
Friday, February 02, 2024

On This Black History Month


Strength, survival, contributions, resiliency, creativity, and heart are some of the many legitimate characteristics that describe Black History Month in this 2nd day of February of 2024. Black History Month existed from the mind of the genius Carter G. Woodson, who was an educator and author. Woodson wanted the august achievements of black people to be shown to the public. From his and other human beings' efforts, Black History Month is celebrated worldwide not just in the United States of America. Our gifts as black people are many. One such gift is that we are the originators of all in the human race. Without us, there is no humanity and that precious fact is what we hold dear. Our lives have been a miracle. Our ancestors overcame the worst form of slavery in all of human history being the Maafa (when our ancestors were abused, raped, murdered, families split apart, names stolen, culture erased, and other atrocities that have no justification whatsoever). Then, our ancestors fought back. Our ancestors fought back in Africa, in the slave ships, in the Americas, and in more recent times to end slavery in America, to fight Jim Crow apartheid, fighting gentrification, etc. We still fight for justice today when reactionary extremists want to whitewash real black history in Florida, Texas, etc. Black history is part of human history, and you can't be a real person and try to diminish the contributions of black people. 

We exist back then and now as artists, musicians, teachers, engineers, athletes, judges, surfers, political activists, philosophers, theologians, media personalities, journalists, meteorologists, therapists, and other heroic personalities bringing light to the Universe. Many of our heroes are unsung. Evelyn Ellis was a great actress in movies and on the theater stage, Charles Lenox Redmon recruited units to fight the Confederacy during the American Civil War, Rep. Jasmine Crockett is exposing the cruel MAGA agenda, Margaret Bush Wilson was a lawyer and activist being working in the St. Louis area for more than 40 years, and Dorothy Love Coates being a great gospel singer. At the end of the day, we use this Black History Month to celebrate us year-round and to advocate for excellence and justice. We do this concerning our ancestors and our people living now in the world. We do this, because we wholeheartedly believe in voting rights, teaching real black history, environmental justice, social justice, housing rights, universal health care, equality, and all of the fundamental human rights that should be ours by birthright. The struggle continues, but we will be victorious in the end.

I am a progressive on economics for many reasons. One example is how a wealth tax in Massachusetts raised $1.5 billion for free school lunches and more by taxing millionaires. Conversely, a flat tax in Kansas will deliver a $875,000 windfall tax cut to billionaire Charles Koch, the richest man in Kansas. A flat tax is known to be regressive, because the wealthier you are, the less percentage of taxes that you pay. Also, many big Tech companies had hearings about social media and children. Many people gave emotional testimonies about some children suffered self-esteem issues from watching social media promote unrealistic expectations. The truth is there should be a balance. There should be legitimate regulation in social media to prevent minors from witnessing inappropriate content. These regulations should be meant to protect people. Yet, we shouldn't promote draconian censorship as advocated by many Republicans and even some Democrats. Today, we have massive censorship where some in Youtube have gotten their words and videos unjustly banned for just having a different opinion (without vulgar content).

One recent comment from Nikki Haley should make us aware that she is totally wrong not only on racism but on American history. She made the ageist comment that candidates for President 75 or older should take a mental cognitive test, but she can't even admit that America has been a racist nation. Recently, she said that the Charleston shooting at the AME Church was not about racism. Her comments are not only offensive but represents the mindset of many Republicans who care more for historical revisionism than truth. The reality is that the murderer Dylann Roof admitted that he murdered 8 innocent black human beings because of racial reasons. The AME Charleston Church is sacred ground in black American culture. This was one of the most hallowed locations in America, and for Haley to lie about the terrible events in 2015 should make anybody to disagree with her far right views. Exposing racism is not racism. Denying racism in society is truly racist and evil.

Service is always part of living life. Recently, Joseph Madison passed away at the age of 74 years old. I remember him as an activist who fought for social and racial justice for years. He was born in the Midwest at Dayton, Ohio. The Midwest is home to some of the greatest freedom fighters in history. He earned his B.A. in sociology from Washington University in 1971. The Black Eagle was his famous American radio talk show found on SiriusXM Urban View. He started his broadcast career back in the year of 1980. He participated in many hunger strikes to fight for voting rights and promote legislation to declassify certain documents about drug trafficking. A DNA test found that his ancestry came from Sierra Leone and Mozambique. He loved his wife Sherry and their children. He passed away from prostate cancer which has harmed many black men. Men, especially black men, must get tested for this disease. Prostate cancer is no joke. Joe Madison was a modern-day 21st-century freedom fighter who loved our people so.

Rest in Power Brother Joseph Madison.

By Timothy

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