
Wednesday, December 20, 2023

News of Late December 2023.

There are a lot of political news now. The Colorado Supreme Court said that Trump is disqualified from the GOP Primary Ballot. That result has 208 pages. This is very historic. Trump engaged in being involved in insurrection in trying to overthrow the result of the legal 2020 election. Trump agitated the crowd back on January 6, 2021, to try to stop the legal election proceedings at Congress. Later, the crowd engaged in terrorism, flying Confederate and Neo-Nazi flags, and harming police officers (while claiming to respect the police hypocritically). The Colorado Supreme Court used the 14th Amendment (in Section 3) as a means to disqualify Donald Trump from the GOP primary ballot. This decision may go to the U.S. Supreme Court via appeal by Trump's legal team. The Colorado Supreme Court took time to present its decision to the general public. They didn't take their responsibility lightly. The Kremlin media has praised MAGA people for supporting not giving aid to Ukraine. The Hungarian dictator Orban blocks EU aid to Ukraine for now. In the economy, we have many good news. We have inflation falling to 3.1 percent. Gasoline prices are down below $3 a gallon. We have the Dow having an all-time record above 37,000 eclipsing Trump's bragging about the stock market when he was President. Trump betrayed the American nation and is a traitor. Consequences and accountability must be made against Trump. One of those consequences is legal policies that prevent traitors from running for office. 

Mark Meadows lost an attempt to move the Georgia case into the Supreme Court. Rudy Giuliani has continued to defame two Georgia election workers. He is ordered to pay $184 million. He continues to pledge loyalty to Trump after we know of Trump's criminal actions. There are noncompete clauses that trap workers in their jobs and prevent them from using their skills to earn high pay. During this year of 2023, 10 states have passed limits or bans on noncompetes. The FTC is in the process of banning them nationwide. There is the lie that tax cuts for the wealthy alone can grow the economy. The truth is that investments in the American workers and other economic policies that are fair to all people will grow the economy. When workers have more to spend, the economy grows, and businesses can create more jobs. Fighting back against monopolies makes perfect sense in developing economic stability. 

Many people have rightfully criticized Trump's recent Saturday night statements saying that migrants and immigrants are "poisoning the blood of our country." This racist rhetoric is what Hitler said over eight decades ago. Trump believes in the old lie that America must revert back to a token, stereotypical 1950's white picket fence version of America to be real. In reality, America was never like shows like Father Knows Best or Leave It To Beaver in its cultural cosmology. America has always been filled with diversity, controversies, genocides, wars, and constant battles for justice. Immigrants enrich America in many ways in our society from inventors to authors. Trump is known to embrace racists, because he is a far-right sexist and racist extremist. Many sources document how Donald Trump has read Mein Kampf. Also, he is known to show admiration for dictators and authoritarians like Putin, Orban, etc. Trump said that he wants to be a dictator on Day One in 2025 if he wins the 2024 election. The Republican Party is not the party of Abraham Lincoln anymore. It's headed by fascists who literally hate democracy.

There is a new study showing that COVID-19 is far more harmful and deadly than the flu. Many in the far right believe in the myth that COVID is just like the common cold or the flu. That isn't the case. There are over 27 million excess deaths attributable to COVID-19 and millions of people suffering Long COVID-19 too. There is no comparison. SARS-CoV-2 can evolve rapidly across the globe every few months. Many people have suffered a great deal. There is a study published last Thursday by a group of researchers led, by Dr. Ziyad Al-Aly, the director of the Clinical Epidemiology Center, chief of research and development service at the Veterans Affairs (VA) Saint Louis Health Care System. The study found that COVID-19 is deadlier than influenza and causes more long-term health injuries and damage to the human body. The study shows how long COVID-19 can damage the heart, kidney the human brain, and the immune system. COVID can increase the risk of death 2.5 times higher than those admitted with the flu. People with COVID-19 have a 2.4 higher risk of a heart attack in the first 30 days than those with the flu. We must treat COVID-19 and like-minded diseases as a call to arms to defeat these diseases internationally.

Yesterday was the Birthday of the late Sister Cicely Tyson. She is an icon who was one of the greatest actresses of all time. She was an ambassador of Black Excellence whose non-stereotypical roles in movies and television shows have inspired the world. She earned many awards including three Emmy Awards, a Screen Actors Guild Award, a Tony Award, an Honorary Academy Award, and a Peabody Award. She was born in the Bronx, New York City, and was raised in East Harlem, NYC. Her parents were Afro-Caribbeans who came from Nevis in the West Indies. Tyson was in the groundbreaking show East Side/West Side as a secretary of a social worker. She was in the soap opera of The Guiding Light in the 1960s, the film A Man Called Adam in 1966, and Sounder in 1972. Tyson was in Roots and other projects. She loved her child. Her dramas of Hoodlum in 1997, and The Help showed dignity and a sense of power in her roles. Tyson's memoir is called Just as I Am was published on January 26, 2021. She promoted the book during the last weeks of her life. Her black soul reached high into the sky in dealing with showing the best of our people, inspiring black women especially to achieve their aspirations, and making sure that black people, in general, see that our stories matter. Our lives matter during this important era of our history. In this generation, Cicely Tyson gave us hope for the future and a foundation that we earnestly honor. 

Rest in Power Sister Cicely Tyson.

By Timothy

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