
Wednesday, March 08, 2023

Developments in our World.


Donald Trump has vowed to stay in the race even if he is indicted. Hope Hicks meet with NY prosecutors in the Trump inquiry according to the NY Times. There is an increasing chance that Trump may be indicted. Trump, for years, have failed to witness accountability for his actions. The neo-fascism from Trump and others from the Conservative Political Action Conference is not new. People from Andrew Jackson to others have some reactionary extremism. Trump gave a fascist rant on Saturday night. A straw poll showed that delegates voted for him in about 60 percent. Jair Bolsonaro lives in Florida escaping from Brazil after his supporters executed an attempt far right coup d'état against the Brazilian government. Trump supported the traitors jailed for their role in the attack on the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021. Trump attacked socialism and claimed that the Biden administration is near socialist. This is silly as Biden is a supporter of capitalism. Many people in both major parties have defended capitalism and American imperialism for generations now. The U.S. Congress passed a resolution promoting the lie that socialism killed over 100 million people worldwide when capitalist extremists killed over 100 million people in the Maafa, the Shoah, Native American genocide, imperialistic wars, the Crusades, environmental damage, etc. In fact, many socialists opposed the Nazis and Stalin's genocidal campaigns against dissidents. Trump in his CPAC hate speech said that America is a dumping ground for criminals, thugs, radicals, etc. Tulsi Gabbard was at the CPAC hate rally which isn't shocking since of her ties to far-right channels like FOX News (filled with lying propagandists) and Hindu supremacists (not all Hindus are like that, so I want to make that clear).

Many people are talking about the Chris Rock Netflix special of Selective Outrage. My view of the situation hasn't changed. I believe that Will Smith has every right to defend his wife. Yet, Will Smith was wrong to slap Chris Rock, because we handle jokes with our words back not with our hands or our fists. Unjust violence is always immoral. Likewise, there is nuisance to this controversy. Chris Rock is right that a Google search can show the racism of the Royal Family for centuries. Chris Rock is wrong for putting a lot of his anger and hostility towards Jada Pinkett Smith. In fact, Rock said that he is angrier at Jada than Will which is strange. Also, Chris Rock was wrong to call Jada Pinkett Smith the b word which is about misogynoir and beaten down verbally on a black woman, which is obviously wrong and has no justification. Jada was wrong to cheat on Will Smith, but her adultery has nothing to do with the slap on Chris Rock. Jada's errors have nothing to do with that slap. Jada didn't slap Rock. Will Smith did, and Will Smith has apologized and take full accountability for his actions. I think Chris Rock is right to say that Will Smith might have not slapped a man his size or bigger. I disagree with Chris Rock saying that Michael Jackson and R Kelly are one and the same. Michael Jackson was investigated by the feds and the feds found no evidence that he abused kids. We have court cases and conclusive evidence that R Kelly abused kids and women for decades. That is the difference. 

Many people cheered the special as part of comedy. Yet, we have to look beyond the flash to see the complex nature of the show. While Chris Rock said that he doesn't fight in front of white people, but white people like Louis C.K. said the n word in a conversation a few years ago to his face (and Chris Rock did nothing. He didn't even walk out from those racist comedians). I know my stuff now. Chris Rock doesn't want to fight in front of white folks, but many of his comedy routines promotes stereotypes about black people. That's ironic. So, while we don't advocate the slap, I understand the nuisances of this situation.

Tucker Carlson is a liar. I remember him long ago on Crossfire on CNN with Novak. Now, he said that the election of 2020 was betrayal of democracy when that 2020 election was the most secure election in American history. Also, even Republicans like Mitch McConnell said that the 2020 election was legitimate. Carlson's network of FOX News is being sued by Dominion, and Dominion could win the defamation lawsuit. The insurrectionists were traitors and terrorists against American democracy. Carlson called these terrorists "tourists." There are new exhibits being revealed in the Dominion suit against FOX News. Carlson lying to his audience is typical of him. He is a blatant agent of far-right wing disinformation. Carlson released some footage of the Capitol riot. We know that officers were beaten, windows broken, racist slurs shown at the police, and people damaging offices in the U.S. Capitol (as shown by footage and tons of testimonies). Tucker Carlson regressed further into nihilistic extremism.

Yesterday was the Birthday of Sister Amanda Gorman, and she is 25 years old. She is one of the most iconic poets and activists of the modern generation. She was born in Los Angeles, California. She was raised by a Joan Wicks, the 6th grade English teacher in Watts. Her twin sister, Gabrielle, is an activist and filmmaker. Gorman loved to read and write growing up, and her mother inspired her. Later, Gorman attended New Roads, a private school in Santa Monica, for grades K-12. She studied sociology at Harvard College, graduating cum laude in 2020. She studied in Madrid, Spain, supported by IES Broad. Her art and activism deal with race, the African diaspora, feminism, and other issues. In 2016, she formed the nonprofit organization of One Pen One Page, a youth writing and leadership program. As a member of Generation Z, she knows about youth culture. She read the poem of The Hill We Climb at the inauguration of Joe Biden in January 2021. She continues to speak out on many issues being inspired by Maya Angelou, the Duchess of Sussex, and Michelle Obama. I wish Sister Amanda Gorman more Blessings. 

By Timothy

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