
Friday, June 21, 2024

Standing On Principles.


Recently, Tariq Nasheed posted a comment on X denying that soul fool from America came from West Africa. Then, he crossed the line and showed the image of a man eating fabric and claiming that this is collectively part of West African culture. The truth is that we black Americans have ancestry from West and Central Africa being mostly of Bantu heritage. For Tariq to show an image of a black person like this is what white racists do daily on the Internet. There is no excuse for this. Tariq Nasheed is a sellout and a traitor to black people as I have exposed him for years. This is low, even for him. West Africa has elevators, advanced technologies, gyms, hotels, homes, and other parts of modern culture. Tariq Nasheed's self-hatred, xenophobia (against Africans and Afro-Caribbeans), and his disinformation should be transparent for all to see. As an African American, the FBA and ADOS cults are hate groups plain and simple. Tariq Nasheed is a liar (to deny that Africa has role in the development of soul food) as some soul food was influenced by Africa like yams, okra, hibiscus, Guinea millet, lima beans, watermelon, rice, black-eyed peas, etc.  Even mainstream scholars documented how soul food uses cooking techniques and ingredients from West Africa, Central Africa, America, and other places of the world. These groups don't care about reparations for black Americans, but they do care about promoting division and hatred of black people based on nationality which is completely against the Golden Rule and real principles.

The Judge Cannon will decide on the case of the documents on people saying if Jack Miller was qualified to be the prosecutor on the case. The Judge has rejected suggestions to step aside from the case. Many judges want Cannon to step aside. This has been reported by the New York Times. Judge Cannon was appointed by Donald Trump, and she has displayed bias on the classified document case. The appointee of former President George W. Bush wanted Judge Cannon to rescue herself from the Mar-a-Lago case as well. The judge has caused the course of the case to move very slow, and the Constitution cites the right of a trial to be speedy.

There is a growing H5N1 bird flu pandemic in the world. Dr. Matthew Miller, who is a viral immunologist and director of the Michael DeGroot Institute for infectious Disease Research at McMaster University, said that he is more worried about H5N1 than COVID-19. The bird flu is highly pathogenic. It can spill into the human population and be the next pandemic, unfortunately. The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic already killed nearly 30 million people worldwide and debilitated hundreds of millions with Long COVID globally. Scientists have found that H5N1 has a case fatality rate of 50 percent among humans, which is about 50 times higher than COVID-19. A H5N1 bird flu pandemic can be apocalyptic which is highly dangerous. It is better to get it under control now while it is not as large as COVID. The only solution is global cooperation to create health care solutions to this problem. H5N1 has spread into wild birds, poultry, cats, sea lions, polar bears, house mice, and dairy cattle in America alone. The CDC should monitor and test cattle for the H5N1 virus and take other measures to promote adequate public health. The government should advocate for ultra pasteurization as a recent study found that H5N1 can survive normal pasteurization. There are growing COVID-19 hospitalizations in New Zealand and other infectious diseases have risen.

The Supreme Court is having a massive delay in decisions involving gun issues and the issue of Trump claiming to have total immunity because the conservative members of the Court want to deny Trump his rightful accountability for his corrupt actions. This is precisely why the Supreme Court has a very low approval rating. Some refuse to rescue themselves in certain cases, even if they have overt conflicts of interest. The scandal of ethics issues among some Justices is rather real. For the record, no President has unlimited immunity as the Constitution never cited the executive branch to have unlimited powers. There is a separation of powers among the three branches of government in forming three co-equal branches of government legally. This delay is all about the 2024 Presidential election when Trump has been a threat to democracy for many years. We have many high-profile cases that deal with future generations, not just our generation in the 2020s.

There has been bipartisan criticism of Boeing as Boeing is having massive scandals. Whistleblowers have accused Boeing of overt corruption. A new whistleblower accused Boeing of using systematic sacrifice of passenger safety to boost profits. The Democratic-controlled Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations held a hearing on Tuesday aimed at rehabilitating the mega-corporation and military contractor. It has been more than five years since a total of 346 men, women, and children died in two separate crashes, just months apart. So far, no criminal prosecutions of Boeing or its executive. The Boeing 737 Max 8 aircraft malfunctioned because of a defective automated anti-stall system. Boeing has been accused of violating federal safety regulations and cutting production corners to boost profits and shore up its stock price. There have been ore problems like safety failures, near crashes, falling materials, and an on-board fire that aborted a takeoff.

By Timothy

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