
Wednesday, May 22, 2024

What is Going on in the World.


The conundrum of the 2024 election is that we must balance the truth with reality. Voting Trump out of office is more than about Biden. It is about saving America from a MAGA fascist cult that is theocratic, sexist, racist, imperialist, and anti-democratic. Donald Trump makes a mockery of the rule of law, demonizes his political opponents, lies about the 2020 election being stolen, and seeks to ally with reactionary enemies of truth. Trump is more in league with Netanyahu's excessive war crimes in Gaza than Biden. So, the lie that Trump and Biden are the same must be exposed now and forever. Some people rather have people with a lack health care, human rights being further violated, allow Ukraine to be a Russian vassal state, and seek more environmental destruction for the sake of allowing Biden to lose the election (and promote some punishment against Biden). Therefore, those folks are people that I don't agree with. The imperfections of President Biden don't mean that Trump is the savior. Trump has said that he wants to re-impose the Muslim travel ban and reject any immigration of any refugees from Gaza. It means that the problems of the world are rooted in the system and a revolutionary change to make the system in favor of justice must be instituted comprehensively.

Many people have talked about the Diddy apology video. In that video, Diddy never said Cassie's name or made a direct apology to Cassie. He did apologize for what he had done, but he lied previously in denying all allegations against him. What he has done has no justification. Witnesses from bodyguards, Cassie, other victims, and videotape evidence document Diddy's history of emotional and physical abuse. Many people accused Diddy of sexual abuse and human sex trafficking. Diddy is desperate to salvage his reputation. The truth is that the story of Diddy is filled with materialism, violence, and depraved actions. The video shows it all. Diddy not only beat Cassie up, but he threw an object at her. This relates to a vicious mentality. Even during the 1990's, I knew that something wasn't right with Diddy. In our time, we have to promote ethics and morality, not nihilism. You will notice that Diddy lied in his initial statement that all of these allegations against him were false. Diddy was sorry that he was caught point-blank period. His recent video proves that his recent denials are lies. Therefore, the Golden Rule is one great truth that we must all live by.

Amber Rose supporting Donald Trump makes her a hypocrite. Rose hypocritically claims to be for women's empowerment, but Trump is a documented sexist (who demonizes women constantly), found liable for raping a woman, and goes about to support policies antithetical to the rights of women. In retrospect, we shouldn't be surprised. She demonized black women in Philadelphia, said the n word, and went out of her way to defend the racist Donald Trump now. Amber Rose hypocritically lives in a blue state, but she ignores how many people in Mississippi and Kentucky are denied health care, economic rights, and other benefits that are found in many blue states. The irony is that tons of Southerners are some of the most progressive fighters for justice in American history (then and now). Amber Rose said that Biden doesn't care about black people. First, Rose doesn't identify as black, so she in her own words is not black. She has no right to dictate the terms of how we black people decide to vote for our interests. Second, Biden has a track record of funding HBCUs, cutting child poverty in half, investing black-owned businesses (which has grown in record levels in America), seeing the record low unemployment rate in the black community, and crime rates going down in places nationwide. Trump wants the police to beat suspects in custody, he wants to eliminate DEI programs, Trump supports voter suppression policies, and he is overt in his bigotry (by praising schools being named after Confederate traitors). Therefore, Amber Rose embraces the Trump ignorant rhetoric that black people must vote for a con artist like Trump. She is wrong. 

Now, the Trump hush money trial continues. Prosecutor Susan Hoffinger has questioned witness Roberto Costello, a lawyer who advised Michael Choen during cross-examination. The judge briefly cleared the courtroom earlier after a heated exchange with Costello over his behavior on the stand. Now, Costello will resume his testimony on Tuesday morning. Prosecutors have rested their case on Monday. They have shown weeks of testimony that could result in a historic conviction against a former President. The prosecution called 20 witnesses, including Cohen, Stormy Daniels, and Hope Hicks. The prosecution accuses Donald Trump of falsifying business documents to cover up a payment to Daniels before the 2016 election. The defense wanted to criticize the credibility of Cohen or the prosecution's key witness. The defense grilled Cohen on stealing from Trump Org. and his financial interest in the trial. Costello said that he didn't know Michael Cohen before he met him. The defense rested its case. Now, the prosecution and the defense will give their closing arguments, and the jury will decide to convict or not convict Donald Trump. 

One of the most stirring new developments of our time is that the International Criminal Court prosecutor has charged Netanyahu and other leaders of Hamas with war crimes. This is a change in history. I saw Netanyahu on Good Morning America denying all charges, but Netanyahu has used excessive conduct in the war in Gaza. We know that Hamas has done murder, rape, and kidnapping of innocent human lives. Hamas is a blatantly evil terrorist organization that murdered innocent civilian Israelis. Netanyahu accused the ICC of using a moral equivalency and the Biden administration has condemned the ICC's actions. The ICC prosecutor Karim Khan accused Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Galant of presiding over the murder the extermination of Palestinians, using starvation as a method of war, and other acts of violence against the Gazan civilian population (to collectively punish the Gazan population). Khan has applied for arrest warrants against the leaders of Hamas, Netanyahu, and Gallant. Netanyahu's regime has destroyed homes, schools, churches, and hospitals in Gaza alongside universities. Israeli leaders called the Gaza civilian population "animals." Some Israeli leaders said that they want no electricity, no food, and no fuel in Gaza. Israeli forces have killed a peacekeeping van with innocent people in it. If these aren't war crimes, then I don't know what is. The ICC is right that Hamas and Israeli war crimes have no justification.

By Timothy

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