
Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Signs of the time.


My Party, My Choice: The Constitution Party Goes Pro-abort

By Paul deParrie

The Covenant News ~ May 02, 2006

It was fitting that it was the day after Patriots’ Day when the betrayal occurred. Traitors’ Day, perhaps? Yet, I should not be so hard on the national leadership of the Constitution Party as they, at least, were truly anti-abortion for a time.There has been trouble brewing in the national CP for a while. It seems that the Nevada state’s party leaders were simply not on board on the “no exceptions” position of the national regarding child-killing. Of this there is no doubt. The evidence is clear that a single family of conservative activists, the Hansens, had worked long and hard in Nevada to create and grow their independent party. Leaders from elsewhere admired their organizational prowess. Nevada was a very strong state party.However, when it became known that the leaders of the Nevada party held the view that there was no wrong in aborting babies conceived through rape or incest, shock waves went through all the parties and it was reflected at the national meetings.

As it turned out, the Hansens were to toe the line of their Mormon faith which holds that such children are not innocent and, therefore, legitimate targets of execution. Despite the fact that the Nevada party had officially signed on to the “no exceptions” platform of the national, the leaders and some candidates of that party were openly pro-abort. It was the same hypocrisy from which many members of the CPs across the nation fled in the first place.Some affiliated parties began demanding that either the Nevada party fully comply with the national on this matter, or that the national party disaffiliate the Nevada organization.

All this began almost two years ago at the twice-yearly meetings of the national party. Between those who wanted to “give Nevada a chance” to see their errors and comply, and those who simply did not want to confront the issue at all, the festering boil continued on the CP backside for meeting after meeting. Some did not wish to have such a large, well-organized state party disappear from the CP roster for fear of losing much needed strength.It seemed, though, that the main argument heard was that state parties (like states themselves under the U.S. Constitution) were sovereign entities and should not be coerced by the national (like the national government does the states today). “

State (affilliate’s) rights!” was the battle cry.Even the inestimable Howard Phillips fell for the trap. (He eventually voted to hang on to Nevada despite their pro-abort position.)What struck me as odd was that this is the very essence of the pro-abortion argument. NARAL, NOW, and Planned Parenthood will all tell you that the sovereignty of the individual trumps the life of the innocent child—the right to liberty outweighs the right to life.On April 21, 2006, the national CP voted to recognize state’s rights to be of greater import than the right to life itself. They have merely replaced the mantra, “My body, my choice,” with, “My party, my choice!”To say I am disappointed, is to state the obvious.I recall meeting Howard Phillips—at least the old Howard Phillips—when I first became involved in the Oregon Constitution Party.

One thing he said that I remember well was, “If some day I, or the Constitution Party, should ever abandon the core principles of the Party, don’t wait. Leave and start a new party.”I haven’t forgotten that, Howard.I await word of whether the Oregon Constitution Party will secede from the national. If so, I’ll be here. If not, I’m gone.The babies deserve nothing less. Nothing less than “life”—even if it means surrendering some bit of “liberty” or “pursuit of happiness.”Wouldn’t you surrender those things for your children?

Paul deParrie

Paul deParrie is a pro-life author and long-time anti-abortion activist in the Portland, Oregon area. You can order Paul deParrie books from his web site The Portland Porcupine.



Me In A Nutshell

By Chuck Baldwin

The Covenant News ~ May 2, 2006

Tomorrow I celebrate my 54th birthday. Therefore, my column today will be strictly personal. I think it only fair that readers should have an opportunity to learn a little something about the person who writes the words they read. Today's column is designed with that goal in mind.I was born in a small town in northern Indiana. My father and mother were dedicated Christians. Dad was a welder by trade and a lay jailhouse preacher. The Lord delivered him from a terrible life of alcoholism, and the story of his deliverance is nothing short of miraculous. (And you should know that I will send a cassette tape of my father's life story free of charge to anyone who requests it. To receive this free cassette, go to:

Dad was the only Baldwin in my clan to leave the South. All the rest of my kin, including my paternal and maternal grandparents, were lifelong Arkansans. I moved South after my Sophomore year of college and have never left.The Baldwins were all Democrats, and so was I until 1980 when I registered as a Republican. Now, however, I am an Independent who is affiliated with the Constitution Party. I believe the two major parties are two peas in the same pod or, as Pat Buchanan calls them, "two wings of the same bird of prey." Both of them are selling out our constitutional liberties, our independence, and our national sovereignty. At the national level, I can no longer in good conscience support either of them.Outside of my decision to trust Jesus Christ as my personal Savior, the decision to marry my wife, Connie, is the greatest decision I ever made. She is marvelous! We will celebrate our 33rd anniversary next month.

She has borne me three wonderful children of whom I could not be prouder.My oldest child, Sarah, is married to a structural engineer. She and Allan are the youth leaders in our church. They have three children. Our oldest son, Chris, owns his own plumbing construction business here in Pensacola. He and his wife, Jana, are also dedicated Christians and serve God with us in our church. They have two children and one on the way. Our youngest son, Tim, is a felony prosecutor with the Florida State Attorney's office. He, too, is a committed Christian and helps lead our special music. He is still single.I believe in the primacy of the local New Testament Church. I have been privileged to serve as the Senior Pastor of the Crossroad Baptist Church in Pensacola, Florida, for over thirty years now. I am a pre-millennial dispensationalist in my understanding of Eschatology.

Yes, Gertrude, I believe in the Rapture of the Church.My personal philosophy regarding social/political issues is quite simple. I believe abortion is murder. It is the deliberate killing of innocent human life. I believe homosexuality is moral perversion and deserves no special consideration under the law.I believe the U.S. Constitution (as originally written) was the greatest civil document ever devised by man. I steadfastly support the principles contained in the Declaration of Independence. I believe America's Founding Fathers to be the greatest generation of Christian philosophers and patriots to ever live.I believe the current attempt by politicians from both parties to ignore and violate the Constitution is an unconscionable and Draconian attack against the liberties of the American people and should be vehemently resisted.

I believe in the right of the people to keep and bear arms.I believe the South was right in the War Between the States, and I am not a racist. (And I invite anyone to ask any of the numerous members of minority races that attend my church to verify that!) Neither do I believe that the leaders of the old Confederacy were racists. In fact, I hold men such as General Robert E. Lee and General T.J. "Stonewall" Jackson in highest regard.I believe there is a conspiracy by elitists within government and big business to steal America's independence.

I believe most pastors today have become little more than glorified politicians, and I am very disappointed in the way today's Christian leaders have sold out to corrupt political and commercial powers.The only organizations to which I hold membership are Crossroad Baptist Church in Pensacola, Florida, the Constitution Party, Gun Owners of America, and The National Rifle Association.Regarding personal interests, I love to hunt and freshwater fish. NFL football is about the only sport I watch on television anymore. My favorite team is the Green Bay Packers. I do not drink or smoke (although I love the smell of pipe tobacco). In addition, I adhere to a strict diet and exercise regimen.There it is; that is me in a nutshell.

(A more complete biographical sketch can be found at: At least now you know some "details" about who I am. Y

ou can rest assured that everything I write will be faithful to the beliefs mentioned above. And as always, thanks for reading my columns!Chuck Baldwin

Chuck Baldwin Live

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