
Monday, April 28, 2008

Answers in Liberty

How much things have changed is a representation of how things remain the same. Chicago mayor Richard Daley was angered at the crime epidemic in Chicago. Shootings are in an extreme pace in Chicago. We all should be angry over that. Therefore, Daley proposes that the Chicago police ought to be equip with combat rifles and M-4s. He believes that these weapons will counterreact the firepower of gangs. Yet, the police should a specific domestic function. The police isn't the military. They ought not be like the military with militarized weapons, random searches, or illegal raids in America. Once upon time, the police would knock on your door with a warrant to come into your home. Now, a lot of them and SWAT Teams just bust down doors. Sometimes they do it without a warrant to steal guns. That is why I will always reject militarized police. Even the CATO Institute publiczed a study called "Overkill: The Rise of Paramilitary Police Raids in America" by Radley Balko" exposed that over 1 million military equipment have been sent into police departments across America. This study includes how about 40,000 of these raids occur per year (with over 150 documented botched raids). Some of these raids terrorize innocent people. I wonder why Daley is doing this? It seems to me that Daley lusts after having law enforcement to acquire a monopoly of weapons. See, Richard Daley is notoriously anti-Second Amendment even seeking law abiding citizens to be nearly banned from bearing arms. See if you ban citizens from having guns, then only the criminals and the police will only retain guns. This isn't just a Chicago problem. It's a national problem. Nimmo wrote an interesting point about how the CIA is involved in the drug trade via selling crack and some bankers then funnels the money into Wall Street. That vicious cycle contributes to the drug/crime epidemic across America. If the oppressive drug laws were changed, criminals wouldn't have the incentive to carry Uzis since the legal question would be mostly gone. Also, poverty, the breakdown of the family, and other socio-economic factors contribute to the violent in Chicago including across the nation. You can't solve this complex problem unless independent solutions are created to stop poverty and these ills in society. Now, I've been reading more information. I'm even more dedicated in believing in my core convictions than ever. Reverand Jeremiah Wright is still speaking. Yesterday, he spoke at a NAACP meeting. The NAACP endorses him, because he appeals to a lot of African Americans being very intelligent. Wright is cognizant or aware of African American issues. Jeremiah Wright can speak numerous langauges. He has a Doctorate Degree in Theology. I agree with him on some things like the bombings of Hirosohima and Nagasaki resulted in the murder of of innocent people (and the government lie all of the time). Thousands of Japanese people died alone in both cities. That's similar to the Dresden attacks where innocent Germans civilians were slaughtered by the Allies during World War II. World War II had leaders in both sides with ties to secret societies. For example, Adolf Hitler was a member of the Thule Society while U.S. Generals like Douglas MacArthur was a 33rd Degree Freemason. MacArthur was an ally and friend of Jesuit Edmund Walsh. So, that refutes the disinformation lie that Jesuits and Freemasons weren't friends or allies. The war was over by 1945 and the United Nations conversely was implemented. The United Nations claims to be a depository of negiotated settlements among countries of the world. Although, the U.N. was created by some of the same international, corporate interests that's responsible for the colonalism and exploitation of the Third World. The U.N. is in league with an new world order agenda. The U.N. readily tries to break down naitonal sovereignity and they've been plagued with scandals from the sexual harrashment scandals to having dictatorships on their Human Rights Board. The U.N. has been a support of gun control. That is why a twisted gun statue is on the United Nations' property. The United Nations is a hypocritical organizaiton. Additionally, governments throughout history have tested poisons on people for decades like Tuskegee, sodium flouride, etc. I don't agree with Wright on everything like him yolking up with Louis Farrakhan. Farrakhan backtracked on his earlier statements, but he's still part of the Nation of Islam, which some of its own members murdered Malcolm X. Farrakhan is a puppet.

Jeremiah Wright's new speech talked about differences in African and European music. Also, he talked about the educational problems in much of the black community. The foundational way of education should remain the same, but lately there is high levels of dropout rates in America. One reason for that is the more emphasis in character instead of the basics of analyzing information plus the teaching of the basics. Also, we need a left and right brain education in society and Wright is right on that. Only insituting a left brain mentality leads to an incomplete comprehension of learning. Different ways of learning is fine as long it leads into the same result which is the proficiency of language, basic comprehension and the authentic analysis of subject matter (not just random memorization. Random memorization isn't true learning at all). Smaller class sizes, quality teachers, and other solutions are in order as well. Rev. Jeremiah Wright today spoke again to the Press Club with no apologies for his earlier statements. Press TV from April 27, 2008 reported on how the U.S. utilized cluster bombs in Sadr City. This information was reported by an Iraqi member of the Parliament named Leqa Yasin. She said that these cluster bombs have caused many civilian deaths. Cluster bombs are some of the destructive instruments of war onto any human being. The sharpnel from cluster bombs are devestating to human beings. JASON LEWIS from Daily Mail at April 27, 2008 described how the UK's Ministry of Defence's "private" police force is using wide range of powers to harrass tourists. This is done when they search thousands of tourists and other suspects. These armed street patrols are not required to identify themselves as MoD officers are questioning people on the Thamses or having their photograph taken in front of Big Ben. These officers carry sub machine guns. According to the articles, 3,500 officers are now able to carry out street searches after they were given extra powers under anti-terror laws. Commons Home Affairs Select Committee chairman Keith Vaz called for an investigation, because this private police force has an increased public role. Similar police forces are being used in random searches in America. I reject transhumanism and eugenic tactics going on in the 21st century. Transhumanism is the belief that merging man will nanotechnology plus other biological means can improve man into an almost "godlike" state. This is very strikingly similar to the story of the book of Revelation talking about the Beast. These aims definitely try to harm human uniqueness and true human purpose. Population control extremists are intertwined with this agenda of the manipulating or control of human life. For example, the billionare globalist Ted Turner commented that global warming will lead into cannibalism. Furthermore, Turner proclaimed that farmlands are decreasing, which will lead into riots. Therefore, his solution is more population control. Although, he himself is behind ethanol, which is a failing alternative energy source. The reason is that it places too much stress on corn. Hence, even the United Nations has blamed ethanol for food shortages and increased poverty. One of the reasons for the food crisis is over reliance on biofeuls, which Ted Turner supported. His extreme rhetoric is silly since the population growth percentage globally has been decreasing since 1960. Even population experts state that our world population will level and decrease by 2050. Underpopulation crisis are in Europe, Japan, and other locations globally. What's needed isn't population control as advocated by the Club of Rome, NSSM 200 (supported by Henry Kissinger), etc. What's needed to help our problems is the end of ethanol and the use of real alternative energy, the use of investments to build up farms, and population development (If the Third World has tools for development and modernization on a radical scale, disease and other problems will decrease rapidly). Here's my views on Dick Eastman and Bob Bowman. Isn't Bob Bowman a member of an Old Catholic Church which is less strict than the Roman Catholic Church, but still maintains some unscriptural doctrines. To say that Bowman is a candidate to support is a person's choice if they want to, but he isn't the only choice out there. There are things I agree with him on like 911 Truth and other things I disagree with him on. Bowman said he wishes all guns would be banned, but wants the Second Amendment to exist. This is moral contradicting to say the least. Bowman also agrees with abortion, which is an evil industry benefiting Planned Parenthood and numerous corporations globally. Also, the government is a tool not a god. Funny, how Eastman talks about regulation, but don't much talk about making the government confirm to the Bill of Rights. See, Bush expanded the federal government more than any other President in American history and look what got us. The answer isn't more government, but a government that's effective, limited, and bounded under the law. If all society is socialized it restricts basic individual choice and our individual rights. People have the freedom to choice their own destiny. More real choices can propel and improve upon the standards of development in any nation. We have more government already with the creation of the Department of Homeland Security (which enforces anti-liberty laws like the Patriot Act), No Child Left Behind, the FBI, the CIA, and the list goes on an on. Also, our present trade system isn't real free trade. Our trade is managed and controlled by a select clique of multinational corporations and bureaucrats. We have a managed economy controlled by the FED for the most part in America. Managed, controlled entities in the form of monopolies isn't a free market system. It's a monopoly. Also, he talks about the Rothschilds. Ok, many Rothschilds and the Mossad have done evil. That's true. Yet, when was it immoral to expose all evil from the leadership of the Vatican/Jesuits (who are responsible for the creation of the CIA, the Ratlines, the Jesuits educated dictators like Castro, the promotion of the Ecumencial Movement, and the sponsoring of illegal immigration in the USA), the City of London, the Bilderbergers, and the Pilgrim Society. You're most effective in exposing all evil not just one group. Even if every Jewish person or Zionist (Zionists aren't monolithic since many Zionists are peaceful and aren't involved in terrorism at all) ceased to exist, evil will still reign because of human nature. As for corporations, many corporations are evil. The answer to stop the spread of evil corporations would be to make the corporations to be bounded by our laws here (if they exist here). Additionally, tax breaks can be given unto companies that legitimately try to build jobs and services here. I agree with Eastman that Arabic "hijackers" can't create all of 9/11. The reason is that the "hijackers" can never made our air defenses to stand down, cause Building Number Seven to fall, or make members of the Bin Laden family to leave just days after 9/11.

The present adminstration has stepped up its opinion that North Korea is sending nuclear material into Syria. The corporate media (whose chieftans include Knight of St. Gregory Rupert Murdoch of FOX and others) is talking about it. We have to be skeptic about it because this is the same administration talking about Iraq possessing a present nuclear program back in 2002. That of course was found out to be false. Some of the neo cons say that al-Qaeda might use a 10 kiloton nuclear bomb to kill a western city. Subsequently, no conclusive evidence outline Iran as having a nuclear weapon at all. Even Mohamed E. Baradei on October 8, 2007 have said this. Mohamed E. Baradei is the head of the IAEA. Yet, ideological neo-conservatives like Norman Podhoretz still promote paranoia about this issue. He even cornered President Bush at a Waldorf Astoria hotel (where the real elite and globalists have functions before) in New York City to push their proposed invasion of Iran. This isn't a mystery since the Neo cons's PNAC documents like the "Rebuiling America's Defenses: Strategies, Forces, and Resources For a New Century" piece of prose (which was written in 2000) called for Iran to be confronted. Even Patraeus made the mistake of attempting to link Iran to al-Qaeda when Iran considers al-Qaeda to be a terrorist group. Iran has arrested al-Qaeda members. al-Qaeda is mostly Sunni while Iran is a mostly Shia Muslim country. al-Qaeda is a manufactured CIA/ISI creation from Operation Cyclone plus the Afghani-Soviet war from 1979. Nimmo wrote another true article about Hillary Clinton. Tom Hayden was a former 1960's leftist activist who writes and was into politics. He believes that Hillary has forgotten her sixties roots by criciticizing Obama for just talking with William Ayers (a member of the violent Weather Underground group). Hayden said Hillary Clinton was in Chicago for street confrontations and Hillary was in defense of Bobby Seale during his murder trial of 1970. The truth is that according to Roger Morris' book "Partners in Power", Bill Clinton was a CIA operative who was trying to infilitrate the anti-war movement of the 1960's and the 1970's.

In 1996, the Telegraph wrote that Bill Clinton was a Rhodes Scholar and recruited by the CIA to monitor students against the Vietnam War. Morris said a CIA officer in Stockholm confirmed this. Bill Clinton was educated by Jesuits in Georgetown. That is why Hillary and Bill are linked to the Bilderbergers. Bill Clinton was a direct Bilderberger member. Marxism is apart of Communism and the Russian Revolution was funded by the the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. That's admitted by authors like Gary Allen and Congressional testimony. A priest named Theodore Maly fought in the Revolution with the Cheka and Red Army to defeat the mostly Orthodox White Army. Lenin allowed Jesuits in Russia in 1922 as proven by Priest James J. Zatko. Bishop Edward Ropp was a key figure in the Revolution allying with the Bolsheviks to decrease the power of the Orthodox Church. Congressional testimony has revealed that Rockefeller sent large sums of money to Lenin and Trotsky so they might instigate the Communist Revolution of 1905. Morris wrote that Hillary was a closet Contra supporter and aided the Contras in Little Rock. The truth is that Bill and Hillary aren't real liberals or real conservatives. They are just puppets of the establishment while the left/right paradigm is promoted to divide Americans. Youtube from Sunday at April 27, 2008 focused on an interesting element of the Iraq War. 1,000+ Iraq troops and veterans attempt suicide per month and it's steadily increasing. Many have died. Why is this occuring? One reason is the PTSD (or post traumatic stress disorder) patients are given prescription drugs. Many of these drugs are dangerous and contribute to the suicide of the troops. Some veterans are even addicted to illicit drugs and prescription drugs. If this problem ought to be solved, then one solution would be to end the war. If the Iraq War ended, the suicide rate would definitely decrease in its potency. Paul Nowak from on April 27, 2008 wrote interesting comments about partial birth abortion. Nowak made the point that since no lawsuits have been made challenging the Supreme Court's decision in Gonzales v. Carthart that took an anti-paritial birth abortion tone. Partial birth abortion is so evil, so sick that many pro-abortionists disagree with it. 60% of Americans in polls oppose it. This abortion is when you kill the baby, sucks its brains out, and then retrieve the baby out of the womb. Pro-abortionists claim it should have a health exception. Yet, many doctors and medical groups acknowledge that partial birth abortion never helps women medically. Also, the rights of the urborn are denied when abortion is done. Typically, those who support abortion take little into the account of the humanity of the unborn or the rights of the unborn to live on this Earth. Bob Chapman from The International Forecaster at April 27, 2008 exposed a significant connection among the food crisis, the economy, and other issues. In a nutshell, Bob Chapman writes that a multitude of factors are responsible for the economic crisis that we're. The goal of these globalists obviously is not only a new world order, but the centralizing of wealth into the hands of the few and population control (That is why Prince Philip, Ted Turner, and other evil people desire a culling of the human population in the billions). One reason for the economic problem is how the government and international political circles bans or stifles solutions to our energy needs. For example, no new petrochemical referineries were constructed since the 1970's. Even new researchers have found ways to genetically manipulating bacteria into fossil feuls without drilling. There have been an obsession with ethanol when more scientists are realizing it's a fraud. The reason is that ethanol cuts back on the development of corn. According to Chapman, Ethanol is 30% less efficient than gasoline and it's very damaging to internal combustion engines. This and the sluggish development of real alternative resources have risen oil prices. Also, Food prices are rising. It gets worse when big Agra uses subsidies to buy out smaller farmers. Much of the backbone of American agriculture are made up of smaller farmers. The Federal Reserve compacts problems with their constant cutting of interest rates, the hyperinflation, and bailing out insider banks when the Fed is a private central bank. The FED was created (by the early 20th century) via the Jerykl Island meeting in an attempt to allow a select group of men to control most of U.S. economic systems via a National Bank. Many Presidents like Andrew Jackson opposed such measures. The Consititution Party voted for Chuck Baldwin for its Presidential candidate. It was a hard fought election process with Alan Keyes. Keyes made a strong push for the nomination. I respect 3rd parties more than the 2 major parties. The reason is that they are more independent plus more accurate in their proposed solutions to problems. Keyes has a lot of popularity and I agree with him on some issues. The problem with Alan Keyes is that on foreign policy, he's a total neo-conservative. He believes that fighting a war with a nation that didn't harm us like in Afghanistan and Iraq is good. He encororates a paranoia about Islamofascism. Even though, Islamofascism is real, the media constantly prop them up much stronger than they really are. Americans have over 100,000,000 guns so if we perserve our liberty while protecting ourselves, we can handle threats effectively. Alan Keyes even believes in a military draft. That is wrong, because the government has no legal or moral right to force any citizen against their will to serve the military at any level. Alan Keyes is more neo-conservative than I once realized. I agree with Chuck Baldwin more than Keyes since I'm pro-life and pro-gun. Yet, I disagree with an interventionalist foreign policy like Baldwin does. Chuck Baldwin has a huge following on the Internet and radio. I read his columns. He's a Patriot. Some talk about unity. I agree with real unity, but not a fake unity that leads to compromise and apostacy. We should unify with good people. Although, we shouldn't become naive in becoming a person that's relinquishes his or her core convictions. That's why it's crucial in getting answers, while promoting the true cause of liberty.

By Timothy

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