
Monday, March 01, 2010

Revolt 426 on Economics and History

As a re-occuring phenomina in the U.S., i would like to address this issue shortly.

This has been planned for years , and the secession is part of the plan. The plan is to Break the United States into pieces.

The Plan has been derived by Bankers and Royalty in London, The Netherlands and Saudi Arabia with their collective moles in Wallstreet.

This is repeatative issue that has once caused a Civil War, that is always orchestrated the SAME EXACT WAY, and i will explain how, obviously to some people's disliking but it has to be said regardless.

It always starts with the Country going back on the Gold Standard. There is no denying this if you wish to go throug the Nations history of Un-Correctable Depressions, each was caused by the Gold Standard besides our Current one, which took twice as long to create because it was designed to be a Globalized Meltdown based on Privatized Central Banks.

What a Gold Standard does in reality, is it puts a CAP on production and population levels..... Contrary to some myths, an economy is driven by physical production, and the private sector is driven by the Nations underlying infrastructure. For example, a very specific example because we are witnessing the very same thing that occured in the mid 1800s known as the Civil War, which was an attempt by Lord Palmerston on behalf of the British Empire to cut the United States in half.

This began with Andrew Jackson enstating a Domestic Gold Standard, Coins or Convertable notes to compete with the State issued currency. People began purchasing the Gold Notes and using them for transactions - this resulted in the disintigration of the State issued currency which bankrupted many people in the Nation. Eventually, the Gold Convertable Notes were over-lent and a bubble was formed..... Followed by Martin Van Buren, who established Independent Treasuries to make loans in the name of the free markets, this bubble expanded and exploded in 1837 resulting in the Great Panic of 1837, a Depression that lasted nearly a Decade.

The reality of this Depresion is, the Nation never recovered. What happened was, the Government - being bankrupt and on the Gold Standard, was unable to issue currency for PRODUCTIVE means. That means building roadways, bridges and other infrastructure required for production and trade to function. As a population GROWS, the infrastructure must be MODERNIZED, or the population will fall into poverty. If the Currency circulation levels do not match the population on a Gold Standard...- you get deflation.. which means it is extremely hard to obtain currency.

The South was hit very hard by this and was very much de-undustrialized for it's time........ This unfortunately lead to the South becoming Dependent on Slave Labour with the HELP of the British and Dutch who were shipping them in via the East India Company and other Dutch Ships.

Over the next 20+ years the Nation was on the Gold Standard, and never recovered..... more and more the South became dependent on Slave Labour to produce capital. The British eventually sent in Agents such as Confederate General Albert Pike and other infiltraitors on behalf of Lord Palmerston, who was ready to attack Lincoln's army on a whim if Robert E. Lee won certain battles. Lord Palmerston also made free trade agreements with the South to purchase low priced Cotton from Slave Labour without tariffs , which is the real reason why they began seceeding. They did not want a protective tariff because they were dependent on the Dutch and the British to function economically.

When Abraham Lincoln came to office, numerous states seceeded from the Union - this was going according to the British Plan to cut the Nation in Half. The Nation was 100% BANKRUPT and unable to fund the war, or build anything because the Gold Standard did not provide the necessary currency to expand the economy.

Lincoln took the Gold Standard down, and Revived the Greenback and issued them directly into Infrastructure projects. His projects were in the form of Science Driver economics, which was the Intercontinental Railway and Agriculture Science... These are essentially low or zero interest federal loans in which the Government provides currency to build something then recovers it when it is built.

As Lincoln began his projects, more states began seceeding from the Union under British lead agents and this became a tremendous problem. The British controlled confederacy attempted to assassinate Lincoln numerous times , Lincoln however had balls of steel and was not afraid at all. His biography is quite incredible.

Anyway, we all know what happened during the Civil War, but it is often unsaid that the entire war was orchestrated by the British Empire. Eventually, Czar Nicholas the Second of Russia sent his Navy to Block any BRITISH attempt ( yes, Russia has ALWAYS been our ALLY) to intervene in the Civil War.

After the war was won, Lincolns greenback had modest inflation because it was funded by the credit of the United States as opposed to borrowing from other Nations, HOWEVER - His Intercontinental Railway and other infrastructure/science driver investments paved the way for an economic boom.

The Railway in particular freed us from British Controlled Trade and i will explain the idea behind this. In the 19th Century, the British Empire was a MARITIME empire, meaning they operated by NAVAL POWER. There was no Nation on the planet that could match British Naval Power alone.......

This meant they controlled the NAVAL trade routes which the U.S. had been depending on prior to the railways completion.. and this was the primary reason Lincoln was assassinated.

His Intercontinental Railway allowed the United States, with it's own Sovereign Currency, to bypass British controlled trade routes with high speed , Nation Wide Transport. This obviously cut costs and sped transport up massively........ Things like this SPUR economies. Things like Hydro-Electric Dams, Bridges and Waterways in the 1930's SPUR economies.......

Without an underlying infrastructure, you cannot have a productive modernized economy with any decent living standards because you would end up on the local barter system.

Therefor, Lincoln's victory over the British during the Civil War was not of Matmatical economics, but of SCIENTIFIC ECONOMICS

So i would advocate everyone to be very weary, this is being setup on the model of the Civil War, our country has been De-industrialized by a Private Central Bank that can act beyond Congressional Appropriations and issues currency via loans to other banks rather then direct issuence into infrastructure like Lincolns Greenback Model.

Do not blame the Greenback for the currenct crisis, because we do not have a Greenback. We have a FEDERAL RESERVE BACK, which is nothing of the sort. Since the Death of Franklin Roosevent and the Death of JFK, Currency has not been issued via Federal Lending into infrastructure but rather printing and loaning from one private bank to other private banks to do whatever they want with.

A currencies value is determined by the Nations ability to produce and Transport goods that other nations wish to purchase. After the Intercontinental Railway was completed, as i said we had an economic boom. This was a direct result of that railway and economic policy. The current situation is, all of the private banks are BANKRUPT, so it is required that to preserve current population levels, the nations infrastructure be rebuilt and modernized to match the populations needs to produce and transport physical goods that other nations wish to purchase. When other nations purchase these goods, they sell their currency and purchase our currency to buy them, this makes our currency stronger.... Gold does not do the trick in these regards...

-Revolt 426


Constitutional currency, debt free currency/treasury notes, was one of the greatest things that Lincoln did... With it, the Greenback, he successfully preserved the Union... and would have preserved the Constitution as well had he not been killed... The Greenbacks were issued and renewed clear up until 1994 when Congress knuckled under to the FED, and they were replaced by DEBT.


"We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress
and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but
to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution."
--Abraham Lincoln



There is little doubt what the royals and their bankers had in mind then, and what they have all but completed here NOW!

[In response to Lincoln's issuance of Greenbacks to finance the Civil War],
"If this mischievous financial policy, which has its origins in North America,
shall become endurated down to a fixture, then that government will furnish
its own money without cost. It will pay off debts and be without debt. It will
have all the money necessary to carry on its commerce. It will become
prosperous without precedent in the history of the world. The brains, and
wealth of all countries will go to North America. That country must be
destroyed or it will destroy every monarchy on the globe."
~The Times of London [1862]


"Right after the Civil War there was considerable talk about reviving
Lincoln's brief experiment with the Constitutional monetary system.
Had not the European money-trust intervened, it would have no doubt
become an established institution."
~W. Cleon Skousen,



Quote from: donnay on April 23, 2009, 08:56:35 AM
One thing I am learning or realizing in researching and studying of history is that, if the person had an assassination attempt or was assassinated, he/she was not playing by the globalists rules. And, in my opinion, it means these individuals were trying to right some wrongs.


Now we can go into details on this very subject since others have been SLANDERED as traitors and assassinated, including
1) Alexander Hamilton (Who saved the Nation from Bankruptcy numerous times) and was dedicated to infrastructure
2) Of course, Abraham Lincoln
3) William McKinnely (A Lincoln Republican who wanted to build railways)
4) Franklin Roosevelt (2 Attempted Assassinations and Attempted Coup De Tat, Infrastructure Developement)
5) John F. Kennedy (Space Program, rejection of CIA treason)

What did all of these people have in common? They all supported State issued currency into productive Science Driver infrastructure as opposed to , Lending to Bankers and allowing them to do whatever they want with the currency. Many do not agree with other policies of theirs, but i maintain all had good intentions and were in fights with very evil people.

In the case of Franklin Roosevelt, he put the Federal Reserve into bankruptcy and pressured the Board of Goverenors to keep rates at 1% over the course of the Depression, allowing him to borrow from the FED and feed the currency into the Reconstruction Finance Corporation, which in turn lent money to rebuild the Nations Infrastructure. When the money was recovered and the Corporation Capitalized off of it (3% Rate) , the money was immediately re-invested into infrastructure. The American Liberty League, a Think Tank funded by JP Morgan Jr., the DuPonts, the Rockefellers etc... bombarded the United States with Propaganda alleging FDR was a "Communist" and "Spending" too much, when infact - he was lending into infrastructure developement. We still see this very propaganda resurface daily on the internet to this day.

In the case of JFK, he also could not rid the Nation of the FED, but he also used Science Driver economics in the form of the Space Program (and other programs), which modern private sector Computer Technology has been derived from.

The American Liberty League:

Lurking in the background behind the plot to oust FDR was the American Liberty League, a pro-business think-tank and ultra-right wing lobby group. Its treasurer was Jerry MacGuire’s boss, Grayson Murphy, a leading J.P. Morgan broker. One of its top donors was Robert Clark, who also tried to recruit General Smedley Butler into the conspiracy to oust President Franklin D. Roosevelt



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