
Wednesday, July 06, 2022

Early July 2022 Updates.


There is a notorious double standard in the response to the killer of 7 people in Highland Park, Ilinois and the shooting of Jayland Walker in Akron, Ohio. Jayland ran from his vehicle and the officers killed him with over 60 bullets. The killer in Highland Park not only killed people, but he was captured without incident. This unarmed man Jayland Walker didn't merit murder at all. The officers involved in the shooting blatantly used excessive force. There is no way that this shooting of Jayland is justified. The police chief in Akron said that he wants the officers involved in the killing of Jayland Walker to take into account all 60 bullets. Protests continue to exist in Akron, Ohio over this injustice. Right now, the Supreme Court had dictated that guns have more rights than people in my view. In Florida, some want professors to be forced to have their political views known publicly. Florida teachers have raised concerns about new training guidelines trying to sugarcoat slavery in American history. Far-right extremists are a real threat to not only American democracy but worldwide freedom.

There are some moderates who believe that the idea of defunding the police hurts Democrats. What hurts more, the concept of defunding the police or police brutality? Police brutality. Which is worse, defunding the police or the deaths of unarmed black lives? The deaths of unarmed black lives are worse obviously. We know about the history of policing. Centuries ago, policing institutions not only promoted slavery but advanced sharecropping in many places of America. We live in a time of austerity with high inflation, high economic inequality, and other problems. This doesn't mean that all police are terrorists and trigger-happy people. We make a distinction between crooked officers and officers just doing their jobs. Yet, real change must come in a society where both communities are strengthened, and the law is fairly enacted among all people. Many elected officials either compromise or join far-right causes for the sake of being politically correct. That is why many people, even some in the corporate media, refuse to advocate revolutionary solutions to address gentrification, food deserts, lax wages, and homelessness. Many working-class people and the poor struggle to survive. Communities in America are colonized by a system of oppression. With the Supreme Court stripping away much of Miranda rights now, we see that we have civil liberty crisis in America too. So, the solution is about organizing to make solutions that benefit the people collectively not the 1%.

We are clear that Britney Griner should be freed from Russia and sent back to America to meet with her family immediately. It is obvious why she is being held in Russia. Griner wrote a personal note to President Joe Biden to send her home including other Americans held in Russian prisons. This incident has mobilized our community and every freedom-loving community to make the pristine point that excessive violation of human civil liberties has no place anywhere in the world. Griner is suffering a great deal, and we should always treat our neighbors as ourselves. That is why it is cruel for the Russian government to even contemplate 10 years for her to be sentenced. She is having a trial now. Even if a prison swap occurs to set her free, then that must come. There should be a resolution. There ought to be no compromise, and people have every right to demand the current administration use all in their power to free Britney Griner. The administration has said that their efforts to Griner is given the highest priority.

In my country of the United States of America, we have more guns than people. We have an epidemic of gun violence harming human beings every background in this nation. Also, we have some people who worship guns as idols so much that they believe in the great lie that any regulation of guns is equivalent to gun confiscation of law-abiding citizens. The suspect planned the massacre for weeks in Highland Park, Illinois. Recent gun violence in Philadelphia, Chicago, and across America makes us aware that more has to be done. The suspect glorified violence and shooting people on his social media accounts. The manhunt to capture him took long hours. Seven people have passed away with dozens of people being injured. It's a horrendous crime like any crime that harms innocent people via gun violence. 

This is beyond a mental health issue as the vast majority of people with mental health issues live very productive lives. This is about a sick culture and an agenda that places the existence of guns with a higher value than human life. The same ones who lecture us in favor of the deification of guns claim to follow God's will. Nothing can be further from the truth. In life, you need regulation and boundaries. One real boundary is that certain people should not own or carry weapons of war in public. When we had the assault weapons ban from 1994 to 2004, the crime rates have gone down. Now, people are afraid to go to church, schools, the supermarket, parades, and any public location that ought to be safe for everybody. America has almost 50% of all private weapons owned on planet earth. You don't need an assault weapon to hunt an animal. Real change ought to come. No community, regardless of its zipcode or color, should experience these gun violence tragedies.

By Timothy

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