
Thursday, April 19, 2007

More Jesuit information.


"This present window of opportunity, during which a truly peaceful andinterdependent world order might be built, will not be open for too long -We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the rightmajor crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order."- David Rockefeller, Sept. 23, 1994

If you remember this was said not long after the first WTC bombing. I believe Knight of Malta David Rockefeller financed the building of the WTC with every intent to bring those buildings down. I believe that was the event he was referring to back in 1994 that occurred six years later in 2001.We must also remember that to usher in the Pope's NWO---the return to the Dark Ages and end of the Reformation---the Moslem peoples must be mass-murdered. Although their leaders are controlled via Freemasonry, the peoples are so easily excited that they are virtually uncontrollable. This is why the war in Iraq is a war of annihilation. As I have been told by reliable sources, neutron bombs have been used in Iraq.This makes sense, for if the Pope and his Jesuits are to build a third Hebrew Temple in Jerusalem, there cannot be any possibility of Moslem bombings of the mount while the Temple is in building. So this war will continue, as the president following Bush will be behind this 21st century Crusade.

Sincerely in Faith,

Brother Eric

Craig: Just as his MASTER across the road would have Ordered, known as Archbishop of New York/Prince of the Roman Catholic Church/SMOM Leader of Americas:CARDINAL EDWARD MICHAEL EGAN

Lisa: I'm sure you're aware, but an FBI informant named Emad Salem recorded hundreds of hours of audio (telephone conversations) with his FBI handlers, who instructed him to A) use a real bomb, and where to place the was initially to be a sting, but when the FBI wanted to use real explosives, Salem became suspicious. I've aired the recordings in my show, here's a link or 2 to get you started; if you're not already aware of this.

Rockefellers are behind it all... i'm not sure if you've seen this very revealing clip:,DGUS:2006-22,DGUS:en&q=rockefeller%20chipping&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&um=1&sa=N&tab=wv (take into consideration that it's Alex Jones, and Russo, who was asked by Rockefeller to join CFR)


Dear Jim,

Thank you for your comments.

I have addressed the difference between Biblical Futurism and Jesuit futurism in the past. I realize that my amillennial, historic Calvinist brethren reject all futurism, but that's OK since they secured for me the freedom to speak on the radio here in the US in 2007. I do not disagree that Jesuit futurism was designed to take the eyes of God's people off the Papacy and "look for another Antichrist." But as you know, I keep focused upon the Papacy as the dynasty of the Antichrist, that every pope is an Antichrist and that the final pope (the final Roman king/caesar of Revelation 17:10) will be thee Antichrist (I John 2:18 has the article preceding "antichrist" indicating a specific person---that "man of sin of II Thess. 2).No doubt that the Jesuits with their brand of futurism are the creators of Labor Zionism via the British Labor Party controlled by the Fabian Socialists of the late 19th century. But remember, there are four kinds of Zionism: Masonic Jesuit ruled Labor Zionism, Revisionist Zionism (all leaders murdered by the Order); Talmudic Orthodox Zionism (who deny that the racial Jews have any right to the land prior to the coming of Messiah---which is a denial of the Abrahamic Covenant, and Biblical, premillennial, Christian Zionism which believes that Jews must inhabit the land of Israel, especially Jerusalem, as a precondition for the return of the Messiah, the Lord Yeshua---which is my position.

I am always careful to condemn the Pope's Masonic, CFR-directed, Knight of Malta controlled, Jewish Labor Zionist government ruling and oppressing the Lord's beloved and racially Hebrew/Jewish/Israelitic people now in the land. Further, since the Mosaic covenant is now set aside, the holy seed has a right to live in the land without obedience to the Law. This is the reason the Lord can righteously bring the people back to the land and form the nation once again (Ezekiel 38:8), rebuild the Hebrew temple (Revelation 11:1-2; Matthew 24:15; Daniel 9:27) make a Jerusalem inhabited by Jews (Zechariah 12:6) in preparation for the coming of the Lord to the Mount of Olives when He delivers the city from its Jew-hating, Gentile mass-murdering armies of the world (Zechariah 14:4; Acts 1:11-12).VAIII is not in hardcover but the copyright gives the purchaser the right to take the CD to a copy shop or a printer and put the work in book form. This is a much cheaper enterprise for both the publisher and the buyer.

Sincerely in Faith,

Brother Eric

hi Eric,I've been enjoying your work and was just wanting to point out somedifferences in theories.You're saying on radio that the temple will be built in Jerusalem for thisevil AC and I agree with a few exceptions. The RCC papacy is the AC so theyin no way will seat themselves in this futurist temple.The RCC created "futurism" that goes like this:

-The Jews returned to Israel that started some countdown where a temple willbe built that the antichrist will seat and be evil culminating in seven yeartribulation and armageddon-The above is all "futurism" and is unscriptural and wrong. I have a threadabout this that is easier to read on Mike Riveros website. They all chokedon it, but thats why I'm there.
I then found a website that says much of the same thing
thecatholicrootsofzionism/zionismcatholic.htmlThey did this in response to the reformation as is documented in the thread.Take Care,Jimps: let me know if you have your book in hardcopy


This is typical.The Vatican is OPENLY against the "war on terror." SECRETLY, the Vatican cause the war on terror. Rome controls the CIA which funded the Pakistani ISI which backs and traines Al Qaeda. It is just that simple. The Order controls both Bush and Bin Laden as both families are connected to the Carlyle Group.Now the push is to blame the Jews for 911 and Rome's Third Thirty Years' War (2001-?). What the Papacy did to Germany it will repeate here in the Black Pope's Holy Roman Fourteenth Amendment American Empire.

Brother Eric

----- Original Message ----- Sent: Monday, April 16, 2007 11:56 AM
Subject: as seen on

Father John Martinez, a catholic priest, speaks out to declare the Catholic Church's true teaching, that it would BE A MORTAL SIN FOR CATHOLIC SOLDIERS TO ATTACK IRAN.In a one-hour lecture, Father John Martinez warns about the Jewish plot to rule the world and to use the United States to ignite the flames of World War 3 by it's satanic plan to unjustly attack Iran. He exposes that George Bush is Jewish and how congress is controlled by the Jews.Father John Martinez gravely warns of nuclear weapons being used by the United States and the threat of the possible END OF THE WORLD.For additional information on how you can help stop World War 3, order Father John Martinez's CD, entitled, AN UNJUST ATTACK ON IRAN, just send ten dollars to Father John Martinez313 S. 17th StreetFrederick, OK., 73542(I sent him a note...since I did not see an email address)



Dear Mike,

Thak you for contacting me.Indeed, the Masonic Jewish Labor Zionists are wielding great power here in the US via the CFR. But the Jesuits rule the CFR and the Labor Zionists as both were created by the Order. A classic example of this power structure is New York Jesuit Joseph A. O'Hare. This man is a PRESIDER at the CFR. He is also one of the main backers of Labor Zionist Michael Bloomberg in his successful election to Mayor of NYC.The Masonic Labor Zionists are merely the Pope's Court Jews controlled by the Black Pope. The Jesuits were also the key power behind Vatican II, men like Cardinal Bea and Carl Rahner. Sincerely in Faith,

Brother Eric

----- Original Message ----- From: Mike Hrynick To: ; ; Cc: RED HONEY! Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2007 10:38 AMSubject: Fw: Fw: THE MOST DEADLY ENEMY THE UNITED STATES WILL EVER HAVE TO FACEFolks, the enemy IS NOT the Catholic Church.Please, Wake up!!!!!!! The Catholic Church was usurped by Jewish Zionists lock, stock, and barrel in 1958. With Vatican II they effectively neutered the power of the church.The Vatican does not own the majority of the world's corporations - Jewish Zionists do.The Vatican does not control the world's money - Jewish Zionists do.The Vatican does not control mainstream media - Jewish Zionists do.The Vatican and the Catholics have not usurped the entire body politic of the American government - Washington is drowning in Jewish Zionist influence and control. Bush doesn't carry the Catholic Bible around, he carries the TALMUD!Since 1958, the Vatican has had a series of "anti" Popes with Pope John Paul II being the most notable. May I suggest that you investigate: Cardinal Siri and the Plot Against the Pope, and The Plot Against the Church Also visit Maurice Pinay's blog .Please - focus on the facts and the mounting evidence that the malignancy of Political and Religious ZIONISM, which the Jewish "elite" is responsible for and Fundamentalist Christian Zionists are now championing, is the enemy of ALL humanity including the Jewish people themselves.

Craig: Notice how when we finger the VATICAN we get attacked? Notice how Israel has been blamed for 9/11 along with Britain, Russia, CIA, NSA? Why is it whenever someone fingers the Sovereign Military Order of Malta behind the attacks THEY ARE ATTACKED? Why is it that the VATICAN is never spoke about at all these conferences but everyone else is.Its quite obvious to see who rules the roost and always have done.T H E - J E S U I T STheres many people fully aware out there who want us to shut up so they can have free run to keep the ILLUSIONS going. Theres many people who have been hoodwinked into the ILLUSION once again. Zionist Masonic Labor Jews are dominated by the Society of Jesus and their Sovereign Military Order of Malta.You will hear diversionists try to get you believing the Jews rule this and that. They will try to make out that the Jesuit Order is a bunch of crypto-jews. When will they make their minds up? This person above trys to claim the Jew took over in 1958. Well the Jesuits took control of the Papacy in 1870 so if they were crypto-jews as some claim then the Jews will have ruled since 1870 thanks to the Jesuits 'Doctrines of Infallibility.' The Jesuits have controlled Vatican II since 1968 if this is what this person is trying to say but via Jews.People study the year of 1066 to understand why the Talmudic Jew come forth in the eyes of the public and why THEY WERE PUT THERE! See the deal made with the Vatican for them to be ruled.

Sit back folks and use some common sense a minute. We're told by diversionists and the hoodwinked that the World is controlled by the Zionist Masonic Labor Jew who supposedly control all media. Why is it then that almost all the conspiracy information out there pushes the Jews did, done, want it. Almost everywhere you look. Would you as the so-called leadership of the Conspiracy help programme the minds of your populance against you? OF COURSE NOT! If it were the Jew ruling the World you would hear more anti-Vatican talk for instance. Do we hear this? NO! Only recently has the anti-Vatican talk finally got some of the spotlight it deserves. Maybe this is a new plot by a jew group to start a fight with the Jesuit Order in the future I don't know but one things for sure, THE JESUITS rule the roost now. I cannot see the Vatican and more so the JESUITS ever loosing their power to another Society of secrets. The only way the Vatican will be beat will be by populance power with us holding 98-99% of the World's population, if only we'd wake up for once and see it soon.Now since you were a little child you've heard people complain of the JEWS, THE JEWS. You've seen films made forcing the Jew issue upon you. How often growing up did anyone speak of THE VATICAN? How often did you hear about THE SOCIETY OF JESUS or even the SOVEREIGN MILITARY ORDER OF MALTA? Theres your answer right there folks. Why is this when at one time not so long back the Vatican completely dominated the Planet OVERTLY????? Just easily forgotten due to Vatican programming of its populance.-Craig Oxley

Me: It's funny AntiSionist that people criticize us for exposing both the Jesuits and the Labor Zionists. These hypocrites say that we don't expose evil Zionists and when we do, they still say that isn't good enough. They are just hypocrites. The Vatican was wicked way before 1958. The ignorant man Mike Hrynick (his name looks like it's German. He might be a Catholic or Lutheran since a lot of Germans are Catholic or Lutheran), but anyway, the Knights of Malta including high level Freemasonry control many corporations (such as Geoffrey Biosi, Alexander Haig, and Thomas Monaghan). The CFR (not "Zionist Jews") control the majority of the media (like Knight of St. Gregory Rupert Murdoch and CFR member Richard D. Parsons), and the money is run by the Vatican & the Black NObility families (who created the Pilgrim Society, which is more powerful than the ADL, Jewish Congress, and the Israeli Lobby combined). The enemy isn't Catholic people. Yet, the enemy is Satan, the hierachy of the Vatican/Jesuits, all occult Secret Societies, Labor ZIonism, and all evil organizations period. Hrynick is ignorant of history. Without "fundamentalist" Christians" like Leland, he would never have the Bill of Rights (and of saying the garbage that he has a right to say). It's funny that people like Hrynick spew out half truth, but won't take the time to listen to other points of view.

By Timothy

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