
Monday, December 03, 2007

I Respond

This morning Joe Scarborough mock the idea of the Trilateral Commission. What can you expect from him? He's a phony conservative being intimidated daily by up front libeals like Mika and Chris Matthews (who denied that the Second Amendment is a balwart against tyranncial government. Have he looked at history where brutal murderers Mao, Hitler, Castro, and other disarmed innocent people and killed them). The truth is that the Trilateral Commission is a real group with a real agenda of economic integration. It may not be the most powerful group in the world, but it really exists and it should be exposed. Joe is silly to me and wouldn't have the guts to debate people like me. It isn't just a coward like Joe or a liar like Chris Matthews doing this. The mainstream media in general generallly don't talk about these issues. They demonize any view that they classify as "outside the mainstream." Who are they to dictate what we can write, say, discuss, or believe in. All issues ought to be discussed in public and private. That's freedom. Mitt Romney wants to give a speech about his Mormonism where JFK gave his speech on his Catholic faith. There is no way he can defend his faith. His faith teaches that man can be a god with his own planet. His faith was created by a Mason, an adulterer, and a deciever. Mormonism copied many Masonic themes such as work-based salvation, garments, secret names, and the like. Brigham Young, another Mormon (who's an ally of Jesuit DeSmet), was a notorious false prophet and said degratory comments about certain people. Unlike CFR member Mike Huckabee, I will say that Mormonism is not Orthodox Christianity, but a distortion of it. The Constitution mentions no religious test for office, but we have a First Amendment right to dissent with any cult or religion. Romney changed on many issues and there is nothing wrong with that. Yet, there are questions on his sincerity. I accept religious liberty (and religious expression in the public square), so I believe that Romney has a right to believe in what he wants, but I have a right to dissent with it. Matthew Campbell from the London Times on Monday at December 3, 2007 reported on some French about the rioting going on there. Over 100 cops have been injuried there. Many factors are causing it like poverty, but one main one is the non-assilimation of certain immigrant and Muslim population. History and common sense shows that if some citizens refuse to accept certain core culture of a nation, conflicts might arise. I will say that nothing justifies riots. If you hate your situation change your situation via peaceful means not by violence or rioting.

London Times on December 2, 2007 had an article written by David Leppard described how the US has a right to kidnap British citizens. An American lawyer actually said this which is exactly like rendition unlike extradition. That is fascist because the government acts as the kidnapper against a human being without due process. Noami Wolf is right that our civil liberties are being violated all of the time. One example is how folks are being electrocuted via tasers by police (even if someone is handcupped and pose no immediate threat to an officer. Folks have died from tasers as well). Mike Adams from News Target at November 28, 2007 summarized the threat of the Senate bill entitled 1959 or the Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act. What is so bad about it? The bill said that even planned use of force or violence can be equal to terrorism. This ambigious definition can mean that passing our fliers or strongly having a peaceful protest in force can be equated to terrorism by the government. Ambigious definitions like this is a pure threat to freedom and liberty. When I mean liberty, I mean the right of citizens to own private property without a Trans Texas Corridor or a North American Union (which is a real agenda evident on how many in Canada, Mexico, and the USA called for North American integration in various meetings Documents document this constantly). I mean the promotion of a sound dollar and real free markets. I mean the promotion of innocent unborn life without RU-486 being illegally sold. I mean the bashing of waterboarding or any form of torture. I mean the abolition of the IRS and stopping of building hundreds if not thousands of military bases globally (when the military should protect our shores). A new foreign policy of working with other nations and non-interventionalism is what Americans want as well. 70% of Americans want a withdraw from Iraq and oppose the Iraq War. It's important to expose symbolism. Symbolism is a calling card of many elites. Some who a V or Peace sign, yet its origin existed from the Ancient world. The Romans had used it as meaning 5. Today, researchers believe it means the horned false god Pan and some go as far as calling it a symbol of Satan. Followers of the Kabbala use it all of the time like Demi Moore and Ashton Kutchner. It's all over the place. All of it comes from the Ancient Mystery Religion (in those ancient cultures they believe in generation or Nature being the creative force between the masculine and feminine. One big symbol was the sun called Aten. Symbols are varied from the Compass and Square to the All Seeing Eye of Egypt. Many Old Celtic influence society today. Even Dennis Kucinich used the V sign and he wants the Second Amendment abolished. The dot in the circle is another promiment symbol meaning sun worship and the worship of the phallus according to Albert Mackey (a 33rd Degree Freemason. It's also the merging of male and female sexual organs. It's one of the most occult symbols around). The reality is that we don't need the occult since we need God's Word to survive. Unlike the occult, his Word is apparent for anyone to comprehend. Anyway I respond to nefarious criticism.

By Timothy

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