
Wednesday, September 02, 2020

The Events of America.


After living for many decades on this Earth, many people realize that reform isn't enough. When you see black people being murdered and maimed on videotape, we realize that America has a serious problem with oppression. This is not new. This complication has been abundant for centuries. We have massive environmental problems from climate change, food deserts, polluted water, air pollution, toxic waste, environmental racism, and habitats being harmed. Today, we have a choice between a moderate and a far right extremist. What a choice, but I have to do the right thing for this country. Future generations are at stake. We have to vote the far right extremist out of office. When you have kids locked in cages from their parents, then that is not democracy. When you have policies that end consent decrees to stop police brutality, then that is not democracy. When you have a President that glorifies Confederate statues and bashes mail in voting, then that is not democracy. When you have a President praising right wing extremists hitting people with paint guns, then that is not democracy. We know what it is.

There is the hypocrisy of Trump lecturing others on law and order while disregarding the rule of law on many issues. Trump glamorizes the woman beater and killer Kyle Rittenhouse, but he refuses to condemn police brutality and white nationalist-inspired terrorism in American society. While this is going on, Jacob Blake's family has hosted community gathering, voter registration, food services to help people, free hair cuts, and other programs provided by local businesses. This comes in contrast to the divisive, inflammatory rhetoric shown by Trump. Trump has disrespected the concept of Black Lives Matter, but Black Lives Matter is a legitimate concept for anyone to embrace. When a reporter asked Trump that most protests have been nonviolent and why doesn't he address systemic racism, Trump changes the subject and talks about anarchists, looters, rapists. The reality is that there is no solution unless economic oppression and systemic racism are addressed and abolished in the world. That is why Kenosha, Wisconsin will always be better than the views of a racist, sexist President, who is Trump. It doesn't shock me that haters are trying to slander Breonna Taylor's reputation. It takes a coward to try to disrespect the legacy of Breonna Taylor. Breonna Taylor was a hero who saved lives, cared for people, and definitely deserved to live. We should always desire the officers involved in her death to be arrested, given a trial, and sent to prison. We want black lives to be protected and respected.
Days ago, John Thompson passed away at the age of 78 years old. He was the coach of Georgetown for many years. He was the first black man to win a collegiate championship in the NCAA. He helped to coach and mentor the greats like Allen Iverson, Patrick Ewing, Alonzo Mourning, Sleepy Floyd, and Dikembe Mutombo. With his voice, he confronted racism and injustice. He desired strength of character to be part of the lives of us. Also, he was part of the movement of more minority coaches in sports leagues in general. Thompson spoke out against Proposition 42 because of its racist implications. His coaching style was inspired by Red Auerbach (who coached the Celtics). He played basketball in many teams. He won 2 NBA rings in 1965 and in 1966 from the Boston Celtics. The truth is that he was a legend. 

Rest in Power Brother John Thompson. 
On a positive note, Brandy and Monica yesterday had a friendly Verzuz battle about their music. Back during the 1990's, these singers started their career. They were legends back then and they are legends now. People from our generation and beyond love their music. I watched Moesha when I was young, and I love Monica's songs too. Brandy's music is amazing. DHS Wolf says that he is looking into the leaders of the BLM Movement. We have seen this decades ago when some in the FBI illegally monitored civil rights leaders. We won't fall for deception, we have the right to be heard, and we will promote freedom for black people unconditionally. There are many tensions in Portland. We have Trump supporters and counter protesters having clashes. Violence has occurred, and Trump have called protesters 'thugs' which is coded language for you know what. There has been a new video catching Kyle Rittenhouse beating on a woman. Yet, some sick people are calling Kyle a hero. This violence is not new. Yet, we have told the world time after time again about how Trump has agitated hate and divisiveness. For example, Trump said that police should be harsh on arrested people. Trump has glamorized vigilante groups. He has praised Confederate statues and made a mockery of the rule of law while talking about "law and order." Trump has refused to promote federal legislation to confront police brutality, the prison industrial complex firmly, and ending racial profiling. Our human rights aren't up for negotiation. They must be preserved and protected.
Trump has praised the woman beater and killer Kyle Rittenhouse. Trump has used his rhetoric to increase the tensions going on in America. FOX News host Tucker Carlson has praised Rittenhouse too. Republican Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin refused to condemn Rittenhouse. What these people don't talk about is how the Trump administration has used a military police crackdown in Portland, Oregon. There ware right wing groups like Patriot Prayer, which has ties to the Portland police, going over Portland to fire mace and paintball guns against protesters and journalists. Trump, Carlson, and others are so key in talking about "law and order," but refuse to condemn far right extremists using their form of disorder against innocent people. Armed vigilante groups in Kenosha, Portland, and other cities represent a threat to American society. These groups are supported by the Trump administration for political reasons. Armed fascistic groups have used their actions of harassment at state capitol buildings in Michigan, Virginia, Minnesota, and other states in April plus May (in trying to stop policies aimed to stop the spread of the coronavirus pandemic). Trump has supported the use of federal paramilitary troops to seize and beat protesters fighting police brutality in July 2020. That is why a political consciousness is needed, and the right to protest must be maintained.
By Timothy

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