
Monday, March 01, 2010

A new era in March 2010

It seems that not only Glen Beck wants to derail Debra Medina's campaign for Texas Governor. It's also Alex Jones (who supports the controlled opposition group of the John Birch Society). Debra's campaign has been used as a divide and conquer tactic according to Lee Rogers (in order to stop her campaign). Debra Medina actually believes in more conservative principles of limited government, lower taxes, and state sovereignity (than the Bilderberger Rick Perry that wanted forced vaccination of the dangerous vaccine of Gardasil on women and the CFR member, pro-abortion candidate Kay Bailey Hutchinson). Glen Beck tried to used the issue of the 9/11 truth movement in an attempt to make her look bad in the eyes of Republican votes. It was a set up by Glen Beck to try to sabotage her campaign in favor of establishment cronies like Rick Perry and Kay Bailey Hutchinson, who are running against her in the Republican primary. Glen Beck asked Medina if she believed that 9/11 was inside job and she said that she hasn't looked at all of the evidence to make a decision one way or the other (and that people have a right to ask questions about 9/11, which is true). Alex Jones criticized Debra Medina for her comments on the Mark Davis radio show. She now says that she disagrees with the idea that the government was involved in 9/11 (Davis being a talk radio show says that 9/11 being an inside was a despicable view which is a lie. Medina agreed with her statement). Of course, I disagree with Debra Medina. Yet, Alex Jones supported her campaign originally. Alex Jones is known to use slick tactic to stroke his ego. Just a short while ago, he intentionally disrupted a pro Second Amendment rally in Austin Texas by shouting over a bull horn while others were attempting to speak. This is despite the fact that he was actually invited to speak at the rally. Even some of the Tea Party movement have been infilitrated by neo cons like Glen Beck (who believes in man-made global warming now) and Sarah Palin. The establishment is certainly using the neo con side of Glen Beck and the Ron Paul/Alex Jones side (representing the JBS/CNP funded clique) as a means to get as many well meaning conservatives as possible into the Left/Right paradigm. Ron Paul talks about auditing the Federal Reserve and restoring the Constitution, but he won't talk about promoting the General Welfare of this nation. Alex Jones criticize Beck, but follow in his footsteps by promoting Ecumenicalism, omitting subject, and disrupting events. Jack Blood was a former inside in the Alex Jones camp. He filled in with Alex Jones. Blood was so disgusted with Jones' actions that he had no choice, but to have legitimate criticisms about Alex Jones. Blood said that Jones would call him late at night trying to figure out ways to destroy other individuals in the truth and freedom movement that were critical of him. Blood also revealed that Jones is an incredibly unstable individual who can’t hold his liquor and would often try to start fights with other people after he’s had a few drinks. He also revealed that many of the autographed copies of his film Terrorstorm that Jones sold as part of a promotion were not autographed by him, but instead were autographed by members of his staff. Blood also said that he smoked marijuana with Alex Jones and Alex Jones' crew would go into strip club despite Jones being married. Now, Alex Jones will reluctantly vote for Debra Medina. The Council for National Policy have infiltrated the phony right paradigm establishment that is guiding the leadership of the Tea Party Movement (not all people in it of course). The CNP was formed by Tim LeHaye in 1981 as a secretive religious and political group. People with links to the CNP that appeared on Alex Jones' show include Paul Craig Roberts, Dr. Stan Monteith, Jerome Corsi and Larry Pratt. CNP member Gorver Norquist supports John McCain’s 2010 Arizona Senate campaign. McCain is of the establishment and was funded by the war criminal Henry Kissinger in his 2008 Presidential campaign. It's certainly time to not trust these movements (there is fraudulent electronic voting machines promoting the false 2 party choices), but to be independently minded in accepting God's influence in our lives (along with educating people and helping people in our own communities and throughout the world).

Louisiana cops plan for an "end of the world" scenario. Police in Louisiana's Bossier Parish are training for this scenario according to the Sherveport Times. The program is called "Operation Exodus," which is named after the Book of Exodus in the Bible. Parish Sheriff Larry Deen told the newspaper the “buck stops” with him. “The liability stops with Larry Deen. I am the chief law enforcement officer in this parish, and it is incumbent upon me [to] protect all of the people in it,” the officer said, referring to himself in the third person. Deen's goal is to protect Bossier Parish's vital resources like food and gasoline in the event of a catastrophic event (like war or a terrorist attack). Deen said he had thinking of the plan since the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 according to Drew Pierson. Deen's plan will have the police using volunteers (supplemented with activie public safety personnel) that will be dispatched to vital areas in Bossier to protect htem from looters and rioters. Deen listed as examples grocery stores, gas stations, hospitals, and other public meeting places. Normal riot equipment like shields and batons will not be used in this plan, but the volunteers will be armed with shotguns and have access to a .50 caliber machien gun (mounted on a vehicle dubbed "the war wagon."). One February 20, the volunteers were trained in hand to hand combat techniques. “I think every public safety agency should be prepared for disaster response,” said Sandy Davis, director of the Caddo-Bossier Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness. Some people like trends forecaster Geral Celente in 2008 predicted that food riots, squatter rebellions, tax revolts, and jobs marches will occur in 2012 (He said that the condition is bleak in America and tent cities are sprouting all around the country). It can or can't occur. Hopefully, it won't occur. The IMF boss Dominique Strauss Kahn wanted of food riots and unrest in response to what Celente calls the Greatest Depression if the nothing sufficient is done to solve the economic downturn. There are warfare drills going on nationwide. “Widespread civil violence inside the United States would force the defense establishment to reorient priorities in extremis to defend basic domestic order and human security,” a study produced by the U.S. Army War College’s Strategic Institute predicted in late 2008. Economic collapse, terrorism and disruption of legal order could require deployment of forces within the U.S., it said. The police in Arizona told the Phoenix Business Journals said that they have plans to deal with social unrest (like trouble resulting from economic distress. The Phoenix Police spokesman Andy Hill told the Phoenix Business Journal that: "...“The Phoenix Police Department is not expecting any civil unrest at this time, but we always train to prepare for any civil unrest issue. We have a Tactical Response Unit that trains continually and has deployed on many occasions for any potential civil unrest issue..."). Andy said this on Decmeber 17, 2008. Before the Super Bowl in December 2008, Arizona police coordinated traiing with the Department of Homeland Security and the Pentagon's Northern Command. Northern Command deals with implementing martial law under the continuity of government. Teh Military Commissions Act of 2006 vioded restrictions placed on the military to support civilian administration by the Posse Comitatus Act. The latter restricting the military from working with law enforcement. The 1994 U.S. Department Directive of DODD 3025 allows military commanders to take emergency actions in domestic siutations. The exercise held in Louisiana's Bossier Parish is but another example that police departments and officials around the country are taking seriously the inevitability of civil unrest as the economy continues to unravel. Now, there are unemployment in the United States is over 20 percent and many people are on food stamps to stay alive. The share of the unemployed who lost their jobs permanently is at its highest level since at least 1967, the first year for which the Labor Department has these numbers available, according to The New York Times. The establishment say that the worse is behind us. The international bankers and some people in government are directly responsible for the economic catastrophe. We should stop giving bailouts to big bankers and start making economic reforms to help people in America. The “debt based monetary system, controlled and operated by the global central banking system, of which the apex is the Bank for International Settlements, is unsustainable,” writes Andrew Gavin Marshall. “This is the real bubble, the debt bubble. When it bursts, and it will burst, the world will enter into the Greatest Depression in world history.” That is why some want to either end or nationalize the Federal Reserve and have real economic populist solutions, so riots won't occur in America massively.

The Great Debaters is a movie based on a real event. The story is about the Wiley College debate team. The movie about it was released on December 25, 2007. Oprah Winfrey produced it and the actors plus actresses involved were Denzel Washington, Forest Whitaker, Nate Parker, Denzel Whitaker, Jurnee Smollett, etc. The debaters were made up of African American young people from Wiley University. They did infact debated members of the University of Southern California in 1935. The University of Southern California were in that time the reigning debating champions. Wiley Colege is based in Texas. During that time in the 1930's, there were Jim Crow laws were common and lynch mobs were a threat among black people. The debating coach was named Melvin B. Tolson. Tolson was an American modernist poet, educator, columnist, and politican. Melvin B. Tolson lived from 1898 to 1966. He taught in Virginia, the University of Oklahoma, and Wiley college. Wiley College with its students indeed defeated the college in the matchup. One famous debater was James L. Farmer Jr. including Herman Sweatt. Each person were civil rights activists. James Farmer Jr. was a young person in the debating circle. James L. Farmer debated Malcolm X in the early 1960's about the tactics about bringing about equality in American society. This was before Malcolm X reject abritarity racial seperation and he held onto the false doctrines of the N.O.I. until 1964. In 1964, Malcolm X existed with a mental tranformation to believe in the equality of all men and desire to actively promote black power in constructive means of building up businesses, education, and cultural awareness among the black community. Tolson inspired his students to be well rounded people and to stand up for their rights. In 1941, he published his poem "Dark Symphony" in Atlantic Monthly. Some critics believe it is his greatest work, in which he compared and contrasted African-American and European-American history. Melvin Tolson contributed to literature as writing eloquent poetry that consisted of wit, humor, and other components. He promote the rights of farm laborers and tenant farmers. That was very controversial since the Communist scare was still fresh in the minds of Americans in the 1930's. He died after cancer surgery in Dallas, Texas on August 29, 1966. he was buried in Gurthrie, Oklahoma. Other debaters include Hobart Jarrett, Henry Heights, and J. Leonard Farmer Jr. The debters had an amazing record of losing only one decision out of 75 debates (in mostly black and some mostly white Universities). Wiley College suffered through economic problems years ago. Now, the enrollment in Wiley College have sorared past 900 in the first time in at least 40 years. The administration building transpired with a face lift. The Methodist Church founded Wiley in Marshall in the northeast corner of the state. Certainly, the lesson of the Debaters story dealt with the fact that all human being regardless of their background, race, or class can present highly intellectual debating skills given intervention and basic opportunities. It's a profound story inspiring people to achieve great achievement and to stand up for legitimate precepts in our society of justice, freedom, and pure equality for all human beings.

There is the Colorado lawsuit challenging the $18 million in illegal Planned Parenthood contracts. This lawsuit was filed by a pro-life legal group. This group is called the Alliance Defense Fund. The ADF believes that Planned Parenthood worked in illegal contracts with the state of Colorado. ADF attoney have appealed the decision of a Colorado court to dismiss the suit. The contracts were awarded last year to the Planned Parenthood affiliate and a Boulder abortion provider Warren Hern. “The democratic process and the rule of law should not be sacrificed for the sake of benefiting Planned Parenthood’s bottom line,” lead counsel Barry Arrington told today. Arrington said that the governor and other state official aren't in liberty to ignore the will of the people in this issue. He said that the governor and other state officials are not at liberty to ignore the will of the people on this matter. Colorado voters amended the state constitution to prohibit tax dollar subsidies to abortion providers, so it's the right decision to take this to the court of appeals. The lawsuit was filed in October of 2008 on behalf of Colorado taxpayer Mark Hotlaing contends that 5 contracts that Governor Bill Ritter and the director of the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (Jim Martin) awarded to 2 abortion businesses unconstitutionally use taxpayer funds to subsdize abortion. In 1984, Colorado voters approved the Abortion Funding Prohition Amendment to the Colorado Constitituion, which prohibits the direct or indirect use of public funds to pay for abortion. In 2001, the Health Department under then Executive Director Jane Norton conducted an audit of the operations of Rockey Mountian Planned Parenthood and its affiliate Planned Parenthood of the Rockey Mountains Services Corporation. The department ended funding for Planned Parenthood after finding that it indirectly subsidized the abortion operations of its subsidiary. The ADF is complaining that under Ritter and Martin, the department disregarded the ruling and claiming to be using federal funds (instead of state funds awarded five funding contracts to Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains Services Corporation and Boulder Valley Women's Health Center). Ritter funds the nation's biggest abortion business. The lawsuit believes that the funding of their abortion operations is in direct violation of the Abortion Funding Prohibition Amendment. The appeal in Hotaling v. Ritter asks the Colorado Court of Appeals to reinstate the lawsuit, which seeks a legal declaration that the contracts violate the Colorado Constitution.
The suit also seeks an injunction that would prohibit the Colorado Department of Health from awarding further contracts to the two abortion providers. “The people of Colorado felt strongly that no taxpayer should be forced to pay for a procedure that takes innocent human life. That’s why they amended the state constitution to put a stop to it,” ADF Senior Legal Counsel Steven H. Aden told “This is a simple matter of the rule of law. Government officials cannot circumvent this amendment simply because they prefer to impose public funding for abortion on demand," he added. Governor Ritter's State of the State comments believe that he wanted to promote health care to create a better future for our children and our children's children (which doesn't work when abortion murders children). The initial decision to cut funding ultimately cost Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains, a $16 million organization, $320,000 in state funds. The abortion business argued that money for abortions and family planning were separate but an independent audit disputed those claims. Planned Parenthood was founded in eugenic principles and the eugenic act of abortion is a serious immorality.

The Cold War have its roots even before World War II ended. Franklin Delano Roosevelt wanted the world to embrace democratic principles. This is keenly evident in his Four Freedom Speech and the Atlantic Charter. He desired the Soviet Union would work with America in this effort, so gradually the Soviet Union would give up its communistic economic system. FDR didn't want confrontation or even containment, but the Soviets to have integration with the International alliance in order for them to gradually give up their system. Roosevelt convinces Stalin at Yalta to fight Japan and support the Chinese nationalist Chiang Kai-Shek. Stalin doesn't support the Communist Mao since he didn't want a rival to the Communist system. After Roosevelt died, Truman gave his overt appearance that he was aggressive in terms of Cold War policy. Yet, he was being used by the British Eastern Establishment that wanted a lax approach toward Western inperialism (while to FDR's credit, he opposed imperialism and desired the Third World to have their own national self determination to define their own liberties. FDR made errors of course). Truman's State Department reversed Franklin Roosevelt's course by supporting the dictator Mao (who killed over 60 million people), creating the CIA that illegally spied in American soil before, and Truman was under the influence of 6 Wall Street, pro-Pilgrim Society, and pro-Vatican insiders (who were Kennan, Acheson, Bohlen, Lovett, Harriman and McCloy). Bohlen told Truman paranoia about the Soviet threat when the Soviet Union was build up by the Western international bankers as documented by Anthony Sutton, etc. Truman intervened in nations via his Truman Doctrine percieved as "going Communist," which was a front to explain Anglo-American corporate domination. This neo-imperialism continued in the Third World despite some Third World nations affirming their right of independence after WWII. While the Third World wanted nationalism (including land reform, nationalization, and industrialization), the IMF, the World Banks, etc. used neo colonial tactics of loan policies, etc. to control those areas of the world. The contrived Soviet Union (being a creation of the Illuminists) was propped up as enemy to the West just like in 2010 the Muslim radicals (being aided by the elite) are promoted as a deadly threat in other to promote war, degenerate policies, and control. America should be a Republic not an Empire and the American Empire grew enomorously after WWII. Instead of real cooperation with the Third world as found in JFK's Alliance for Progress, the establishment used coups, war, and propaganda rhetoric in order to pacify various nations under the international bankers's control (whose power is ruled by the Vatican/Jesuit network, the Pilgrims, the Bilderbergers, high level bloodlines, etc.). This cartel banking conspiracy have roots from the British East India Company and the City of London as well. This conspiracy goes back thousands of years as well. The Helegian dialetic is promoted with Communism on one side and the laissez faire, cartel capitalism being ruled by the same people.

By Timothy

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