
Monday, December 03, 2007

Giuliani : The Terrorism and Graft Candidate


Giuliani: the Terrorism and Graft Candidate

Kurt NimmoTruthNews

December 3, 2007

It should be enough to not only wash up Giuliani as a presidential candidate, but send him up the river as a participant in a murderous criminal conspiracy.
First, let us address the less serious accusation. According to research conducted by Ben Smith of Politico, as “New York mayor, Rudy Giuliani billed obscure city agencies for tens of thousands of dollars in security expenses amassed during the time when he was beginning an extramarital relationship with future wife Judith Nathan in the Hamptons.”
The taxpayers of New York were picking up at least part of the tab on Giuliani’s sleazy extramarital affair, in particular “hotel, gas and other costs for Giuliani’s New York Police Department security detail…. The practice of transferring the travel expenses of Giuliani’s security detail to the accounts of obscure mayoral offices has never been brought to light, despite behind-the-scenes criticism from the city comptroller weeks after Giuliani left office.”
“The familiar herd instinct of the mainstream media is powerful, unswerving and often plain wrong,” writes Joe Conason for Salon. “While editors and producers are supposed to make judgments based on a combination of news value and public interest, their choices often seem to be based on nothing more elevated than an allergy to complexity or an affinity for smut. And occasionally, as in the case of Rudolph Giuliani during this past week, the sudden appearance of not one but two juicy investigations overwhelms the system’s capacity to absorb and regurgitate.”

Naturally, the media absorbed the sex and corruption story while pretty much ignoring a far worse allegation. As sex sells and Americans are trained to forgive and forget when it comes to tawdry affairs, CNN decided it was safe to use the sex story in the Republican YouTube debate. “While they lavished enormous attention upon a Politico story dealing with adultery and bureaucracy, they should be devoting at least as much time to yet another in the long series of Wayne Barrett scoops in the Village Voice, because this one involves business and terrorism,” an article “probing the lucrative relationship between Giuliani’s security firm and the emirate of Qatar.”
“With Qatar’s troubling record as both an American ally and a longtime haven for al-Qaida terrorists, including 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, or ‘KSM,’ the little Gulf sheikdom is a curious client indeed for Giuliani Security and Safety, a division of Giuliani Partners,” writes Conason.
Giuliani likes to pose as the presidential candidate tough on terrorism, a man with experience under fire, as he continues to shamelessly drag the day of September 11, 2001, out into the limelight. But if “Giuliani was unaware of the terrorism issues surrounding Qatar before he signed his initial contract with the emirate in 2005, then he must not be quite the expert he claims to be. And if he knew of those issues but signed up anyway, that raises other questions.”
Certainly he should be asked to explain his connections with the emirate and especially with Interior Minister Abdullah bin Khalid al-Thani, who has long been suspected of harboring KSM and facilitating the travel of al-Qaida operatives to and from Qatar. Whatever reasons the United States may have for maintaining diplomatic and military ties with Qatar, the contradictions in doing business with that nation for a hard-liner like Giuliani should be explored.

Of course, for those of us who don’t buy the official story, “the contradictions in doing business with that nation” are not difficult to explain or particularly revelatory. Obviously, at some level, Giuliani was brought into the highly compartmentalized conspiracy to attack New York and bring down the towers, resulting in the murder of just short of 3,000 people. Considering the Giuliani Partners connection to Abdullah al-Thani, a man accused by former CIA agent Robert Baer of helping KSM escape from Qatar just before he was to be arrested in 1996 by the FBI, it makes sense the neocons want Rudy in 2008. If elected, he will continue their criminal charade.
In normal, non-Bushzarro times, the media would concentrate on the corruption and terrorism allegations dogging Giuliani. Instead, the terrorism story is pushed to the background while the extramarital story burbles in the foreground. And that’s because the American public, steeped in decades of moral relativism, refuse to judge Giuliani on his extramarital relationship, thus letting him off the hook easy and allowing him to continue to pose as a presidential candidate.
In fact, the next president was long ago selected by our rulers
And that selectee wasn’t Rudolph Giuliani.

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Georgia Police Hide in Offices to Avoid Lawyer's Letter

Over Impounding of Graphic Abortion Photos Truck

Driver of second Truth Truck, accompanied by media, says, "It was really bizarre behavior"
By Thaddeus M. Baklinski LAWRENCEVILLE, Georgia, December 3, 2007

( - Christian Newswire reports that Operation Rescue President Troy Newman drove another Truth Truck to the Gwinnett County Police Station on Saturday to hand-deliver a letter from the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) only to find the doors to the station locked. Efforts to get police to open the doors so the letter could be delivered failed."We rang the doorbell and knocked on the door, but no one would answer. We could see there were police inside, but none would come to the door. It was really bizarre behavior, in my opinion," said Newman.Finally, two officers in a patrol car arrived, accepted the letter, and left the scene.The letter was in response to the arrest over Thanksgiving weekend of Truth Truck driver Bob Rothlisberger, the impounding of the Truth Truck, and the destruction of signs and mounting hardware by police. In the letter, attorney Jim Henderson of the ACLJ spent twelve pages explaining in detail to Gwinnett County Police why their officers acted improperly during the incident. Reimbursement of costs and an apology were requested.Newman was accompanied by Rev. Pat Mahoney of the Christian Defense Coalition, Peter Shinn of Pro-life Unity, and members of the Mount Zion Christian Church in Durham, North Carolina.Police had earlier threatened to arrest anyone who might continue to drive a Truth Truck, adorned with photographs of aborted babies, in Gwinnett County, but later backed down from that threat. Newman and the other pro-lifers drove through the county without incident."We were left to wonder what would happen if the Truth Truck were to encounter Gwinnett County Police on the road without the media present," said Newman. "Would they again arrest our people and slash our signs? We just don't know. Currently there are no guarantees that the First Amendment protections will be respected here."

Link to the ACLJ letter 20Police%20Chief.pdf

See Truth Truck website

Related Christian Newswire press release: Black Pro-life Group Outraged Over Truck Impounding

Previous articles:Georgia Police Impound Anti-Abortion Billboard Truck, Jail Driver,

Billboard-Size Abortion Photos to be Shown throughout Canada as Trucks Take the Message to the Streets

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