
Monday, April 28, 2008

Bill Clinton: ‘I Don’t Agree with Bush Investigation, But 9/11 Is Not an Inside Job’


Bill Clinton: ‘I Don’t Agree with Bush Investigation, But 9/11 Is Not an Inside Job’ | April 28, 2008

Nate from Portland caught up with Clinton during another campaign event. He ask the former president about his feelings on the reports’ administrations efforts to investigate 9/11.

"Do you mean do I agree with all the Bush conclusions? I don’t, but I don’t believe there’s any chance that 9/11 was an inside job," Clinton responded.

After reiterating that 9/11 ‘is not an inside job,’ Clinton stares bizarrely into the bleacher bars, opting not to respond to a follow-up question.

Of course, part of the story of obfuscation and omission in the 9/11 Commission investigation includes episodes of non-cooperation from both the Bush and Clinton administrations– so it’s really no wonder that the reports’ findings cannot be trusted.

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