
Thursday, February 02, 2006

A strong respone to gneiss

Eric Phelps presents his ideas about "Geocentricism" and the "young Earth",with the same dogmatic finality as his pronouncements about the Jesuits.The fact that his judgement is so faulty in basic science, believing as he does that the Earth was created in 4,004 BC (or thereabouts), and that the Earth is the center around which the whole universe revolves, throws into question his ability to make judgements about what is going on in the world such as his certainty that the Jesuits are the root of all evil in the world.What is more, he is a fundamentalist Christian Bible pusher, believing in theSecond Coming of Christ after the "Antichrist" has been dethroned from his seat of World Empire in the newly rebuilt temple in Jerusalem. He sees all that is happening on the world stage as a fight between the forces of the Devil and of Jesus Christ. To me this is total Xian bullshit in its rankest form.

He bases his eveything on his beloved "Bible" thinking that it is infallableand pure lilly white, coming down to his fellow Calvinists unspoiled andperfect.In reality the New Testament is a total fabrication that was forged by Eusebiusand the other "Church Fathers" in 325 AD, from ripped off Mystery school texts, which they literalized. Jesus is a total fiction, and a fairy tale. There isno proof whatsoever that he ever lived. should go back to school and learn some basic science, mathematics and study of world comparative Mythology, starting with the SUN GOD myth, from which the Jesus character was concocted in 325 AD. also:

There is plenty of proof that the Earth is at least 4.6 BILLION years old;the taking of even a first year geology course by Phelps with some physics and mathematics would be good therapy for his faith-based Bible pronouncements about the Earth, which the Western world discarded as childish nonsense centures ago. By the way, where does Phelps put the Milky Way galaxy in his 6000 year-old creation scheme? The galaxy is 100,000 light years in diameter, contains 200 billion stars, and rotates once on its axis once every 200 million years. Those facts alone demolish for good his 6000 year-old creation fantasy. If his 6000 year time frame were true, the galaxy has yet to make one-thousandth of a rotation, for the very first time. he pretends that we are not within the galaxy at all, or that it doesn't exist but is part of "evil Jesuit science" to think that the galaxy even exists at all.People should realize that Phelps has an agenda---to push his Bible-thumping CALVANISM down the throats of people---under the cover of slamming the Jesuits.It is just like One Xian sect fighting another. Same old BS, since the 1600s.


Hey, I like to thank the atheists and doubters man. You people keep me on my toes and I awoken from my sleep. What a load of nonesense. What are I'm supposed to do, cower and become scared into being an atheist or pagan. I need to be so afraid and just accept this anti-religion agenda. Guess what, I'm not going to be a pagan or an atheist or a New Ager. Doubters are going to hate this. I'm not scared of nothing, but God. You know how it is how I got to respond to this stuff. I mad this response in a couple of minutes in the morning today in Thursday when I saw it. First, copies of the NT are found as early as 64 A.D. in the Magdelan Papyrus.

We have copies of the NT dated to be 100 A.D. The early NT was mention in the Peshitta, Old Latin, Ethoipic, etc. all before 325 A.D. To assume that the Bible was created by 325 A.D. is a lie. The OT Massoretic texts have been proven reliable even by non-Christian and secular historical scholars as well. Please don't buy into that Da Vinci code garbage. Also, Christianity is unique because it's the only faith that teaches that God saves by grace alone without works. Works-based salvation on the part of man is mentioned in every religion known to man.

Also, Jesus Christ existed and that is proven from the Bible and other historical sources like the Talmud, Thallus, Sentonius, Josephus, Tacticus, and others. These men were from many backgrounds and they weren't in some "conspiracy" to force people to accept Christianity since some of them were pagans and followed Judaism. The Talmud is pro-Judaism and strongly disagreed with Christ being the Messiah for crying out loud. The early church are quoted as believing in Bible prophecy, the antichrist, the Trinity, the resurrection, etc. centuries before 325 A.D. What is 325 A.D. obession??? Coming on, you can do better than that man. Tons of religions existed after 325 and Christianity existed before 325 A.D. I've shown links proving that. You hypocritically bash Christianity, yet you won't criticize other faiths. Of course, there are similarities in all faiths (Judaism is similar to Islam, but that doesn't mean that Jewish people invented Islam.

Muhammad and his allies did), but that doesn't mean that underlining fundamental truths are non-existent. There are truths and absolutes in life. If the Bible is a piece of trash, then you need to doubt every ancient script in human history since a possibility of their inaccuracy is real. Isn't this a tactic of you people. You want doubt in one religion, but not in the mythological religions and precepts of pagan religions. Isn't that hypocrispy. The Illiad, gods myths, etc. are perserved 100%, yet you think the Bible is a piece of dirt. I just disagree. I disgress. The bible has been recorded and the NT alone have over 25,000 copies, which is more than any ancient script in the history of the world. A historian even said that almost every word of the NT can be derive from the early church leaders alone. That perservation, but you don't see that!!!!!!! Also, there is nothing wrong for anyone of any creed to believe in prophecy. Bible prophecy clearly states the birth and life of Jesus Christ, Israel restored and Jewish people coming back from their Disapora, the mentioning of increased knowledge, the increasing wars, the increasing levels of natural disasters, and false Christ, which all have been fulfilled in our lifetime alone. That's accurary!!!! That's truth!!!!!

There is nothing wrong with believing prophecy relating to the Antichrist, Second Coming of Christ, and other things that most professing Christians believe in at all. You're trying to bash a faith, but I'm here and I'm going to respond. I don't agree with Eric on every issue, but Darwinian Evolution is racist (since Darwin was a bigot and believed that blacks were more evolved with primates than whites are) and new biochemists have shown evidence of the impossibility for slow evolution when the cell is very complex similar to a machine. If slow evolution occur, the cell structure must be completely changed and that's impossible according to new scientists who dissent with the religion of Darwinian Evolution. Don't be mad. Don't be angry on many conservative Christians coming up, don't be made on the Bible references to scientific truths like there is life in the blood, that the stars are too numerous to count, that the water cycle is real, and that the Earth is round and sits in space. Don't be mad that folks are coming to realize that abortion is murder.

On this abortion issue, I will come with it because I know this issue a lot now. Don't be mad that archaelogical discoveres are occuring all of the time confirming the locations and historical events of the Bible like Nineveh, the ancient Temple, the reign of the Roman Emperor Augustus, the Babylonian King Nabonidus, the Nubian King Tarhaqo, Sennacherib, the city of Ur, and who could forget about the Dead Sea Scrolls showing some of the OT in ca. 200 B.C. It's not one Chrisitan sect. Romanism is false Chrisitanity relating to the sun myths of old invented in the 300's A.D. Romanism slaughtered millions unlike true Christianity since Jesus Christ said do no violence unto no man. If you disagree with Eric so much, email the man. Eric is right that we must expose globalism and the New World Order agenda. I see no problem with that. If you continue to claim that Christianity was invented in 325 A.D., then I will call you a direct LIAR. No real religious man wants to put things down people's throat. People have a right to express themselves in any religion that they want. You need to learn about real religious history.

You seem to forgot the Christians leaders spanning 2,000 years like the apostles, the early disciples, Polycarp in the 100's, Aerius in the 300's, the Waldensians in the 1100's, the Bohemian Brethen plus Anabaptists in the 1500's, etc. That was before the 1600's. This was before 325 A.D. Oh no, but the word Trinity existed before 325 and even before 200 A.D. The foundational tenets of Christianity were not only in existence, but accept and it was spread way before 325 A.D. indeed. Get that Da Vinci Code/New Age drivel somewhere else. The New Age Movement is evil and it influenced the Thule Society member Hitler (a follower of evolution. Hitler was a dedicated follower of New Age concepts like the racist Root Race ideals, evil spiritualism, and other evils. Evolution I might add is similar to the Mystery school myths of Egypt trying to determine on the origin of man. That's a fact. Darwin didn't even create the modern theory of evolution since his Freemason grandfather had it. Also, evolution is related to Hinduism and eastern mysticism since both of those religions accept the evolving conscieness of mankind into a higher plane of existence. Their whole mindset is that we can die and become better beings, which is the essence of evolution, yet mutations abound. Mutations are a genetic scrambling of the genetic information, not an improvement upon organisms at all. That's religious, evolution is religious, and it's apparent) to kill Jews and Gentiles during WWII. Stalin, Lenin, and other social deviant subscribed to Evolution as well. Many New Agers advocate exterminating people and have a hatred for Christianity like you do. oh no, New Agers and athiests murderers killed more than 100 million people last century, which is more than any creed in human history during that 100 year period. Secular humanists killed thousands of French people in the late 1700's as well in the Masonic French Revolution.

That's why the Nazis accepted Evolution, they believed in social Darwinism, they called themselved "National Socialism" and they were funded by their fellow occult membes in the S&B, the Masonic Lodges, SMOM, and other groups from America, England, etc. Every human being has an agenda and even you. There's nothing wrong with thumping the Bible. People thump the Koran, the texts of many faiths and that doesn't mean all people have no value or all people shouldn't express a belief in one God creating the universe. I'm a warrior man. What did you think, that I'm calling myself TruthSeeker24 for nothing. I've got more than this. I can type 20 pages of info if I wanted to. When I was 18, I refuted grown men on tons of other topics. I'm not done. As for the age of the Earth, I'm going to look at both sides and make a just decision about this issue in the future. Obviously the universe is billions of years of years old, because of the travel of light coming to earth from the stars exist in trillions of light years. Yeah, thanks for waking me up. Common sense tells you that. This is quite fun. Since you pulled out some links, here's mine:

By TruthSeeker24 (Timothy)

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