
Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Supreme Conformity vs. Liberty

The Democratic National Convention is starting now. There are plenty of speakers. The famous ones (other than Barack Obama) were of course Ted Kennedy, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton and Michelle Obama. Ted Kennedy has a brain tumor. He went into Denver despite the doctors advising him to stay home. Now, he gave an emotional speech seeking to change America and desiring Barack Obama to be the new President of the United States of America. Kennedy discussed about many issues from health to education. The crowd gave him a standing ovation. I don't agree with all of his political views, but I do wish for him to be better in his health condition. Michelle Obama gave probably the most important speech of her life. She invoked her life, her children, and her husband as a reflection of her humanity. Michelle said that she loved her country. This is in response to the wave of criticism directed toward Michelle about her attitude toward America. Michelle Obama gave a good speech. Now, some like Carville criticized the events as downplaying their agenda. Yet, even in the DNC, you have to some time of peaceful reflection without angry political agitation. Hillary Clinton gave another speech yesterday in support of Barack Obama. Like always, controversy plagues the protesters. Most of the protestors from anti-war activists to pro-life people are peaceful, but confrontations are inevitable. That's the way it is. Alex Jones confronted Michelle Malkin. I don't agree with Jones on all issues (I would not of raised my voice to a woman in a debate or utilized profanity), but he was right to point out that Malkin wrote a book endorsing racial profiling (which goes against the concept of due process and judging human beings by the content of ones character not by the color of ones skin) including internment camps for certain Americans (she even downplayed the unjustified internment camps for innocent Japanese Americans that was achieved under 32nd Degree Freemason Franklin Roosevelt. It was supported under Supreme Court Justice 33rd Degree Freemason Earl Warren. Malkin supports the internment according to Reason Magazine). The book is entitled, "In Defense of Internment.” Reason Magazine wrote that many of the men who proposed or implemented the internment camps during WWII didn't know about the MAGIC cables (and the vast majority of Japanese people weren't involved with spying at all). Many of the Japanese citizens didn't have a trial at all, but were kidnapped into concentration camps. In her book, she wants no Muslims to be in the military to have combat roles in the Middle East (including internment camps today for certain people). You couldn't make up this stuff. Malkin claimed that the dog wasn't killed by a U.S. troop. Even Ward Churchill lied and called the 9/11 victims as little Eichmanns. No, they weren't that. They were innocent victims that didn't deserve to die at all. That's the truth. Now, Michelle Malkin is right on one thing. She is right that abortion is wrong and Planned Parenthood uses deception to get their goals accomplished. Malkin is correct to point out the pro-eugenics history of Planned Parenthood (i.e. Sanger was an eugencist who tried to brainwash black Americans like WEB DuBois that depopulation was ok). To this day PP is funded by Foundation money. This doesn't escape the fact that Michelle Malkin is still a Neo Con (with her support of internment, torture under the guise of aggressive interrogation, and the war on terror). Some anarchists (not all) are shilling. One person in Recreate 68 (named Kenneth Sanchez) yelled in support of Michelle Malkin as being a Patriot. Also, some in the mainstream media lied that Alex Jones said that he wanted to kill Michelle Malkin. The truth is that Jones never said these words (and I don't agree with Alex Jones on every issue). So, the establishment Left and the establishment Right work in deception to ignore serious issues like the FEMA camps, eugenics, the open borders, and the Big Brother evils in the world. Let's focus on the real demonstrators talking about real issues in the DNC.

More information on Biden is coming out. Senator Biden is from Delaware. Many from the establishment Left (whose leaders are funded by the CFR, Jesuit-trained people, and big Foundations) just love Biden. From closer inspection, Biden is just an follower of the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderberg machine. He's now the Vice Presidential candidate of Barack Obama. Joe Biden has neutralized a lot of people, because he voted for the Iraq War, is in favor of the Patriot Act, and the rest of the police state system we see today. The difference is that Biden is more slick about his views than the Bush/Cheney team (who have been legitimately criticized for their errors). Biden called for bombing Sudan, while he supposedly wants the war in Iraq to end. Darfur is a serious issue, but bombing Sudan will only make matters worse. Biden favors the balkanization of Iraq into 3 zones based on ethnic groups. This is similar to the Bernard Lewis plan to break up the Middle East into mini states. Biden was supported the Georgian preemptive strike against Russia and the autocrat Mikhail Saakashvili (whose arms are funded by the Brzezinski/Soros faction. Mikhail has been funded by America, NATO, and Israel as well). Biden wants to prop up the madman Saakashvili with $1 billion of the US taxpayers’ money. Biden endorsed the 2005 bankruptcy law that made it harder for families to end their bondage to debt. Biden voted to the anti-terrorism bill after the Oklahoma City black op bombing. You see a pattern here. The pattern is that men like Biden are nearly identical to their policies to a person like John McCain.

Databases are being more common in America and the UK. Martin Beckford from the London Telegraph on Tuesday, at August 26, 2008 wrote that a child protection database will be used to prosecute young people. This flagship database is intended to supposedly protect every child in the country. The police want to hunt for evidence of a crime. Contact point (which is the name of the database) will include the names, ages, and addresses of all 11 million under-18 year olds in England. There is information on parents, GPS, schools, and support services such as social workers. The £224 million computer system was announced in the wake of the death of Victoria ClimbiĆ©. She was abused then murdered after many missed oppurtunities to intervene by the authorities. There was a failure to connect the different services dealing with children. Now, the government (plus police officers, etc.) want to use the database against people even long after they have reached adulthood. There is a problem though. There is nothing wrong with using due process against non-convicted child molestors if they are adults. There is a problem with placing innocent people in the database. In fact, almost 40,000 innocent children are now kept in the national database. An estimated 330,000 people will have access to the data stored on ContactPoint, which is due to launch this autumn despite fears the Government's poor record on data security. This circumstance will mean it puts children at risk from paedophiles. They will destroy the information after 6 years into the age of 18. There are concerns about the government spying on citizens. Contact Point defend their actions. They will exist in 17 councils in the North West in October then roll out across the United Kingdom.

The Economy is on shaking ground as everyone knows. Anchalee Worrachate and Stanley White from Bloomberg on Monday, at August 25, 2008 wrote that the dollar rises on speculation oil decline. The dollar rose for a second day against the euro and the pound on speculation (this is in the event of a drop in oil prices). Some believe that this can bolster the U.S. economy. The currency traded near a seven month high versus the yen. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben. S. Bernanke said August 22 the central bank will act should inflation not moderate term. Some like Geoffrey Yu (who is a currency strategist in London at UBS AG) said that the decline in oil prices have contributed to a quasi rebound of the dollar. The dollar climbed to $1.4739 per euro by 9:39 a.m. in London, from $1.4793 in New York on Aug. 22, when crude oil tumbled 5.6 percent, the most since December 2004. This doesn't mean we're out of the woods yet. Now, you've got to realize that there are still serious problems in America. There are lost of massive Americans jobs. White plus blue collar jobs are being shipped overseas. There is a huge debt and deficit that is exacerbated by the war on terror. The war on terror is costing billions of dollars where it can be better utilized domestically. The only solution to this circumstance is a multi-faceted approach to the point. There should be a commitment to fair and free trade, so American economic system can be given the primary priority. Trade should be controlled by nations and not solely by multinational corporations. There should be tax credits and investments to build up alternative energy (without the charging of interest for the usage of money). There are ought to be companies to be encouraged voluntarily to have lower fuel standards. There should be rewards for companies that stay here in America. There needs to be a build up of our infrastructure, so we can build up nation from the bottom up (not just from the top down. These jobs can't be sent overseas as we realize). There should be an encouragement for citizens to not relay too much on credit. Negiotations should exist between bankers and consumers on better economic results. There ought to be a deal to improve the standard of living in all economic classes (not just one or two). There should be cuts in overspending and the usage of a stable currency. America can improve the economy, but you have to have strength.

Mind Control Weapons proposals are real in the 21st century. Tom Burghardt from Global Research on Tuesday, at August 26, 2008 described about how the DIA (or the Defense Intelligence Agency) seeks mind control weapons. This is found in a new report from the National Academy of Sciences’ National Research Council (NRC). This report argues that the Pentagon should harvest the fruits of neuroscientific research in order to enhance the "war fighting" capabilities of soldiers while lowering those of enemy personnel. The 151-page report issued by a 16-member blue ribbon commission, “Cognitive Neuroscience Research and National Security,” was quietly announced in an August 13 National Academy of Sciences Press Release. This study says that the U.S. intelligence community must do a better job in following cutting edge research in neuroscience. It was commissioned by the Pentagon's DIA. They say that various forms of neuroscience can be of use in the intelligence field. They want drugs that can alter human physical or cognitive abilites, have real time brain imaging, etc. The Pentagon wants to know the secrets of the brain. Now, the Army wants synthetic telepathy. This isn't remote viewing, but it involves though transmission via a brain computer mediated interfrace. Experiments have existed with rat neurons showing their messages on a computer screen. This is the brave new world of neural prosthetics. The deal is that the Pentagon want to exploit these technologies for military purposes. Right now, advanced non-lethal weapons are being constructed. Mind control experiences occured by the CIA via MKULTRA. According to the NRC, cognitive warfare is more "humane" than imperalist warfare. The truth is that each are wrong since they infringe on human privacy and the national sovereignity of nations.

Eurasia is still a prize possession among the neo cons and NATO. Stephen Lendman from Global Research at August 25, 2008 described this issue. I disagree with the stereoypes about conservatives and Christians. The truth is that real Christians and real conservatives oppose the Iraq War and neo cons' views for many years. Their influenced hasn't been gone. The influence of neo cons (including the mainstream media) have gone down. Certain people in the West still want conflict with Russia instead of diplomacy. This is wild, but true. Now, NATO has got many former Warsaw Pact and Soviet Republics in their membership. The increased tensiona continue with Poland. Poland has every right to defend themselves. Although, the US sent interceptor missiles there. There is a reported 96 short-range Patriot ones and also a permanent garrison of US troops - (i.e. 110 transfered from Germany), according to some accounts. The Czech Republic is willing to have advanced tracking missile tracking radar by 2012. Russia opposed these measures. I disagree with a Warsaw Pact, because the Soviet Union has no right to infringe on the sovereignity in Eastern Europe. Likewise, the West shouldn't try to provoke Russia into aggression. Zbigniew Brzezinski (a Polish national, former Carter National Security Advisor, and key Obama foreign policy strategist) obviously hates Russia. He want the U.S. and Poland to have a closer strategic relationship. He's a hypocrite by opposing the Iraq War plus a war with Iran, but Brzezinski wants a conflict with Russia (over the Eurasian region). Russia said that America reject a proposed Azerbaijan-based joint US-Russian anti-missile system - to intercept and destroy Iranian missiles on launch. Russia is suspicious that America is using tactics to display offense instead of defense. The Western media (as found in the Wall Street Journal and even CNN) is pro-Georgian irrespective of their war crimes and provocation. This doesn't mean Russia is perfect, but you have to be fair in outlining the truth of these conflicts. The truth is that Eurasia has a huge pipeline and Russia is trying to increase its hegemony. Some in the West are utilizing aggressive tactics against Russia in order to compete in the geopolitical stage more effectively.

MSG is obviously linked to Obesity. EurekaAlert from August 24, 2008 wrote about this issue. MSG is short for monosodium glutamate. MSG is a flavor enhancer in various foods. An University of North Carolina 's study (as created by Chapel Hill School of Public Health) found something. They found that MSG is more likely than people who don't use it to make people overweight or obese. This is the case even if they have the same amount of physical activity and total calorie intake. Researchers at UNC and in China studied more than 750 Chinese men and women, aged between 40 and 59, in three rural villages in north and south China. The vast majority of study participants prepared their meals at home without commercially processed foods. About 82% of the participants used MSG in their food. The users are divided into three groups based on the amount of MSG they used. Those users were divided into three groups, based on the amount of MSG they used. The third who used the most MSG were nearly three times more likely to be overweight than non-users. Ka He, M.D., who is the assistant professor of nutrition and epidemiology at the UNC School of Public Health, said that animal studies have indicated for years that MSG might be associated with weight gain. MSG is a flavor enhancer among many foods. The US FDA claims that MSG is safe. That's false since it can cause people overweight and other health risks among human beings. The lesson is that we shouldn't be paranoid about health. Yet, we should be careful about what foods we do consume.

Canada is having its abortion issues. Steven Ertelt from on August 25, 2008 outlined that the Canadian government is to introduce legislation to protect pregnant women. Some have criticized the proposal as weak legislation. The Conservative Party plans to introduce such a bill. This bill will protect pregnant women from violence. However, the measure appears to be a sentence enhancement statute that attacks on an additional penalty for attacking a pregnant woman. Some view it as an pro-abortion version of authentic bills that protect and provide justice for the mother and her unborn child (when both are killed or injured in an assault). The new government bill is a reaction to the pro-abortion attacks on private member Bill C-484 introduced by Conservative lawmaker Ken Epp that mirrors the two-victim laws in the United States and 36 states. Canadian Justice Minister and Attorney General Rob Nicholson told reporters on Monday that the bill is consistent with a crime fighting agenda and reopen the debate over abortion. Nicholson said Epp's bill has been subject to "misinterpretation" but would not elaborate about the new bill beyond it being a sentence enhancement measure. Prime Minister Stephen Harper has gone further with his determination to approve the weaker measure. Harper promised that he would call for an election if opponents reject the bill on abortion grounds. However, Harper and Nicholson may have a more difficult predicament -- opposition from pro-life advocates who support Epp's bill because it provides authentic justice when a criminal kills mother and child. Pro-Life protestors are in full force protesting in the DNC for many Democrats support of abortion. The pro-life activists spelled out the words "Destroys Unborn Children" in a 530-foot tall and 666-foot wide message using white and yellow bed sheets. They hope to be in the Guinness World Record as a result. The truth is that the pro lifers have a First Amendment right to show their belief system. I want to say this as well. Roe v. Wade is wrong. The reason is that it was a federal takeover of the abortion issue and it advanced the lie that privacy is equated to destroy a baby limb from limb. That is what abortion is. Abortion is murder. From a biblical, moral, and a scientific standpoint, life begins at conception. Rape and incest justifications for murder doesn't address the criminal. It only address the victim. You don't punish a victim by murdering an unborn baby at all. You send that criminal into prison for those evil acts. Not to mention that rape and incest account for less than 5% of all abortions.

More facts are coming out about Ellen White. As many realize, Ellen G. White was a false prophetess and invented Seventh Day Adventism. The 7th Day crowd believe in works-based salvation, the Sabbath is connected to the Mark of the Beast, and the view that the soul dies (even of the saved) until Judgment Day. All of these things are unscriptural. Liberty to the Captives Ministries (as headed by Lisa Ruby) found out that Ellen White's writings have an All Seeing Eye. Historically, the All Seeing Eye was the Eye of Horus. It's a pagan emblem and the Bible never even refered to God as the Eye of Horus or the All Seeing Eye at all. The All Seeing Eye is of course a known logo of Freemasonry. White's gravestone is even marked with an obelisk (which is a Masonic symbol). The obelisk is a phallic symbol that goes back into Osiris, Baal, and the false gods of the Mystery Religions. White writes about the Coming One. The Coming One is a New Age term signifying the New Age world teacher. Bible Believers believe that this person is actually the Antichrist as predicted in the book of Revelations (and other books of the Bible). Lucis Trust (one of the most powerful New Age groups in the world with ties to the U.N. Some of their leaders are worshippers of Lucifer. Lucifer relates to Venus and Satan), promote the concept of a Coming One. Ellen White (like occultists) believed in a life force, but God Almighty isn't a life force. God is the Creator and isn't merged with his creation.

Propaganada is real. AFP from Tuesday, at August 26, 2008 wrote that the UK government is targeting the press with anti-terror propaganda. A government agency is sending anti-Al Qeada propaganda to news organizations in a bid to damage the global terror network's brand. The Guardian reported this on Tuesday. There is a Home Office document saying that counter-terrorism experts are also planning to use websites to channel messages through volunteers in Internet forums. According to the paper, the report compiled by the Research, Information and Communication Unit (RICU) and dated July 21, 2008, said: “We are pushing this material to UK media channels, e.g. a BBC radio programme exposing tensions between AQ (Al-Qaeda) leadership and supporters.” The report advised officials that they must avoid the view that Al-Qaeda is no longer a threat. The dossier was reportedly sent to British embassies and consulates around the world. This isn't new. This is a means by certain news agencies to prevent the public from realizing the truth about Al-Qaeda. In truth, Al-Qaeda was created by CIA-funded puppets like Osama bin Laden. bin Laden worked with the West in fighting against Russia in the late 1970's in the area of Afghanistan. Later, British Intelligence and others have funded these contrived Muslim jihadists. Many fake videos have been exposed relating to "al-CIA-da." This doesn't mean that jihadists are justified in killing people. They aren't. Although, many of these Muslim extremists are funded by the intelligence communities for controlling resources or getting the populace brainwashed into accepting anti-liberty laws plus policies. Recent propaganda is how Seymour Hersh admitted that Dick Cheney wanted to use Marines (looking like Iranians) to stage terrorist events as a justification to attack Iran. So, the propaganda is real and thick. Now, some in the Republican Party and the Democrats want us to be supremely confirmed into the Left/Right paradigm. I will never confirm to evil or the establishment. There is a corporate monopoly where multiple third parties are restricted in their debates. Also, the formats of the Republican and Democratic debate are restricted in how and where what issues are discussed. Now, I will be independent and stand up for National Sovereignity, stand up for liberty, stand up for gun rights (as found in the Second Amendment), standing up for independence, standing up for truth, and stand up exposing along with opposing the agenda of the new world order.

By Timothy


  1. " The Coming One is a New Age term signifying the New Age world teacher. Bible Believers believe that this person is actually the Antichrist as predicted in the book of Revelations (and other books of the Bible)."

    "Bible Believers"???

    Only if accepting the Jesuits' doctrine of Futurism.

  2. Futurism??

    The Bible and the early church for thousands of years before Jesuit futurism came out believed in the Second Coming of Jesus Christ after the Tribulation plus after the arrival of the Antichrist.

    By Timothy

  3. Here's a link about it exposing the Jesuit Preterism as well.

  4. I suspect the Home Office Intarweb Attack Unit is the product of a civil servant getting caught out.
