
Wednesday, November 03, 2021

New Changes.



There are new changes in American society. The situation in Virginia is a product of many demagogues who lied about critical race theory (when CRT is not taught in K-12 Virginia schools. These same bigots also slandered Toni Morrison under the guise of being opposed to CRT). You have some voters who want a sanitized, sugarcoated version of American history taught (under the guise of "parental rights") than true American history taught to human beings. Also, many people in America are more conservative than many folks thought. Many people would lie in polls, so they won't appear to be racist or bigoted in how they are perceived. That are some of the many reasons why Youngkin won the Virginian gubernatorial election. There is a lot of dog whistle messaging shown by Youngkin along with his overt deceptions. It also appears that the Minnesota voted against the policing overhaul after George Floyd's killing last year. Inflation has gone up too. Michelle Wu will be the first Boston Asian American woman mayor of Boston. She comes to succeed the first black woman mayor of Boston who is Kim Janey. Winsome Sears will be the first black Republican woman lieutenant governor of Virginia. So, we have a mixed bag in terms of election results. There are many state Virginia races too from every level of the Virginian government. The bad news is that the new governor of Virginia will be a far right Republican masquerading a center right Republican. The good news is that historic wins in Boston and New York City don't mean that everything is lost. We have to fight for progressive values. 


Tim Scott saying that he would vote for Trump in 2024 is disgraceful. I don't care if a person is a conservative or liberal. There is no excuse for any grown black man (or a person of any background) to vote for Trump when he has a long history of making racist, sexist, and xenophobic remarks for years and decades (without any apology). Tim Scott is the same guy who didn't want qualified immunity to be gone in holding crooked police officers accountable for their crimes against innocent people. Tim Scott is a Republican from South Carolina. We have a situation in America where some people respect fascistic demagogues or fraud than activists in the streets trying to save lives literally. 

Moderates are ruining America and democracy. The Build Back Better bill from Biden has already been watered down, because 2 moderate Senators care more for "bipartisanship" (when the GOP has condemned the bill) than human liberation. Corporate interests also have promoted a watered down bill. We want new programs to help parents, children, the elderly, black people, and all people. Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema have brought the $3.5 trillion bill to a much smaller cost. That is why far right Republicans and moderate Democrats are in the hands of Wall Street, Big Pharma, and other special interests who reject revolutionary change in the world. They believe in the total lie that one cent of increase of taxation or spending to help human lives is equivalent to totalitarianism. That is not the case. The Constitution in Article 1 clear states that Congress has the right to pass laws to spent money to build infrastructure and help people to increase the vitality of the economy. Paid family leave, Medicare expansion, and taxing the super rich must be in the legislation without exception.
Manchin shows his cowardice again. He said that he may vote against Biden's social safety net plan, because he is concerned about the debt. He isn't concerned about the debt, but he submits to an archaic economic philosophy that believes that free market fundamentalism is more important than the general welfare. He is silent on record wealth gotten by multinational corporations. We have real issues to deal with like climate change, voter suppression unjust laws, poverty, and other injustices going around in the world.  Manchin is a privileged person who won't look at his own West Virginian people in the eye to tell the truth that revolutionary change is needed to transform American society. Democracy is certainly under threat. Political tensions haven't been this bad since the days of the 1960's and the American Civil War. That is why we shouldn't be turned off from social activism. We should be in favor of continued activism to change the world.
Conservative opposition to critical race theory being taught in school has nothing to do with legitimate inquiry. It has to do with conservatives desiring to sugarcoat and whitewash real American history. They feel like we must not talk about racism or any injustice to cause change. Life doesn't work like that. Change is only done by demanding solutions and eliminating systems of oppression along with building a system of justice for all. The same protests in favor of segregation are similar in arguments and tactics as the modern day protests against CRT. One NYPD cop admitted to filing a false report after Eric Garner was chokehold to death. He claimed that the charge against Eric Garner of selling loose cigarettes being a felony was a total mistake.
By Timothy


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