
Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Other news


Colbert Reaction Shows Media Are Frightened Of Bush

Another alarm bell warning that dictatorship is near

Paul Joseph Watson/Prison May 3 2006

It wasn't the reaction of President Bush that interested me, nor the meanderings of Fox News. The way in which the media received Stephen Colbert's act during the White House Correspondents Dinner should set alarm bells ringing about the real state of the union.
The attending press whores were frightened to laugh at Colbert because they didn't want to upset their boss, George W. Bush.

Anyone with half a brain could see that Colbert's routine (watch the video) was funnier than the Bush lookalike 'dumb and dumber' skit, an over scripted painful bore that nevertheless garnered loud guffaws from the audience.

But Colbert's expertly honed Neo-Con Bush worshipping performance was met with guarded silence at many points during the keynote address.
Colbert himself made reference to this on the Monday edition of Comedy Central's The Colbert Report (video below), noting the mute response to his quip that the administration were re-arranging deck chairs on the Hindenburg.

"The crowd were ready to carry me out on their shoulders, even though I wasn't actually ready to leave," joked Colbert.

Subsequent reports on the dinner almost completely omitted Colbert's 30 minute speech, focusing instead on the 5 minute tedious two Bushes act, despite the fact that Colbert's performance was one of the most biting and revelatory satirical masterpieces in years, and Colbert had the guts to pull it all off right in front of Bush's face, an action described as "Ballsalicious" by Colbert's cohort John Stewart.

In the aftermath of the dinner reports are emerging that Bush is on the warpath. "He's got that look that he's ready to blow," one aide told US News and World Report. Those familiar with Bush's tantrums and swearing fits will not be shocked to hear that the 'Commander in Chief' has once again reverted to the behavior of a 6-year-old in the face of criticism and lack of fealty.
But if Bush is the 6-year-old with a temper problem then the media is the younger kid that he bullies. The yellow streak witnessed at Saturday's dinner mirrors the standard of journalistic integrity these whores uphold. Prostrate and kneeling before their imperial master, they once again fall in line to sell another war without end.

When a satirical routine that mocks the President is treated with hushed tones and darting glares from the very supposed guardians of free speech, it spells danger for the ability to dissent in America without being castigated as a misbehaving gadfly.



Exposing The Real Racists In The Immigration Debate"

Day without gringos" sums it up

Paul Joseph Watson/Prison May 3 2006

The Associated Press encapsulated the sentiment of the immigration protesters in the first sentence of its report yesterday in stating that the boycotts were characterized as a "day without gringos."

Imagine what the reaction would be if white middle class Americans marched in their millions and called the event "a day without blacks." But it isn't going to happen because ours isn't the racist side of the immigration 'debate'.

The real racists and ringleaders of this week's demonstrations are extremist adherents to the militant La Raca philosophy. Their Mein Kampf is a plan to ethnically cleanse America of whites, blacks and dissenting Hispanics, leaving just the 'super race' to install the mythical kingdom of Atzlan.
Sound bizarre? We have laboriously documented this open call for genocide on the part of Hispanic extremists on multiple occasions.

Lou Dobbs was correct in saying that radical groups were behind the protests but to identify ANSWER, a milquetoast socialist anti-war group as the kingpin is misleading. The real protagonists are the violently hateful and racist la reconquista outfits that seek to completely marginalize and brutally oppress white and black Americans while seizing control of the entire southern and western states of America.

However, he was spot on in highlighting establishment media spin that this was something other than illegal immigrants demanding amnesty and wide open borders, a demand the Bush administration has done its best to implement every step of the way.

Try walking over the border into Mexico, a corrupt police state hellhole that the demonstrators seem to think is all milk and honey. If you make it past the feverish Mexican military, armed los Zetas paramilitary forces and drug running gangs of every description that are killing American citizens, border patrol and police on a weekly basis, try hiring a car, try opening a bank account, try getting a job, try staging a protest. At best you'll be immediately deported, at worst you'll be beaten to death.

Borders don't just protect the security of a country, they protect its fragile economy. The illegals' zeal in causing America's race to the bottom will ensure second world status and the dollar will cease competing with the Euro and begin worrying about staying above the peso.
If dumbbell liberals who don't understand that it is a Neo-Con agenda to create the justification for mass amnesty want to see their trendy cocktail bars and Starbuck's coffee shops replaced with slum houses and Hispanic ghettos then they should continue to support the actions of a horde of rioting criminal racists.

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