
Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Late May 2020 Information.

Yesterday was the Birthday of the legendary Brother Malcolm X. When I was in the 7th grade of middle school, I did a project on him. So, I know a lot of his life story. Malcolm X was born in the Midwest in Omaha, Nebraska in 1925. His parents were Garveyites and stood up against white racism. His father was a person who preached the message of black empowerment. Malcolm X moved into Michigan and Boston in order to escape injustice and find himself. Malcolm X's story is a story common to many people. He was a working class black man who got caught up in the criminal underworld temporarily. Later, he followed the Nation of Islam while he was in prison. When he got out, he was the most powerful speaker of the Nation of Islam's views. Even when he was in the NOI, no one could refute his arguments about America having disguised hypocrisy (of claiming to be a democracy, but black Americans being treated as second class citizens), about how police brutality is wrong, about the evils of slavery, and about how black people should unify in developing solutions to our problems. One of Malcolm X's greatest moments was when he stood up for the human dignity of Ronald Stokes, who was murdered by the police in LA. I have visited Los Angeles before last year. Malcolm X's gift was that he was in constant evolution of his views, and he used similes, stories, powerful, eloquent examples, and wit to evaluate how evil society is (while advocating solutions). He evolved from being in the NOI to embracing more internationalism in fighting Western imperialism. Malcolm X wanted political activism to advance black nationalism and Pan-Africanism. Malcolm X's support of self-defense is well known. He said that we aren't trying to be tough, but any man or anyone else has the right to defend himself or herself. That is why he wanted black armed people to defend their communities against racists.

Malcolm X came into the Hajj in 1964 after he left the NOI. After his personal Hajj, Malcolm X changed his views to make it clear that black liberation is not just a national affair. We have to unite with the millions of black Africans and the rest of the African Diaspora in order to achieve true liberation. He wanted black unity and women having equality. Also, Malcolm X criticized the Vietnam War, wanted more militancy involving the Selma voting rights movement, and he shook hands with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in 1964. Malcolm X contributed mightily in growing the black consciousness in the African American community. He did great on that front. Malcolm X's assassination was tragic, and it was more than some gunmen. We know that the NYPD, the CIA, and the FBI monitored him, because Malcolm X wanted to go to the United Nations to bring up charges against America for its mistreatment against black Americans. Malcolm X visited many African nations to study African culture and to gain support for his cause of making America accountable for its crimes against our people. He helped to popularize the term of African American. Malcolm X loved his wife and his children. Malcolm X taught us to love our Blackness unconditionally and without apology. He was courageous. One example was that he continued to speak his mind after people burned his home, threatened him, and illegally monitored him. He stood by his convictions. Malcolm X was a hero to black people and freedom loving people in general by his words and deeds.

Rest in Power Brother Malcolm X.

Many workers are facing massive burdens during the coronavirus epidemic. Thousands of autoworkers have returned to work. The Trump administration and large corporations want a rapid reopening of the American economy. The issue is that many plants have inadequate safety measures. GM, Ford, and Fiat Chrysler restarted 51 factories in many states like Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Kentucky, etc. Some workers have strike involving the car industry. That is why people want solutions. One solution is to make committees that are independent to oversee health and safety in the plants. These committees could work with trusted medical professionals to handle the best, safe way to handle hours, protection for workers, and N95 masks including other protective gear. Those with the coronovarius deserve immediate medical treatment with no loss of pay. The priorities of workers having a safe working environment must exist before the corporations' large profits. In that sense, a resolution can develop.

Genius is a world to describe her. Not only has she broke down barriers. She helped to expand fashion, music, and other realms of human existence. She is Sister Grace Beverly Jones, and it was her Birthday yesterday. She is now 72 years old. She is a Jamaican model, singer, actress, songwriter, and record producer. She has one child. Her talent in dance music has been amazing. She inspired Annie Lennox, Rihanna, Lady Gaga, Solange, Lorde, and other artists. She as born in Spanish Town, St. Catherine, Jamaica. She lived in Syracuse, New York when she was 13 years old. The irony of her life was that she was a shy child, and she became one of the most expressive artists of her generation. Grace Jones was raised in a very strict household. She modeled in Paris, New York City, and worldwide by the 1970's. She studied theater in college. She made music, was part of movies, and became more bold in her expression. She loves reggae and dance music. Before Beyonce, before Madonna, before Bjork, and before other musicians, there was Grace Jones. Grace Jones started a whole lot of innovations in fashion and music. Grace Jones won many awards and is honest about who she is. Hurricane was her 10th album which was released in 2008. She is legendary in many ways, and her desire for herself is about promoting the essence of freedom. I wish Sister Grace Jones more blessings.

This is the first time that I've shown more about this story here. David Williams was a famous musician. He worked with The Mighty Dells, The Temptations, Michael Jackson,and other artists. He was one of the greatest guitarist of all time. He was born in Newport News, Virginia on November 21, 1950. I found out something interesting. I found out recently that he was my 2nd cousin. We share the same ancestor of Adam D. David Williams' great grandfather is Adam D., and my 2nd great grandfather is Adam D. So, we are related to each other. Larry and Reatha Williams are his parents. Both of our ancestors came from Halifax, North Carolina on my paternal side of my family. Many of his children are musicians and actresses like Davida Williams, Dana Williams, and Kenya Williams (who is an actress who had been on Moesha and other movies). When I look at his children, I can tell immediately that they are related to me by how they look and act. David Williams' grandmother was Leatte D. or my 2nd great aunt (the daughter of Adam D. and Nancy Reynolds). David Williams lived a full life. He passed away in the year of 2009. Many of his relatives today live in Hampton, Newport News, and California.

By Timothy

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