
Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Important News in 2021.



Malcolm X's daughter Malikah Shabazz passed away. She was one of the great lights of our people. She was found by her daughter in her Brooklyn home as the NYPD has said. The police said that her death appeared to be due to natural causes. A full, independent investigation about her passing ought to be made. Bernice King (who is the youngest daughter of the late Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.) gave compassionate condolences to the family of Malikah Shabazz. Malikah was the youngest of Malcolm X's six daughters. We know about Malcolm X being one of the greatest heroes in history. He not only spoke out against racism, economic oppression, and police brutality. He organized movements to confront those evils Malcolm X not only spoke out against imperialism. He formed a group called the OAAU (or the Organization of Afro-American Unity) to fight against imperialism. His children and his grandchildren have followed in his footsteps too. This comes after 2 men were exonerated during a court hearing involving the 1965 unjust assassination of Brother Malcolm X. Malikah Shabazz's life shows how precious life is. What matters in life is how you treat people, how you build in your community, and what sacrifices you're going to do to make the world better. 

Rest in Power Sister Malikah Shabazz.


The Chinese leader President Xi Jinping has been around for years. China's leadership claims to want to eliminate poverty in China, but its Gini coefficient (which measures economic inequality) has grown over the years. The contradiction of Chinese elitists is that they claim to be Communist, but private corporations dominate their online education industry. The CCP promoted a more market-based economy since the days of Deng Xiaoping during the late 1970's. The reality is that wealthy capitalists and the CCP bureaucracy have worked together for years in opposition to the interests of urban and rural Chinese workers (who desire their own sense of happiness). You have foreign investors in China and new technology, but China has a lot of cheap labor to this very day creating resources. According to the World Bank, the top 10 percent in China took more than 50 percent of total income. Urban household incomes on average were 132 percent higher than rural households in 2019. The Internet is censored in China, and union strikes are heavily restricted. There is a difference between the Chinese bureaucracy and the vast majority of Chinese people in China desiring justice, economic justice, and true freedom. That distinction should always be made clear. It's like American imperialism is wrong and should be opposed, but tons of Americans want justice and freedom for all of humankind. 


Scottie Pippen's new book of Unguarded is not only filled with hypocrisies and half-truths. It's a book created by a person filled with hatred and bitterness against Michael Jordan. Jordan is an open book, and we understand his imperfections on the court and out of the court (from adultery to treatment of his teammates. There is no excuse for adultery or mistreating teammates unjustly). That is known fully. Yet, Pippen goes as far saying that he is just as great as Michael Jordan as a basketball player, he wrote that he regretted not giving Jordan condolences over the death of Jordan's father, and he claimed that Jordan didn't give him enough credit for the contributions of the Chicago Bulls. The last claim by him is his total, ultimate lie. You can look at YouTube to see how after Game 6 of the 1997 Finals that Michael Jordan praised Pippen as key in the victory against the Utah Jazz, Jordan said that he and Pippen were a tandem, and Jordan said that Pippen is a great player plus leader on the team. Scottie Pippen lied and said that Michael Jordan ruined basketball. Pippen said that basketball is a team game, which is true, but even basketball have clutch players from Kareem to Magic Johnson. In 1992, when Xavier from the Knicks was intimidating Pippen, Jordan gave Pippen more confidence to defeat the Knicks in that series. This doesn't mean that Pippen's book is all lies. There are truths in his book about his sacrifice to be a great player, his experiences in Arkansas, his right to earn more money before the 1997-1998 season, and the care he has for his family.


The Groveland Four are exonerated after more than 70 years after a racist frame up. The Groveland Four were about four black boys in 1949 who were falsely charged with rape. On November 22, 2021, a Florida judge voided the indictments of 2 of the men and vacated the convictions of the other. The situation took place in central Florida. This was 30 miles west of Orlando. A mob with as many as 1,000 people killed one person detained. The other people were tortured, and there was no evidence presented to validate their arrest. The U.S. Supreme Court later threw out the convictions of Irvin and Shepherd. During that time, racist terror existed all over the place. Florida NAACP leader Harry T. Moore and his wife, Harriette Moore, were killed by a bomb blast at their home on Christmas Day 1951. Moore wrote a letter to the Governor of Florida about finding answers to the death of Shepherd and seriously wounded Irvin by Sheriff McCall. Racism and xenophobia continue to this day with groups like the fascist Proud Boys and Oath Keepers. Donald Trump is one fascist who called for the dath penalty against the Central Park 5, slurred peaceful protesters, and lied about the 2020 election. 


Yesterday was the Birthday of Sister Sybil Smith, and she is 65 years old. She was a famous American swimmer, and she was the first African American women swimmer to be named a first team Division I All-American, and the only American in Boston University women's swimming history. Her daughter Sloane Stephens is a Grand Slam Champion tennis player. Fresno, California is the place of her birth. Her brother, Tony, was a professional golfer. Also, she attended San Jaoquin Memorial High School. Her father was from Trinidad. She loves her husband Sheldon Farrell and has a child by him named Shawn Farrell, who played baseball and football at Notre Dame High School outside of Los Angeles. Sybil Smith was the best swimmer in Boston University history. She holds the school record in the 100m butterfly. Also, she won the Mildred Barnes awards for Boston University's outstanding woman athlete in 1987 and 1988. By 1993, she was inducted into the Boston University Athletic Hall of Fame. I wish Sister Sybil Smith more Blessings. 


BY Timothy


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