, babies, our women, our elderly, our crippled, mentally handicapped or handcuffed, not those in wheelchairs, and certainly, not black men. Our lives have zero value in this white supremacist culture. What more proof do we need?

This system, this government, this society are waging OPEN WARFARE against us — something I have been predicting for years would happen. I don’t say this with any pleasure whatsoever, but I’m hoping that black people will finally open our eyes and get out of denial and drop the illusion of inclusion. We are tolerated at best, but will never accepted as full human beings with the right to life.

I personally believe some of the police violence – which seems to be accelerating — is a STRATEGY to get black people so emotionally bent, so emotionally angry and unstable that we will begin to act out in violent and socially unacceptable ways

so that the next PHASE — martial law and mass incarceration — will appear to be justified. I’m not even sure we know who these renegade police officers are who are murdering black people. That being said, I do not believe the majority of police officers fall into the category of sociopathic killers.

What bothers me, however, is the lack of a collective moral conscience within the blue ranks and how they come out in force to support officers they know are breaking the law and committing murder. It makes one wonder how thin the line is between the innocent and the guilty.

For example, in Chicago, I believe many of the drive-by shootings and random murders are not being committed by “black gang-bangers” but in fact, are the random assassinations of black people for a variety of reasons, among them, to force us to move out of the now-desirable areas that whites want to reclaim.

I also believe these “assassinations” are being conducted by the police and by other military type “entities” that operate in secret, including the random lone wolf white supremacist, and/or organized white supremacist groups.

When black people die in Chicago, law enforcement and mainstream media never look beyond the “black on black gang” theory, all of which makes us a super easy target for anyone who wants to spill our blood. No one ever looks for a white assailant because no one wants to find one. Perhaps, they know the truth and know we do not.

There will be those black people, who in despair, will reject what I am saying, and will be driven deeper into denial, to avoid the pain of living among monsters who wantonly and gleefully spill our blood with the blessings of the majority of the white collective.

And for those who will deny this, how do the usually all-white or majority white juries vote whenever a police officer is on trial for murdering an unarmed black man, woman, or child?


All the “liberal” hand-wringing about police violence means NOTHING when you sit in a jury pool and vote to allow a killer to go free because the victim is black. At that point you have ZERO CREDIBILITY.

That’s why I have been advocating FOR YEARS that we MUST unify. We must decide to love, support and BE with each other for survival’s sake, and start changing the way we have been brainwashed to treat each other.

We have to stop chasing and begging for white validation (and white lovers) and finally realize that our oppression will not end until WE CHANGE what we say, think, and do.

We are in a similar situation that the Jews found themselves during the rise of Nazi Germany, who were scapegoated for all the social and economic ills of the frightened and frustrated Germans. The white supremacists plan to use black bodies to absorb the rage and fear of the white collective as this house of economic cards falls apart and unfortunately, their strategy seems to be working, as one can see from the racist rhetoric of a very popular presidential candidate.

I don’t know what it will take to get black people to wake out of this deep, dead sleep, to stop running and hiding from our real problems, and to get the courage to actually see what is happening in this nation, especially as the economy worsens.

Obama didn’t (and couldn’t) fix it. Hillary—who called black youth “super predators”–certainly won’t fix it – nor will she try. Going to the polls in November won’t make a damn bit of difference. We are the ones who will have to do what needs to be done, starting with black males and black females placing value on each other and ourselves and standing together.

(sorry about the long post!)

-Trojan Pam


Trojan Pam
@ Afrofem

The first point is where we slightly differ. I agree with organizing but not with publicizing. I think it is a huge mistake for black people (or any oppressed group) to publicize and televise their entire strategy to the same people who are oppressing them.

The white supremacists don’t publicize their true agenda, they pretend to be doing something entirely different–which is part of the reason they are winning. Deception has been a major part of their strategy in holding the non-white world captive.

I think it’s a huge mistake to allow those outside your oppressed group into your “organization” or movement unless you have the power to control and punish them (like the white supremacists do with their black puppets).

I think marching and protesting is a waste of energy – which is why the mainstream media loves to cover black folks doing it. They will even give organizers of the more politically acceptable marches a TV mike and a little news spot to talk about it — and sometimes, high profile local whites will march with them, like the useless marches held by black people against black on black violence


Because they know IT DOESN’T WORK — but allows their victims to “blow off steam” and feel like they accomplished something when in reality they haven’t changed a thing about their oppression

So, whenever I see a black person on TV spilling our guts about how we feel and what we’re going to do about it, I know I’m witnessing a huge strategic error by a person who does not understand what a strategy is

and it will only be a matter of time before your HIGHLY PUBLICIZED organization will be infiltrated with “spies” and “agents” and “saboteurs” who will make sure your efforts will amount to little more than noise (and might get some people locked up)

Lastly, we should never accept FUNDING from those who are oppressing us.
If the people who are being oppressed are not willing to invest in their own freedom, perhaps, they do not deserve the rewards. Sounds cold but it might be true. Who knows?

Other than that, I agree with your other well-thought-out suggestions

-Trojan Pam

 Trojan Pam
@ Mack Lyons

I agree with your diagnosis that we are suffering collectively from a multitude of psychological maladies.

I used to think black people would come together when things really hit a critical point, but honestly, after much observation, I don’t believe that anymore. We are like captives in a TB ward being exposed to TB every day and trying to cure ourselves of TB.

I am absolutely certain mass collective healing and a return to sanity can only occur by a total separation and rejection of the white supremacy /beauty/religion/material/etc values. And even if that occurs, it will take generations to rid ourselves of the disease of self-hatred, self-annihilation, and white identification.

I do agree that talking about “solidarity” under the current conditions is not a solution (even as much as I personally advocate for it). In my daily contact with black folks, most of who seem apathetic to our plight, I know “unity” is not an achievable goal for folks who don’t even like each other (yea, I said it).

that being said, I do like your first two suggestions to stop patronizing the takeover of business enterprise in our communities. However, do we plan on filling the vacuum by learning how to run profitable businesses (which we seem to have extreme difficulty doing)

And I would love to see the end to our extreme financial exploitation by pay day lending and rent to buy purchases.

I don’t expect # 1-3 to work.

The entertainment industry is a satanic cult and the black and white entertainers owe their allegiance to their masters — not to mention it would be a miracle for any of them to give up their paychecks for a cause of any kind. In fact, a substantial number of black entertainers and athletes won’t even date black people, let alone make any sacrifices for the black common good. I’d write them off in general — but that’s my opinion. I just have no use for them, other than indulging in an occasional movie or song.

I disagree with number 4 about getting involved in politics. I do not believe anyone can work within a system so corrupt it’s about to destroy itself from within. It’s like getting on a sinking ship and trying to make a home on it.

Black people cannot achieve justice or equality in a white supremacy system. Absolutely NEVER. We have to leave this system or destroy. Those are the only two options.

Many people advocate out-populating whites but numbers aren’t as important as the QUALITY of those numbers. The white population on earth is less than 9% of the world’s population yet they rule most of the other 91%. South Africa was about 92% black during apartheid, yet the white minority rule them with an iron fist. The U.S. population is over 300 million, yet less than 1% (less than one million) rule a population of blacks and non-blacks, stealing our jobs, pensions, homes, and future.

Overall, your suggestions provide food for thought and it is good that at least solutions are being presented and considered. No one–including myself–have the perfect solution to this problem or we would have already solved it.

The one thing I always advocate as a beginning to finding solutions is understanding the problem


Once we get out of denial about the system that oppresses us, we can take the next step to understanding how to free ourselves from our psychological prison.

Even while I lost hope, I still hang on to a few shreds of it.

-Trojan Pam

Trojan Pam
@ abagond

I agree. Unfortunately, after the turbulent 60s and early 70s, the white supremacists learned their lesson:

Never let the blacks choose their own leaders. We will choose their leaders for them.

We will finance them so we can control them

We will give these chosen leaders a highly visible national presence and organization so most blacks will think they’re legit

And when the time is right, we will elect a few to high office with high-sounding titles with no real power

For the few “black leaders” who are chosen by the people and slipped through our nets, the solution is simple

1. Bribe them and if that doesn’t work, defame them.

2. If that doesn’t neutralize them, we’ll imprison or kill them

And if you look at the blacks who have been killed or imprisoned (including all political prisoners who have been locked up for over a decade)

VERSUS the ones who have prospered and will live long, prosperous lives, it is easy to tell what kind of “black leader” you are looking at

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