
Thursday, February 02, 2006

A must read from Jeresiste


I believe in the right of Jews everywhere to live in peace and safety, just as we all desire to do. I believe in the right of Israel to exist as a viable nation in their own land.

I believe God in Truth and in historical fact, covenanted with Abraham in that He would indeed give the "Promise Land" to Abraham and his descendants forever.

I believe the above Covenant was renewed with Isaac and Jacob. I believe the various dispersals of the Jews from their historical homeland, given by God, was for their willful disobedience to God and His plan.

I believe God, though chastening Jews through the worldwide dispersal was not ever meant nor intended to be permanent; in that He promised (and "He is not a man that He should lie") to restore the Jews to their historic seat.

I believe the Arabs, as descendants of Ishmael, were not thr sons of the Promise as was Isaac. In that then: it is the Arabs and "Palestinian" peoples that are the squatters and interlopers.

I believe the nation of Israel has the right and just cause to defend themselves against terrorists and criminals, just as the US, Great Britain and other nations do; even to the point of pre-emption to cut off well founded and obvious threats to their survival as a nation and a people.

I believe God knows who the true Jewish people are. All the secular scholarship, so-called, by the Humanist intellectuals and their armchair scholars to the contrary, are mistaken in their assumption that the Jews are not Jews but some Asian derivitive peoples.

I do not believe nor do I subscribe to the erroneous notion that the British/Anglo-Saxon people are THE Jews.

I believe that Satan has been attempting for thousands of years to wreck God's plan for the World via His select people the Jews, through various and sundry tactics. The latest being the false belief that the British people are the true Jews and God's chosen people.

I believe even a summary reading of Paul the Apostle's New Testement letter of Romans, clarifies succinctly and plainly the true condition of the Jewish people post-Christ's death and ressurrection and details in plain terms God's plan for them when the "veil" He placed over their hearts is "removed" by Him.

I believe we are "not to boast" of ourselves against the momentary and temporary "displacement" of the Jewish people from that True Vine. The Jewish people are the natural branch.

We Gentile Believers are the "wild branch grafted" in. Ergo---the British people and other Gentiles are not and could not be "Jews" per God's revealed Word. Those who pretend otherwise are imposters and frauds.

I believe that though the State of Israel has the right to exist in their homeland, that does not mean everything their goverment and goverment leaders do is just, righteous and correct. Just as I do not agree with everything my own American goverment does and yet...

I believe in America's sovereignty and right to self-defense. I believe the Jews of Israel have been deceived by the Global NWO/Illuminati via the goverment of Israel. I believe the Israeli goverment functionaries are no more pro-Israel than our own American leaders are just representing we Americans. Both peoples are being betrayed by their respective goverments.

I do not believe the Arab peoples should be gratuiteously mistreated and abused for the simple reason they are Arabs.

I do not believe peoples of the Muslim faith ought to be proscribed and to that end, murdered, tortured, abused and mistreated and all the more so if this mistreatment is administered at the hands of and by the encouragement of "Christians".

I believe that men and women who profess to be "Christian" have an obligation to live out, exhibit and extend God's message of love through Jesus Christ and that to all peoples everywhere without bigotry to religion, race, creed, nationality, language, culture or origin.

I do not believe anyone professing Christ has a mandate or a pass to use or encourage rape, murder, torture and robbery or to support and excuse those of the Christian Faith who commit such.

I believe all of the land listed and set out in the Bible that God stated belongs to Israel, will and indeed will come into their inheritance. God's Word cannot be broken. I do not believe in the "Dominionist" theology or their cause.

I believe Dominionist theology is of the Devil and a mandate from Hell for which God will not allow to succeed.

I do not believe any man, woman, Church, creed or theology will succeed in nor have the mandate of Heaven to "conquer" the Earth for Christ prior to His Second Advent. This is not even Biblical. It is Heretical.

I believe Christ will come with the Armies of the Host of Heaven to detroy those "who destroy the earth" and it is then and then only that He, Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten of the Father, will take his "dominion" and that by force at His design and command and only then.

I do not believe that any Christian or Christian group has ever, at any time in history, been mandated with the task of taking the planet for Jesus, through war, conquest and mayhem. These are trademarks of the Arch Fiend and all those who "knowingly" participate in such are actively pursuing the mandate of Antichrist, who will come to Israel and the Apostate Church as the Deceiver.

I believe the Jews and Israeli citizens should not be judged soley and enmasse by the actions of their leaders anymore than I want to be blamed for the misdeeds of Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Ashcroft, Rice,, Powell and the Who's-Who of butchery and evil.

I believe the whispered and shouted accusations of Jew haters on the internet and in print also are part and parcel of the Devil's camp and ought to be first educated to their self-deception and then if nothing else avails, set out and proscribed as agents of the Devil.

I believe that hate is of the Devil and Biblical love is of God. Anything else, twisted and corrupted is a lie and deception.

In short and in closing: I support Israel's right to the Holy Land and her right to self-defense.

I do not believe Israel and Israelis are just in excessive and gratuitous slaughter of Arab peoples. Murder is murder; whether it is committed by Jew or Arab........or "Christian" Conservative Americans. I reject: Dominionism; British Israelism/Christian Identity; bigotry against God's creation and the use of Christianity and Christian symbols as a pretext for villainy and greed against the small, weak, poor and disenfranchised._________________

"It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds".
............Samuel Adams
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