
Wednesday, March 06, 2024

The Results of Super Tuesday and Other News.


The Super Tuesday results are in. The results are what most people are expecting. President Joe Biden won every primary on Super Tuesday, except in American Samoa where James Palmer won that primary. Donald Trump won every primary on Super Tuesday except Vermont which Nikki Haley won. The states that people voted on in dealing with Super Tuesday include Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Maine, Minnesota, Massachusetts, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia. Donald Trump gave multiple lies in his speech. Trump said that America has the worst economy in the world and Biden is the worst President in American history. The truth is that Biden saw some of the largest job growth in American history with record-low unemployment. The deal is that inflation is high in many areas of our economy, especially involving groceries. Wages are up with unions winning multiple victories recently. Trump demonized migrants who are actually refugees escaping many nations for survival. When Trump was President, he gave a terrible response to the COVID-19 response (when millions of Americans lost their jobs as a product of the disease), and a stimulus plan saved human lives after over 1 million Americans died as a product of the pandemic. The stimulus plan was heavily promoted by the Democratic people. 

America has the largest post-COVID 19 economic growth of any nation on Earth. President Biden warns that another Trump term will mean chaos, division, and darkness. Now, crime rates are going down in American locations from Baltimore, New York City, etc. The Trump MAGA cult is one of the worst cults in world history where brainwashed people desire to support Trump unconditionally despite his racism, his habitual lying, his sexism, and his corrupt actions (which is being charged with multiple felonious charges). President Biden's job creation rate is second only to Bill Clinton. Biden will cap credit card fees, cause drug prices to be re-negotiated, cut many students' student loans, and cause many progressive policies to exist. We have a clear choice in this 2024 Presidential election. Our voting rights matter. If anyone supports Trump, he or she is complicit in Trump's evil agenda. Today, Nikki Haley has decided to end her Presidential campaign. Either we go on the path of revenge, reactionary lies, and corporate exploitation, or the path of progressive solutions, equality, justice for all, and democracy.

President Biden has allowed U.S. airlift of humanitarian aid to Gaza with the cooperation of Jordan and other allies. Of course, more can be done, but this is a very historic moment in world history. America did the Berlin airlift back in 1948. President Biden said that he would create a direct maritime corridor to supply Gaza needs with U.S. sealift. He wants a big increase in aid trucks entering Gaza. Senators King and Reed demanded a U.S. Navy ship for Gaza. This time of massive starvation and deaths of Palestinians has no moral justification at all. There is no excuse for this reality in any circumstance. The WHO estimated that about 25 percent of Gaza residents are at the point of famine and starvation. This means that as many as 500,000 people could face death in weeks along with environmental problems in the region. Starvation is a human crisis and must be taken seriously. As the Trump cult (when Trump is accused of over 90 felony counts and Trump has been made liable of raping a woman) and the Putin regime desire authoritarianism, we desire democracy. The Supreme Court's refusal to allow Trump to be banned from the ballots represents a contradiction of true Natural Law as justice and morality from the Preamble are paramount.

Sen. Kyrsten Sinema will not seek reelection in Arizona, and she calls herself an Independent. This is not shocking news, because that is the legacy of moderates or centrists. The issue with moderates is that moderates never set real trends to truly cause groundbreaking change in human history. Harriet Tubman, Malcolm X, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Sojourner Truth, Ella Baker, and Bob Marley were never moderates. They were revolutionaries who refused to be bound by the status quo. They opposed the agenda of the establishment to seek justice for everyone in building their own legacies as human beings. So, Senate Sinema will retire from the Senate. There is a Senate race between Democratic Rep. Ruben Gallego of Arizona and former Arizona Republican gubernatorial nominee Kari Lake. This is a very important race. Sinema was a negotiator for the bipartisan border deal recently. Time will tell on what the Senate race will result in.


It is clear what Putin desires. Putin wants the destruction of Ukraine and annexation of it to Russia as Putin has publicly said that he doesn't believe that Ukraine is a real nation. Many fake leftists say that since NATO made mistakes and did war-mongering, therefore, we should allow Putin to conquer Ukraine. That is a bad policy position as the Ukrainian people have every right to use legitimate self-defense in defending their lands. Medvedev became so extreme that he is an ally of Putin. Putin wants Russia to have its 1991 borders. Putin desires lifetime rulership of Russia along with the suppression of democratic rights in Russia. Innocent journalists and dissidents are in Russian prisons now for just speaking up against the Putin regime. Speaking out against the Putin regime (being found to promote disinformation, hacking, and having agents supporting the Trump movement overtly) has nothing to do with hating the Russian people. The vast majority of the Russian people desire freedom and justice. This dissent against Putin's imperialism has nothing to do with worshiping NATO as NATO's actions in Libya and other places of the world are deplorable and nefarious. It has to do with the Ukrainian people having the right to be free from illegal Russian aggression and making sure that Ukraine is an independent nation with its own self-determination. We reject the Trump MAGA cult too.

By Timothy

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