
Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Events of the Republican National Convention.

The first day of the Republican nomination is happening in Milwaukee. Protesters are out there, and massive security is enacted, especially after the attempted assassination of Donald Trump. This event comes 60 years after the 1964 Republican National Convention when the Republicans nominated the far-right candidate Barry Goldwater for the GOP ticket. Today in 2024, the Republicans Party and many even Democratic moderates are heavily funded by reactionary, big wealthy corporate interests. In these events, the Republican nominee officially named Donald Trump as the 2024 Republican nominee after all of the state delegates voted for him. J.D. Vance is chosen as the Vice Presidential candidate for the Republican ticket too. J.D. Vance has been officially chosen as the running mate of Donald Trump. This ticket is not surprising. Donald Trump was not going to picket a moderate candidate. J.D. Vance once called Trump an idiot and changed his mind. He has been an Ohio Senator for years. Vance has publicly said that he wouldn't accept electors to make Biden President in 2020. Vance is part of the more isolationist younger generation of Republicans who would rather see Ukraine to be a vassal of Russia than an independent nation, who supports the CPAC agenda than the agenda of truth, and who believes widespread voter fraud caused Trump to lose the 2020 Presidential election which is a lie. J.D. Vance made millions as a venture capitalist in the Silicon Valley firm Mithrill Capital Management, founded by former PayPal CEO and Trump supporter Peter Thiel. His book of Hillbilly Elegy promotes individualism and free enterprise. He believes that poverty is not caused by governments and corporations which is not true. Vance held fundraisers for the fascists who were arrested for the January 6, 2021, insurrection. Charlie Kirk, Tucker Carlson, and Steven Bannon (all Trump supporting far right people) support Vance as a Vice Presidential GOP candidate. 

Many people spoke at the convention rally On Monday. South Dakota Governor Kristi Noe wanted to have no business restrictions during the height of the coronavirus pandemic. Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin wanted to talk about Virginia to be the number one state to do business, but he omits that the Virginia state legislature is dominated by Virginian Democrats. Majorie Taylor Greene gave a rant against immigrants and globalists. Charlie Kirk made antisemitic and racist comments for years and talked about how the separation of church and state is a fabrication. Florida Rep. Byron Donalds talked about how his single other got him into a private school. Senator Tim Scott gave a religious speech to say that God still saves and Trump being an American lion who got back on his feet and roared. Amber Rose defended Trump and lied and said that Trump is not a racist. Trump wanted the Central Park Five to be executed even after they were proven to be innocent, he said that a Mexican judge can't judge an immigration case fairly because of his Mexican heritage, he called any Jewish people who oppose him as "disloyal," he called mostly black countries a slur, and he made misogynistic comments too. 

Amber Rose said that under Trump American families were safer, wealthier, and stronger. That's a lie as under Biden, unemployment is lower, the crime rates in America are going down, black businesses have grown at record levels, and jobs have increased in the millions. Amber Rose once was in close proximity to Blackness but ran away from it for political reasons. Rose isn't black (and uses the n word and demonized black people of Philadelphia years ago) but multiracial, but her tactics represent how she uses hip-hop culture for profit but supports Trump whose anti-democratic views are against the culture for real. There were many Black Republicans at the RNC who gave remarks like Byron Donalds, John James, Wesley Hunt, and other people. Van Jones believes that Van Jones is a threat to Democrat showing Van Jones's extremism. Rep. John James made the ignorant comment that if you don't vote for Donald Trump, you are not black. Republicans hypocritically claim to oppose identity politics (which is nothing more than BIPOC people and other minorities to have freedom and justice), but they brag about having some black supporters. Sean O'Brien, the International Brotherhood of Teaster President supported Trump when the Republicans have had an anti-labor record for generations. Ron Johnson said that the Democratic policies are a clear and present danger to the country which is offensive and provocative. Donald Trump came to the RNC Convention being emotional along with his son, because Trump survived an evil assassination attempt by a murdering coward. This is the first time I have seen Trump in public being emotional on television. The Trump campaign strategy to get to the voters of the Democratic coalition (of black people, Latino people, independents, etc.) in order to try to win the 2024 election.

Kari Lake's speech is not a unifying message. Steve Scalise talked about the economy and the other issues but omit that America is now a major energy export with the strongest economy on Earth presently. Thousands of protesters are in Milwaukee, Wisconsin right now. On the 2nd day of the Republican National Convention, Re. Tom Emmer talked about standing with the people and the people, but Donald Trump has promised to pardon the criminals and rioters (or insurrectionist traitors) who viciously assaulted 140 men and women who were police officers on January 6, 2021. One police officer in the U.S. Capitol was called the n word, and another officer was almost crushed to death in a door. Many folks want people to forget the evils committed on that day, but I won't. Nikki Haley gave her speech to defend Donald Trump along with Governor Ron DeSantis. DeSantis's ignorant self-use the ageist comment that Biden is similar to a Weekends at Bernie's movie when Biden has enacted some of the greatest legislation in American history since the days of LBJ and FDR. Marco Rubio gave a speech in the convention too which represents a total capitulation to the agenda of MAGA. What the Republicans forget is that with President Biden, we have lower crime, lower inflation, border crossings are even down, record high market results, and record low black unemployment rates. 

FBI and Homeland Security have warned that extremists could commit retaliation attacks after the attempted assassination of Donald Trump. Many people in the online community have threatened violence. The bulletin cites that the threat includes small cells. One of the most important news of this time is the heat wave and the aftermath of Hurricane Beryl causing as high as 1.5 million Texans to lose electrical power, including in the Houston area. This causes a lack of air conditioning which has increased human suffering. Some areas might not have power for the next two weeks. Some people in Houston have resorted to sleep in cars to get some relief as cars can turn on their air conditioning with the ignition. Tons of people from Tomball, Texas have slept in their cars to escape the heat. There is a lot of news today. The Secret Service has increased security after receiving intel of an Iranian plot to assassinate Trump. This has no connection to the previous shooting. Iranian leaders sought revenge against America for the U.S. military's killing of Qasem Soleimani, the commander of the Iranian military's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps back in January 2020. John Bolton and Mike Pompeo have been targeted of an Iranian assassination plot. Also, we know that J.D. Vance has been recorded making the sexist remark that women like AOC oppose them because they are "cat ladies" who don't desire to have children. Also, we have Trump talking to Robert Kennedy Jr. saying that vaccinations to children will cause radical changes to babies. The Biden and Harris campaign has criticized Trump criticisms of vaccines to Robert Kennedy Jr. Robert Kennedy Jr. is a person who is known for being skeptical of many vaccines. At the end of the day, we have to be in favor of modern medicine and real health care solutions to save human lives. Robert Kennedy Jr. calling Trump President when he is not the President now is very interesting. 

By Timothy

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