
Thursday, April 19, 2007

Never relenting

The shooting incident gets wierder and wierder. Cho made a video about his agenda and other issues. He said that people made him do this and bashes alcohol and debauchery. He has a Ismail AX on his arm. What does Ismail Ax mean. There are meaning interpretations. One big interpretation refers to a Korean religion. The arm of Cho Seung Hui, having ‘ISMAIL AX’, (according to Buddhists) is an anagram for SALAMI XI. Salami XI meaning Salting the Earth and XI meaning 11 (in the occult, 11 means destruction or mayhem). One possibility is that in Cho's mind, he wanted to salt the Earth because of its corruption. Some believe Ismail Ax refers to the Koran when Ishmael was about to be sacrificed by Abraham by an ax (That's inaccurate since the Bible says that Isaac was about to be sacrificed not Ishmael). Exploitators of this tragedy aren't just talking about gun control, but hate crime legislation. You see hate crime laws to me aren't about preventing degatory language from being said, but about limiting free speech. That's why folks have been arrested in America for criticizing lifestyle and for preaching on the street now. That's not in Europe, that's here. Just recently, the The court issued a memo declaring that it sided with the city of Oakland in censoring the emails and posters of the Good News Employee Association that used words like “Natural Family,” “Marriage” and “Family Values” are equivalent to a hate crime.

If they can limit their speech, then they will try to limit our speech. I get annoyed when people criticize gun rights. Many of them like Rosie don't know real history. We used guns against British Imperalists. That's one of the reasons we have the Bill of Rights in this nations. Oppression against blacks and Native Americans were further fillitated by the banning of guns unto blacks and Native Americans. Even the Black Codes limited the gun rights of African Americans. Crime is very rampants in some of the most gun restrictive areas of the world like Mexico, Great Britian (After the 1997 gun ban, continues in 2004 with a 10%
increase in street crime, 8% increase in muggings, and a 22% increase in robberies. This is backed up by the Gun Facts documen), Russia, Brazil (whose homicide rate is almost three (3) times higher than the U.S.), Philadephia, Detriot, Washington D.C., and so many other countries. Australia immediately saw a spike in crime when they passed their restrictive anti-gun laws. Crime rates are low in Switzerland and Israel with more liberal gun laws. What's funny is that Eisner (of the pro-pervert company of Disney. He used to be one of the heads of that company) said that all guns should be banned from all citizens. The truth is that dictators like Castro, Hitler (who murdered Eisner's race during WWII), and Stalins banned guns from all of its private citizens. No law in the world can prevent all forms of crimes period. If people are educated on gun safety (not gun control), strict enforcement of punishment against criminals using weapons, and law abiding citizens have better oppurtunities to get guns, the crime rate can decrease.

By Timothy

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