
Friday, November 19, 2021

Friday News in Late November of 2021.




Some breaking news is that Julius Jones' death sentences have been commuted by the Oklahoma state Governor Kevin Stitt. This means that he has life in prison. Julius Jones, to this day, says that he is innocent. There is increasing evidence that proves his innocence too. All credit goes to his mother and activists who fought for his behalf. Julius Jones wants to be free from prison, and he has the right to fight for his freedom. Right now, he is 41 years old. Far too often, there have been many people who were innocent, but they were executed via the death penalty. Madeline Davis-Jones or Jones' mother have spoken about this situation to Joy Reid (on The Reid Out), activists, and journalist Mara Schiavocampo have shown the public about the story of Julius Jones for a while. The death penalty being enacted against innocent people has existed for thousands of years, and it's wrong plus barbaric. 


I don't agree with Liz Cheney on tons of issues. Yet, she is right to criticize Ted Cruz as not a real man. The reason is that Donald Trump disrespected Ted Cruz's wife, his father (by implying that his father was involved in JFK's assassination), and him personally on many occasions. Yet, Cruz still supports Donald Trump unconditionally. That makes him or Cruz a complete coward by not even defending his wife, his father, and the Constitution. Cruz refused to support the censure of Gosar when Gosar promoted an anime video harming Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and President Joe Biden. Cruz is the type who believes in the lie that any federal government intervention to help the general welfare of America is equivalent to Stalinist Communism. Liz Cheney voted to censure Gosar (of Arizona). The reality is that we have every right to use resources to advance the general welfare of this society. That means we have better roads, great health care, a stronger environment, protection of our civil liberties plus civil rights, protections of our voting rights, and justice for all being made real for real.


Some breaking news is that authorities will exonerated 2 of the men who were convicted of the 1965 assassination of Malcolm Z. Their names are Muhammad A. Aziz an the late Khalil Islam. The Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance's Office and the lawyers for both men said that they found evidence for their innocence, including FBI documents (that was withheld at trial). Aziz is still alive being 83. Mujahid Abdul Halim or Talmadge Hayer admitted his role in the assassination, but he said that the other 2 men were innocent of the evil crime. Malcolm X's daughter, Ilyasah Shabazz, said that the recent investigation will bring more clarity and transparency about the situation. Malcolm X lived for 39 years on this Earth, and his impact was incredible. He gave confidence to a whole generation of black Americans to appreciate their beauty, their intellect, and their strength as black people. He wanted black people of the Western Hemisphere, Africa, and the world to unite in a Pan-African fashion to confront injustice plus have human liberation. He advocated human rights beyond just civil rights as he spoke about constantly. He also defended black women with love and grace. 


Now, we know that the House of Representatives voted to censure GOP Representative of Arizona Paul Gosar. The reason is that Gosar made a sick photoshopped anime video on his Twitter attacking Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York and the President Joe Biden. The result of this action will cause him to be removed from his 2 committee assignments. This is the first time that the House voted to censure a sitting member in more than a decade. The irony is that most GOP members in the House supported him. Most GOP members are too cowardly to condemn the evil views of Gosar. The extremist GOP Marjorie Taylor stood by Gosar as House Speaker Pelosi read the censure to him. Democratic Representatives Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Maxine Waters were sitting in the front row as the censure was read. Republicans Adam Kinzinger and Liz Cheney voted with all the Democrats for the censure resolution. There is no justification for Gosar actions.


In our lifetime, we have witnessed icons who have changed society as a whole. She is one such icon. It was her Birthday yesterday, and she is 36 years old. For years, she has fulfilled her dreams involving track and field, and she is Sister Allyson Felix. Not to mention that she is a role model for so many human beings fighting for pay equity, maternity rights, and justice in general. She is a mother, a wife, and the most decorated American Olympic athlete in world history. She is a blessed black woman with tons of gifts. Her origins were humble being raised by both parents in Los Angeles, California. Her father is an ordained minister an professor of the New Testament, and her mother is an elementary school teacher at Balboa Magnet Elementary. Her older brother was a sprinter named Wes Felix. Allyson Felix attended Los Angeles Baptist High School in North Hills, California. She has great strength to deadlift 270 lbs. at least in high school. She ran track then with inspiration from her coach Jonathan Patton. She was a junior athlete with the record of 22.1 seconds. Later, she graduated from high school in 2003, and she graduated from the University of Southern California with a degree in elementary education. She ran professionally in 2003. By the time she was 18, she won the silver medal in the 200m at the 2004 Summer Olympics at Athens behind Veronica Campbell of Jamaica. She was the youngest world champion ever in the 200m when she was 19 at the 2005 Helsinki Word Championship. She won silver in the 200m at the 2008 Summer Olympics at Beijing, and she won gold in 2012 in the 200m at London. Winning that gold in 2012 was her life long dream. She was part of the world record 4 X 100m relay women's team at London too. She won gold against at the Rio Olympics in the 4 X 100m relay and the 4 X 400m relay. She won silver at the 400m at Rio too. By the 2020 Olympics at Tokyo, she won bronze in the 400 m. As a five time recipient of the Jesse Owens/Jackie Joyner Kersee Award, Allyson Felix is an expert athlete. During the Obama administration, she served on the President's Council on Fitness, Sports, and Nutrition. Her husband is the sprinter and hurdler Kenneth Ferguson and they love their daughter. Allyson Felix is a spiritual Christian who credits her faith in God for her accomplishments. Saysh is her footwear company that she controls. Felix has defended the right of pregnant athletes to have their benefits and resources protected. Heroism is always part and parcel of her soul. Now, Allyson Felix remains one of the greatest persons and athletes in history.

I wish Sister Allyson Felix more Blessings. 


By Timothy


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