
Wednesday, November 29, 2023

The Political Information of the Day.


Fulton County prosecutors don't want a plea deal for Trump, Meadows, and Giuliani. Each of these human beings has worked together in trying to steal the 2020 election. Giuliani has been aggressive to stand by Trump. Giuliani lied and said that people had suitcases to try to steal the election. Rudy Giuliani is not trustworthy, and he is responsible for lying to Georgia election workers. He is the ultimate hypocrite by claiming to be an upstanding prosecutor but later embracing the Trump cult. Liz Cheney identified Mike Johnson (who promoted the lie that the 2020 election was stolen and supported the movement in trying to overthrow the election which means trying to overthrow the government) as the Congressman who called Trump "Orange Jesus" which is blasphemous and idolatrous. The Trump cult has nothing to do with Christianity or morality in general. It has to do with a movement that seeks evil and exploitation, not justice and compassion. On the NY fraud trial, Trump said that he would testify in his defense. If he is convicted in the NY fraud trial, Trump could face as high as a $200 million fine. There is a March 2024 trial day for the federal case, Fani Willis wants an August 2024 trial date. Trump's legal team wants to appeal as much as possible to try to prevent a trial.

There is a surge of respiratory illness in northern China as part of a global outbreak of pneumonia among children. In the Fall and Winter, these seasons have some of the most series outbreaks of illnesses and diseases during the year. This undiagnosed pneumonia has hospitalized many children. The World Health Organization or WHO wants China via its National Health Commission to find more information on the pathogens leading to this sudden spike in clinical cases. Beijing said that the WHO has nothing to worry about. There has been a rise in pediatric cases of mycoplasma pneumonia since May of 2023. This causes upper respiratory tract infections, mostly among school-aged children during the Winter. Incubation periods can vary from one to four weeks. Symptoms develop slowly over many days. Mycoplasma pneumonia is a bacterial infection that can be transmitted via aerosol. Health administrators at a Beijing children’s hospital told state media CCTV that at least 7,000 patients were being admitted each day, overwhelming their capacity. At the largest pediatric hospital in Tianjin, about 70 miles southeast of the capital, more than 13,000 children flooded outpatient clinics and emergency rooms. Also, health authorities in Liaoning province, located 400 miles northeast of Beijing, were facing a similar predicament. The mycoplasma pneumoniae infections are happening in France and the United Kingdom. They are spreading into Switzerland, South Korea, and other nations. Now, we face this infection, RSV, COVID-19, and other viruses as the sign of the times. Lifting every pandemic response measure may contribute to the rise in respiratory infections. Many of these infections are antibiotic-resistant. In 2019, close to five million people died of drug-resistant infections, exceeding the combined number of deaths from tuberculosis, malaria, and HIV/AIDS. The WHO estimates that by 2050, drug-resistant infections can claim twice that figure and cost the global economy $100 trillion. The only solution to this is an international preventative/elimination strategy that uses all the medical minds worldwide.

My late 3rd cousin James Nelson Harris Jr. lived from 1956 to 2016. His parents are James Nelson Harris Sr. (b. 1936) and Ruth Marie Taylor (b. 1936). James Nelson Sr. married Gina Delise McAdoo, and their children are Janel N. Harris-Hamiel (who is married to Johnathan Hamiel. Janel Harris-Hamiel was born in 1981) and Giana Harris (b. 1983). He was a fan of the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Duke team. His granddaughters are Olivia, Gabrielle, and Kennedy. His grandson is Josiah (his mother is Giana Harris). His brothers are Kevin R. Harris and Ivan C. Harris. His sister is Tia M. Lee who is married to Ronald Lee. We are 3rd cousins, because we are both descendants of my 4th great-grandmother Sarah Claud (1842-1892). Sarah Claud had a daughter with Tom Hill (1838-1915) named Susanna Sarah M. Hill (b. 1867). Susanna Hill had a daughter with Nelson Harris Sr. named Nelson Harris Jr. (1902-1975). Nelson Harris Jr. and his wife Rosa Harris had a child named James Nelson Sr. James Nelson Sr. and his wife Ruth Marie Taylor gave birth to James Nelson Jr. So, everything comes together.

Threats and hate crimes against Jewish people, Arabic people, and Muslim people have increased in America. That is shown by the recent 3 Palestinians being shot in Vermont, the swastikas being sprayed vandalizing locations nationwide, and the massive hate speech in the streets plus on the Internet. There is no excuse for this hate. It is difficult to fight against this hatred, but we have to use our power to fight back regardless. Massive disinformation is common where some bigots want to scapegoat every Muslim or every Jewish person for all evils in the world. The greatest threat domestically against Americans is far-right extremist terrorists who have abused and murdered tons of innocent human beings. We can agree to disagree on Middle Eastern issues without massive hate speech and without using violence. There is no excuse for the usage of unjust violence period. This hate crime increase is not new in America.

The judge in the Trump civil trial has received hundreds of threats from evil people. Trump attacked the judge while the gag order was in place. If Trump continues, he could possibly face imprisonment. Trump still wants a pause in the gag order. Lawyers for the New York attorney general's office and the court last week urged the appeals court to put the gag order back in place after threats have inundated Judge Arthur Engoron's chambers since the trial started in October of 2023. Trump's attorneys deny that Trump threatened the judge and that the threats to the judge can't be blamed on Trump. Yet, Trump has criticized the judge on issues of bias which is unfounded as Trump has made a mockery of the law by his actions and his disrespect of the legal system. The judge in the civil fraud case has been impartial and used massive legal procedures without prejudice of the law.

By Timothy

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