
Monday, December 09, 2019

Real Information.

The life of Jeffrey Epstein refutes the lie that there is no network of super rich pedophiles and abusers who are around in the world. He is the living representation of how oligarchical power is ever real. Evil must always be condemned and opposed. The victims of Epstein’s abuse have courageously stood up to speak their truths and to defend honor. Right now, Epstein died in prison and is physically gone from this Earth. His wicked life is known by many people. Yet, we have to evaluate his life in order to be aware about abuse of innocent people. Abuse must always be resisted at every turn. Jeffrey Epstein died mysteriously in a maximum security prison. We know that 2 prison guards are taking the blame for it, but there is a dispute on how he died.  Some believe that Jeffrey Epstein died as result of him committing suicide, while others believed that others killed him (and a subsequent cover up transpired). We know many facts now. We know that the two cameras filming the jail cell of Jeffrey Epstein at the time of his death were broken. The recordings were deemed “unusable” by authorities. Two guards have been accused of sleeping through scheduled checks on Epstein and falsified records. The French person Jean-Luc Brunel disappeared when she was suspected to be Epstein’s sex trafficking pipeline in Paris. The Epstein Island location has been shown by a drone device. The island of Little Saint James was a site of the actions of many powerful people. Before his death, the FBI raided many locations in trying to find evidence. The strange temple at the Epstein Island had a golden dome and cockatrice in 2017. These items on the Temple are now gone. The Temple has the initials of JE on it meaning Jeffery Epstein. The same initials are found on the door of Epstein’s NYC mansion. There were found many mattresses and scaffolding in the Temple. There is a bookshelf, an ornamental column, and some wring. Pillars are found in Masonic symbolism. The column is twisted. Such columns are found in Renaissance art and the story of the Solomon Temple (with the pillars of Jachin and Boaz). August 12th, 2019 was the time when the FBI raided Epstein's Island location. When a drone was film FBI agents, they covered up the window.  Epstein was in the strictest prison in America called the Metropolitan Correction Center in Manhattan, NYC. He was also on suicide watch. The death of Epstein keeps more of the crimes of the political and social elites withdrawn from the public. Ghislaine Maxwell worked with Epstein, and she has denied any allegation of wrongdoing. Epstein was a convicted sex offender.

He worked at Bear Stearns before creating his own firm. Jeffrey Epstein abused women and underaged girls. Many of his contacts abused people too. His death was on August 10, 2019. Epstein had many cameras on his properties to allegedly record sexual activity with underage girls by many super rich people for criminal purposes like blackmail. Maxwell admitted that Epstein’s private island in the Virgin Islands was wired for video. Police officers found 2 hidden cameras in his Palm Beach home. Epstein admitted that he had dirt on powerful people about their sexual actions and recreational drug use to a New York Times reporter in 2018. Epstein was a friend to Prince Andrew (who has been accused by many women of abuse. Prince Andrew has denied all allegations of sexual abuse) and Tom Barrrack. He attended parties with people like Bill Clinton, George Stephanopoulos, Donald Trump, Katie Couric, Woody Allen, and Harvey Weinstein. He contacted the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, Ehud Barack, Alex Baldwin, and other people. His nicknamed Lolita Express plane had many rich people on board. Lolita is a name referring to a movie about a pedophile exploiting a young girl. Clinton is innocent of any allegation of sex trafficking, but Trump has been accused of rape, harassment, and sexual abuse by women for years. Trump has known Epstein for years. We know that it is much more than one man who was involved in the crimes of sexual abuse, sex trafficking, and other evils. Yet, many of Epstein’s victims are fighting for justice continuously. We always express empathy and sympathy to any victim of abuse.

The apostle Matthew was a unique man. He was a tax collector (in the service of Herod Antipas or the tetrarch of Galilee). He was an outcast in Israel, because Jewish people back then (over 2,000 years old) viewed tax collectors as oppressors sent by the Roman Empire to exploit the lives of Jewish people. Back then, the Jewish people in Eretz Yisrael wanted freedom and liberation from Roman imperialism basically. Jesus Christ saw in Matthew a great deal of courage and forthrightness. He is also known as the author of the book of Matthew. The Book of Matthew in the New Testament gives a summary of the life of Jesus Christ and the earliest stories of the existence of Christianity. From taxing people at Capernaum to evangelizing human beings, Matthew lived a life filled with adventure. Tax collectors in Israel lived a dangerous life. People lied about their taxes regularly. Many tax collectors had little accountability too. He was an eye witness to the ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ. Matthew was also called Levi. The books of Matthew, Luke, and Mark confirmed that when Jesus first met Matthew, he was at a tax collector’s booth. Jesus told him to “Follow me” and Matthew got up and followed him. When the Pharisees criticized Jesus Christ on eating with tax collectors and sinners, Jesus said to them that he came to not call the righteous but the sinners (Mark 2:15-17). It is still a mystery on how he died or whether he died by martyrdom or natural causes. Early Church leaders like Irenaeus and Clement of Alexandria wrote that Matthew preached the Gospel to the Jewish community in Judea before going to other countries.

The Apostle John was one of the most well-known of the 12 apostles. He lived longer than any of the other apostles. The Gospel of John and the Book of Revelations outlined some of the most eloquent, groundbreaking, and exciting literature of the New Testament. His words of The Word being God, as found in the book of John at John 1:1, were revolutionary. John was the son of Zebedee and Salome (or Joanna). He lived to the time of ca. 100 A.D. He was the brother of James. He was also a first disciple of John the Baptist. He was an early friend of Peter and Andrew. They traveled from Bethsaida to the Jordan. The Apostle John was Jesus’s half-cousin. His mother Salome being Mary’s sister. John and Andrew were Jesus Christ’s original disciples. John 2:1-4:54 showed John as being faithful to the spiritual cause. John worked his father Zebedee in a fishing business. Later, John worked in evangelism for life. He entered the High Priest’s home during Christ’s trial. He was with the other apostles in the Upper Room after Christ’s ascension (Acts 1:13). The Apostle John had a huge role in the early develop of Christianity. He helped to preach the Pentecost sermon (Acts 2:7-8), he helped Peter heal the lame man, he was in jail with Peter (Acts 4:1-3), and he evaluated theology greatly. He was under constant surveillance by the Roman Empire. He was imprisoned for a time. Peter, James, and John were witnesses to the Transfiguration of Jesus Christ. Later on, the Apostle John trained Polycarp, who would be the Bishop of Smyrna (in Turkey), Polycarp carried John’s message to future generations. Later, Polycarp taught Irenaeus. John is seen as the youngest of the apostles.

The Apostle Peter was a leader of Christianity. Peter traveled across the world, he was outspoken, and he defended Jesus Christ. He lived from ca. 1 B.C to ca. 67 A.D. His original name was Simon. Jesus Christ changed his name to Peter meaning rock. Peter worked as a Galilean fisherman and was the brother of Andrew. They came from the village of Bethsaida (John 1:43, 12:21). Peter followed John the Baptist. He or Peter was also married which a lot of people don’t know (even today). Peter knew of his imperfections and admitted his sins to Jesus Christ. He was bold to be the first apostle to call Jesus Christ the Son of the living God (Mark 8:29). Luke 5:6-8 included verses that showed Peter along with his brother Andrew as among the earliest disciples of Jesus Christ. Peter left being a fisherman to being an apostle. Back then, fishermen worked long hours, they dressed unconventionally, and many had tempers. Jesus wanted Peter and Andrew to convert people to the faith. Jesus predicted that Peter would betray him 3 times. Peter denied that this would happen. Then, it happened as Jesus Christ has said. Peter witnessed the many miracles of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ in Matthew 24 predicted that the end of the age would come when the gospel would be preached to the four corners of the Earth. That didn’t happen back then. Today, it is different. Peter was the first one to preach on the day of Pentecost after the coming of the Holy Spirit. He preached to Gentiles greatly. His later life wasn’t easy. He was imprisoned, brutalized, and murdered by the Roman Empire. Church historians Tertullian, Origen, and Eusebius wrote that Peter was crucified upside down because, he felt unworthy to be crucified in the same way that Jesus Christ was crucified. Many sources mention that he preached in Rome before his death. Roman Catholics called him the first Pope,which isn't true. Back then, Linus was the first bishop of Rome. There were no popes in the early church. Cyprian said that there are no bishop of bishops during the 200's A.D. In ca. 64 A.D., there was the great Fire of Rome. The Emperor Nero blamed falsely Christians for the fire, and many Christians were murdered.
The Apostle James was the son of Zebedee and the brother of John. He lived a very short life, but his influence was very powerful as it relates to religious history. James was a fisherman who worked on the Sea of Galilee. James witnessed the daughter of Jairus being raised form the dead (Mark 5:37-47), the Transfiguration (Matthew 17:1-3), and the agony of Jesus at the Garden of Gethsemane (Mathew 26:36-37). When James wanted to burn a Sarmatian village that rejected Jesus, Jesus didn’t approve of this. He called James and John Boanerges or son of thunder because of their tempers. James was killed under the order of King Herod Agrippa I of Judea in ca. 44 A.D. in a general persecution of early Christians. He was from Capernaum.

A lot of people don’t know how vicious the Roman Catholic Church was trying to suppress the translation of the Bible in diverse languages centuries ago. A lot of people take for granted how many people shed blood for our right to believe in what we want to believe. Back in 1215, Pope Innocent III issued a law banning the translation of the Bible into diverse languages. The Council of Toulouse in 1229 banned laity to possess or read the vernacular translation of the Bible. The Council of Trent in 1546 banned translations of the Bile into other languages (like German, Spanish, English, etc.) without a license form a Catholic bishop or inquisitor. Peter Waldo was persecuted for translating the New Testament into the Romanist language. His followers were called the Waldensians. By the 1200’s, the Waldensians rejected purgatory, believed in the universal priesthood of all believers, and rejected materialism. They were persecuted by the Roman Catholic Church. In 1211, more than 80 Waldensians were burned at Strasbourg. William Tyndale was the first person to translate the English Bible from Greek and Hebrew. He was persecuted. Tyndale was imprisoned and sent to the castle at Vilvorde, Belgium for 16 month. He died on October 6, 1536 after being strangled plus burned at the stake. It wasn’t just the Roman Catholics complicit in persecution, but some Protestants persecuted Anabaptists and Baptists for a long time too. Many Protestants wanted religious liberty form Roman Catholicism, but some didn’t give liberty to others. These people were the Anabaptists and Baptists who rejected infant baptism, they believed in a separation of church and state, and they desired a simplistic formation of the church infrastructure. There is no moral justification for persecuting those who disagree with you at any circumstance. Even Jesus Christ said to his disciples to be harmless like doves in Matthew 10:16. Conrad Grebel and Felix Manz rejected infant baptism. George Cajacob did the same. These men were Anabaptists from Switzerland. The reformer Zwingli promoted the city council’s edict against the Anabaptists. Grebel and Manz were thrown into prison. Felix Manz was murdered too by drowning. The Anabaptists and the Baptists believe in baptism by immersion of adults or people who are old enough to know of the faith which is scriptural. Even many Baptists were imprisoned in Virginia by the Church of England centuries ago because of their religious beliefs. Back then, many Baptists in England and in America refused to pay taxes to state backed churches. This was one of the major reasons why the Virginian law promoting religious liberty was created by the late 1700’s. Now, it is also important to note that the persecution of Baptists was wrong and some (not all Baptists) Baptists supporting slavery back then was wrong too. I do agree with Baptists on believing in the separation of church and state, the universal priesthood of believers, the memorial of communion being symbolic, and no infant baptism. Many of my family members are Baptists. We have to learn the comprehensive look at history in order to get things right in the future.

The early 2010’s saw massive developments in world history. At the start of 2010 on January, the tallest man-made structure to date called the Burj Halifa in Dubai (United Arab Emirates) officially opened. The 7.0 magnitude Earthquake occurred in Haiti. It killed people in Port-au-Prince, and throughout Haiti. Many charities helped many people. Over 316,000 people died from the Earth which was the tenth deadliest on record. To this very day, Haitians are fighting for justice. Yemen battled al-Qaeda. The Chadian Civil War ended in early 2010. By February of 2010, another Earthquake happened in Chile with an 8.8 magnitude. In April of 2010, there was an explosion at the Deepwater Horizon oil drilling platform in the Gulf of Mexico. It killed 11 workers. Later, the Horizon oil spill came about. It was one of the largest oil spills in history. It spread for month and damaged the waters of America. People soon debated offshore drilling and corporations were sued. The European sovereign debt crisis continued in April 27, 2010 when  Standard & Poor's downgraded Greece's sovereign credit rating to junk 4 days after the activation of a €45-billion EU–IMF bailout, triggering the decline of stock markets worldwide and of the euro's value. By May of 2010, the IMF and Eurozone bailout Greece, but they issued Greek austerity measures. In Thailand, there was a political clash. On July 25, 2010,  WikiLeaks, an online publisher of anonymous, covert, and classified material, leaks to the public over 90,000 internal reports about the United States-led involvement in the War in Afghanistan from 2004 to 2010. In August of 2010, the WHO called the H1N1 influenza pandemic as over. Germany makes its final reparation payment for World War I on October 6, 2010. On November 13, 2010, Burmese opposition politician Aung San Suu Kyi was released from her house arrest after being incarcerated since 1989. By December 17, 2010, The attempted suicide of Mohamed Bouazizi, a street vendor in Tunisia, triggers the Tunisian Revolution and the wider Arab Spring throughout the Arab world. In January of 2011, the Arab Spring spread across the Middle East. South Sudan by 2011 created a new nation. 

On February 11, 2011, the Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak resigned after widespread protests in Egypt call for his departure. Egypt became in control of the military until a general election was created. In March of 2011, there was the civil uprising phrase of the Syrian Civil War. This was when 15 youths in Daraa are arrested for scrawling graffiti on their school wall denouncing the regime of President Bashar al-Assad. The tsunami in Japan on March 11, 2011 in a 9.0 magnitude Earthquake killed 15,840 people. 3,926 people were missing. It harmed nuclear power plants in the region too. On March 15, 2011, Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, King of Bahrain, declared a three-month state of emergency as troops from the Gulf Co-operation Council are sent to quell the civil unrest. On March 15, 2011, Protests breakout across Syria demanding democratic reforms, resignation of President Bashar al-Assad, and release of those imprisoned for the March 6 Daraa protest. The government responded by killing hundreds of protesters and laying siege to various cities, beginning the Syrian Civil War. On March 17, 2011, the United Nations Security Council votes 10–0 to create a no-fly zone over Libya in response to allegations of government aggression against civilians. In Libya, Libyan rebels fight the forces of Muammar Gaddafi’s military. Later, French fighters make use reconnaissance flights over Libya in March of 2011. Prince William and Catherine Middleton marry at Westminster Abbey in London on April 29, 2011. On May 1, 2011, U.S. President Barack Obama announced that Osama bin Laden (the founder and leader of al-Qaeda) was killed in Pakistan (via an American military operation). People celebrated worldwide. On July 21, 2011, Space Shuttle Atlantis landed successfully at Kennedy Space Center after completing STS-135, concluding NASA's Space Shuttle program. On July 22, 2011, in Norway, Anders Behring Breivik killed 8 people in a bomb blast which targeted government buildings in central Oslo, then kills 69 at a massacre at a Workers' Youth League camp on the island of Utøya. Anders was a racist and extremist. On September of 2011, Occupy Wall Street protests occurred nationwide and worldwide. Occupy Wall Street want to end economic oppression by the 1%. October 18, 2011 was the time of the Gilad Shalit prisoner exchange: Israel and the Palestinian militant organization Hamas begin a major prisoner exchange, in which the captured Israeli Army soldier Gilad Shalit is released by Hamas in exchange for 1,027 Palestinian and Israeli-Arab prisoners held in Israel, including 280 prisoners serving life sentences for planning and perpetrating terror attacks. Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi was killed in Sirte on October 20, 2011 with the National Transitional Council forces ruling the city. The war in Libya ended. Afterwards, there have been more conflicts in Libya, black African people being murdered by Arabic racists in Libya, and slave trading of black African people. By December 15, 2011, America ended its war in Iraq.

The start of 2012 saw a bombing in Pakistan. The European Union adopted an embargo against Iran over Iran trying to enrich uranium. On March 22, 2012, the President of Mali, Amadou Toumani Touré, is ousted in a coup d'état after mutinous soldiers attacked government offices. Putin was elected President of Russia on May 7, 2012. Muslim Brotherhood member Mohamed Morsi was elected President of Egypt on June 30, 2012 (which was controversial). On July of 2012, the Aurora, Colorado mass shooting happened by James Holmes. He killed 12 people with 58 people being injured at a movie theater. Turkish adventurer Erden Eruç becomes the first person in history to complete a solo human-powered circumnavigation of the Earth on July 21, 2012. The historic 2012 London Summer Olympics was held at London, England, United Kingdom. The rover called Curiosity landed on Mars in August. November 2012 was when Barack Obama was reelected President of the United Sates. The Sandy Hook mass shooting happened at Sandy Hook, Connecticut by December of 2012.

Sany Hook an elementary school where the killer murdered 28 people including the gunman was killed too. By January 2013, people died in Pakistan after bomb blasts. French military forces go into Mali to target Ansar Dine. North Korea has its nuclear test on February 12, 2013. By February of 2012, American scientists use a 3D printer to create a living lab-grown ear from collagen and animal ear cell cultures. In the future, it is hoped that similar ears could be grown to order as transplants for human patients suffering from ear trauma or amputation. Pope Francis became Pope on March 13, 2013. He is the first Jesuit Pope. On June 6, 2013, Former CIA employee Edward Snowden disclosed operations engaged in by a U.S. government mass surveillance program to news publications and flees the country, later being granted temporary asylum in Russia. PlayStation 4 was released in November of 2013. By 2014, more developments have occurred. In February of 2014, there was the Ebola virus epidemic in West Africa. It killed over 11,000 people. The Winter Olympic was in February of 2014 in Sochi, Russia. In the same month, there was the Ukrainian Revolution. The Malaysia Airline Flight 370 crashed into the Indian Ocean on March 8, 2014. Russia takes over Crimea later on. Donetsk declared independence from Ukraine. On April 14, 2014, about 276 girls and women were kidnapped and held hostage from a school in Nigeria. The Boko Haram terrorists are involved in the kidnapping. The Flint water is switched causing the 2014 Flint water crisis. Barack Obama executed new economic sanctions against Russia. On June 5, 2014, a  Sunni militant group called the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (also known as the ISIS or ISIL) begins an offensive through northern Iraq, aiming to capture the Iraqi capital city of Baghdad and overthrow the Shiite government led by Prime Minister Nouri al-Malik. Germany won the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil. People fight ISIL by June. In 2014, the police shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri causes a new era of the black freedom movement. The Black Lives Matter movement and other social movement increase their power to confront police brutality. Scotland voted against independence in a September 2014 referendum. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released the final part of its Fifth Assessment Report, warning that the world faces "severe, pervasive and irreversible" damage from global emissions of CO2 (on November 2, 2014). The One World Trade Center was opened on November 3, 2014 or the tallest building in the Western Hemisphere. Japanese sent a space probe into space. U.S. President Barack Obama announced resumption of normal relations with the U.S. and Cuba by December 17, 2014. On December 28, 2014, Indonesia AirAsia Flight 8501 from Surabaya, Indonesia to Singapore crashes into the Java Sea just southwest of Borneo, killing all 162 people on board. The 2010’s was a very eventful decade indeed.


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