
Wednesday, May 03, 2006

The shill Constance Cumbey exposed some more.


That would be very good (to be able to post the History of Protestanism chapter on the Jesuits.). I was also wondering if you would wish to continue this interview? I was hoping to get into some more specific subjects such as Alberto Rivera, the Linocln Assassination, the JFK Assassination, the P2 Masonic Lodge, the Calvi Mruder and Vatican Bank scandal, Jesuit connections to other secret societies, Jesuit involvement in 9/11, Jesuit involvement with Nazis and World War II, and Jesuit involement with Communism.


Also Eric I myself had a question concerning Constance Cumbey. Now I know you have called her a Temporal Coadjutor in the past. There is nothing wrong with that of course, but I would like to know your side of the story.

Check my website with the button "Coadjutor Cumbey." All is explained therein.

She claims that your publisher is a New Age publisher.

She is correct. I was separated from the publisher via a contract, so I was not unequally yoked with them. Further, they were honest with me and the only ones who dared to publish my book. The "Christian" Moody Press would never have published VA. As long as there was a contract between me and the publisher, I am not at falt.

She also condemns you for refering to Madame Blavatsky in your book I have heard?

I do quote Blavatsky in VA as she quoted her intimate associate and High-lever Freemason Charles Sothern's description of the Jesuits involved in nearly every Masonic rite. Further, what is wrong with quoting a servant of the devil if what he says it true? The Holy Spirit quoted the devil in Matt 4 and Luke 4 when Christ was tempted. Truth is truth regardless of the source. But remember, Coadjutor Cumbey serves the Jesuits of the Detroit Province---and obviously loves it. She has totally discarded every source quoted in VA that exposes the power of the Jesuit Order (contrary to what her mother taught her) and their present control of the US. She is a bold-faced liar and via her own words does not believe the Scripture when Christ said, "I am the way, the truth and the life; no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." (Jn 14:6).

Has she merely misinterpreted what you are saying as I believe?


I don't know much about Blavatsky, but have heard she is New Age.

Blavatsky was a witch, a co-mason (which fact Cumbey never mentions) and involved via her nemisis, Annie Besant, with the Order's Fabian Socialist movement that, via the Labor Party, destroyed the Protestant British Empire. Blavatsky was affiliated with the OTO, of which Cardinal Rampolla (the Cardinal Secretary of State to Pope Leo XIII) was also a member according to Blood on the Altar by Roman Catholic Tridentine Traditionalist Craig Heimbichner. She is considered one of the creators of the New Age Movement, but Jesuit Tielhard de Chardin was much more influencial whom Cumbey portrays as a renegade of the Order---another cover-up lie.

My take is that if this person is New Age you do not support her, but rather look at the statements she makes about the Jesuits.


From what I have learned a lot of the knowledge of the elite trickles down into the New Age. Am I correct to think this?

Correct. But the New Age movement is controlled by the Jesuits via occult Freemasonry; the Craft is controlled by the Black Pope, he himself being a high-level Freemason.

Also I was asked recently if the New World Order is looking to create a New Atlantis or rather a New Roman Empire. Which one is the New World Order looking to create?

A revived Holy Roman Empire has been the Order's quest for centuries. Atlantis (as it existed according to Plato) was destroyed in the Great Flood, but its religion is the same as that of the New Age---Egyptian, Luciferian, Masonic Babylonian Religion headed up in Rome (Revelation 17).

Sincerely in Faith,

Brother Eric


  1. Anonymous21:06

    With the lies and blind faith in "Bro. Eric" and his lame explanations about his New Age Publisher and claim of lack of knowledge of Theosophist Blavatsky and the rest of the crowd, combined with his just plain evil call for murder of priests, what are you trying to do by such uncomely and insulting headlines? Guarantee me bigger and better real estate in Heaven?? Thanks!!!!

  2. Notice that you never refuted a single word of this article, but use ad hominems Cumbey. What a shame. Frankily, I don't have blind faith in Eric as I've stated my disagreements with Eric on some issue. I do have faith in God alone. Now, Jesuit priest de Chardin was a New Age proponent whether you like it or not. Romanism has many pagan and New Age components whether you like it or not. Also, dissent isn't necessary equated with hatred whether you like or not. It's fine to expose the New Age Movement as I do. Yet, I will expose more than that include flouride, the Vatican, the new world order, and other evils in the world.

  3. Thank you for your comments. It's funny that I'm just a regular guy and can easily get rilled up by people like you.

  4. What do you mean lack of knowledge. Blavatsky was a co-Mason, a witch, and was a key figure in the Theosophical Society. Her own words have her praising Satan. She was an enemy of God and we would agree with that. I hope you reject Ecumencial and reject the Papacy Cumbey.
