
Friday, March 04, 2022

Friday Information on Early March of 2022.


On this day, Russian forces are gaining ground in southern Ukraine. There are more Russian bombings in Kharkiv and Kyiv. Many residents are fleeing the country. Now, over million Ukrainians of every color are going into other countries like Poland, Hungary, etc. Putin has been more blatant and unstable in his actions. There is no justification for his illegal, immoral invasion of Ukraine. Sergey Lavrov continues to defend Putin. Putin is a liar to call all Ukrainian fighters as Neo-Nazis when the President of Ukraine is a Jewish man whose relatives survived the Holocaust. America and European countries continue to target Russian oligarchs. These policies including sanctions have harmed the Russian economy. Putin said that his actions are going into plan which is silly as the resistance by Ukraine is powerful. Key Ukrainian cities are experiencing an intensified attack by Russian imperialistic forces. The Russian convoy are dealing with water, food, and oil supply issues. Over 1 million refugees from Ukraine are going into Poland, Hungary, and other nations of Europe. Putin could sign a law in Russia to force anti-war protesters to be in the Russian military. Russian troops are shelling Europe's largest nuclear power station in Ukraine. Later, they have seized it. Russia has done a war crime by attacking a nuclear power plant as a destroyed power plant can leak radioactive waste in tons of square miles. Russia military forces has already committed war crimes by targeting civilians too. Also, Putin shut down an independent media services in Russia. That was a violation of the freedom of the press in Russia. Putin apologists, fake leftist (who claim to be anti-imperialist but ignore Russia's war crimes), and Hotep omit that information (along with the facts of massive racism in Russia, arrest of thousands of peaceful protesters, and other evils). 

The January 6 committee lay out potential criminal charges against Trump for Trump working in a conspiracy with others to try to defraud the United States of America. Trump wanted to use methods to end the results of the 2020 election. The Committee wants the Justice Department to potential file charges on Trump and Eastman. Rep. Adam Schiff said that Eastman is responsible for working with Trump in trying to defraud the 2020 election. The January 6 court filing is very historic. Former Attorney General Bill Barr said that Trump was furious after Barr told him that his claims of the 2020 election being fraudulent have no merit. The Department of Justice has evidence, and their job is to independently investigate information plus charge people of wrongdoing when it's necessary. Kimberly Guilfoyle was subpoenaed by the January 6th committee.

The CPAC and the America First conferences shows how fascism dominates the Republican Party. These groups believe in the lie that certain humans aren't created equal by virtue of their backgrounds. They make it their business to bash black people, the poor, women, immigrants, and other oppressed people in order to promote the interests of oligarchy, racism, and xenophobia. The Republican Party's leader for years is Donald Trump. These events come during the Russian invasion of Ukraine and a massive US/NATO military buildup in Eastern Europe. This crisis and war are the most serious crisis in European since the end of World War II. This is not hyperbole. This is reality. The people in the CPAC conference believe in the lie that Biden and the Democrats in general want to usher some socialist or Marxist, communist assault on the American nation. The reality is that Biden has shown moderate policies for decades. The speakers at the CPAC event shown anti-communist hysteria and appeals to racism and anti-Semitism. Speakers included civil war advocate Madison Cawthorn, Matt Gaetz, and Jim Jordan. DeSantis promoted anti-free speech bills, bashed anti-police brutality protesters, and he refused to condemn an attack of a Jewish person by neo-Nazis. Therefore, Reagan's extremism and Trump's extremism are parts of the overall trend of the fascism of the Republican Party leadership.

It is always important to celebrate legends who helped their communities in real life too. She is an icon in athletics being one of the greatest athletes in history. She is Sister Jackie Joyner-Kersee, and it was her birthday yesterday. She is now 60 years old. For six decades, she has worked hard to win many medals in the heptathlon as well as the long jump. She won 3 gold, one silver, and 2 bronze Olympic medals in those 2 events at four different Olympic Games. People already view her as the greatest woman athlete of all time. She is one the board of directors for USA Track and Field (U.S.A.T.F.), the national governing body of the sport. She was born in East St. Louis, Illinois. As a child, she overcame severe asthma. During her time at East St. Louis Lincoln Senior High School, she qualified for the finals in the long jump at the 1980 Olympic Trials. She saw a made for TCV movie about Babe Didrikson Zaharias (of the best women athletes in history). Didrikson played track, basketball, and golf. Jackie attended UCLA (or the University of California, Los Angeles). She had an outstanding career in college. She won the Broderick Award for her career. 

She played basketball at UCLA too. In 1984, Jackie Joyner Kersee won silver in the heptathlon at Los Angeles. In 1988 at Seoul, South Korea, she won gold in the heptathlon and in the long jump. By 1992, she won bronze in the long jump and gold in the heptathlon. By 1996, she won bronze in the 1996 Summer Olympics at Atlanta. She won many World Championships in gold too. She is one of the great philanthropists of our time. Her Jackie Joyner Kersee Foundation have helped young people, adults, and other families to learn life lessons in East St. Louis. She worked with many athletes in 2007 to form Athletes for Hope, which is a charitable organization that inspires people to volunteer and help their communities. Her husband is the famous track and field legendary coach Bob Kersee. They married in 1986. Dawn Harper, Allyson Felix, Flo Jo, Nicole Leach, and Sydney McLaughlin were all trained by Bob Kersee. Jackie Joyner Kersee was a world class athlete in the 100m hurdles and the 200m. There is no question that she is a very powerful, inspirational human being. Service to people is part of her calling, and she will continue to make monumental accomplishments in her life. I wish Sister Jackie Joyner Kersee more blessings. 

By Timothy

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