
Monday, March 01, 2010

Winter in 2010 Part 2


This serious issue of HIV/AIDS is very real. Millions throughout the Earth have been effected by the non-discriminatory disease of AIDS as well. In order to gauage AIDS's whole atmosphere, accurate information ought to be made avaliable. Also, alternative views on AIDS should be presented since on various occasions the truth on an issue can be deduced via alternative channels (not just by a traditional area of research). Overtly, AIDS has been a deadly disease effecting victims for decades. AIDS stands for the Acquired immune deficiency syndrome or the Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. AIDS attacks the human immune system. Some believe that HIV or the human immunodeficiency virus causes AIDS and some don't. The truth is that AIDS progressively reduces the effectiveness of the immune system and leaves individuals susceptible to many infections and tumors. HIV can be transmitted via direct contact of a mucus membrance, the bloodstream with a bloody fluid having HIV, blood, semen, vaginal flurid, preseminal fluid, and breast milk. AIDS today is a pandemic that effects about 33.2 million people worldwide as of 2007. It has killed about 2.1 million people including an estimated 330,000 children. Over 3/4 of the deaths transpired in sub-Saharan Africa (which is all the more reason to promote economic growth, development, technological advancements, etc. in that region of the world). Mainstream scientists believe that HIV came from west central Africa during the late 1800's and early 1900's. The CDC or the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recognized AIDS first in 1981 and HIV was identified by the early 1980's. There are treatments with AIDS and HIV like antiretroviral drugs that can reduce the mortality and morbidity of HIV infection. Yet, these drugs are expenisve and routine access to antiretroviral medication isn't avaliable in all countries. Health organizations promote safe sex, abstinence, and needle exchange programs in attempting to slow the spread of the virus. In the late 1950's, people have experience HIV diseases. In the late 1960's or the early 1970's, HIV-1 is said to come into the Western Hempishere from Haiti from central Africa.

AIDS is a series matter. There are numerous symptoms to AIDS. Symptoms in HIV spread slowly when a first has just been infected. Some people have been infected with HIV for 10 or more years with no symptoms of illness. They can still infect other human beings in that span of time with a reduce risk of infecting other with safe sex or abstinence. Testing is an easy way to see if a person is infected with HIV. HIV infection symptoms can include a dry cough, a fever that comes and goes, a deep tiredness that can't be explained, blotches that can be red, pink or purplish under the skin or inside the mouth, nose of eyelids, heavy night sweats, rapid weight loss, memory loss, etc. These symptoms doesn't mean a person has HIV or AIDS. Only an HIV test can make certain whether a person has HIV or not. Some doctors feel that HIV can transform into AIDS into a matter of years. Children who are born with HIV and people who got HIV through a blood transfusion tend to get sick more quickly. HIV according to mainstream doctors is the last stage of HIV infection. Since 1996, powerful virus-fighting drugs have been introduced that dramatically delay the progression of HIV to AIDS. Other new treatments and drugs are now being used to treat illnesses associated with AIDS. People with AIDS, HIV, just like all of us should live a life with the right food to eat, have regular exercise, don't use illict drugs, reduce stress, avoid smoking, avoid alcohol, etc. There are of course many HIV/AIDS myths that are commonly shown even in 2010. One myth is that AIDS is a death sentence or your life is over. Nothing can be further form the truth. Antiretrovial therapy and other treatments have made numerous people to live a very long and joyful life with AIDS. People are trying to find cures as we speak for HIV and AIDS. Another myth is that HIV/AIDS only affects homosexual men, drug users, prostitutes, and sexually promisicous people. HIV is an equal opportunity virus that can affect anybody under certain circumstances (like newborn babies, women, teens, seniors, and folks of every race, ethnicity, nationality, and background). It is true that unsafe sex, multiple sex partner, and intravenous drug use that's unsafe can increase the risk for HIV infection and AIDS. More women recieve HIV since they are being infected by contaminated needles or some have sex with HIV-infected men. One other myth is that HIV/AIDS can spread by casual contact with someone with HIV, mosquitoes, tattoes, breathe the air, and kissing a HIV infected person on the check. HIV is spread only when someone is exposed to blood, semen, vaginal fluid or mother's milk from someone who is infected with HIV. The virus doesn't live long in the open environment outside the body. There is virtually no evidence that HIV infection can be spread from tears or sweat.

Now, alternative information about HIV/AIDS is very common in the 21st century. Here's some of this information. Today, anyone who doesn't believe that HIV causes AIDS or deny that HIV exist have been demonized by the establishment as evil or even possible criminals. Mike Adams has the excellent website called He wrote about a new documentary film about AIDS called "House of Numbers" which is found at It was created by a man named Brent Leung. He has been demonized strongly by the pharmaceutical companies for his film. Big Pharma demonized people making alternative views on AIDS when big pharmaceutical were some of the key people aiding the Nazis in order to exterminate Jewish prisonsers (and others plus doing sick experiments against people). As a fascinating matter of historical fact, the Chairman of Bayer in the 1950's (yes, the same Bayer that makes Bayer Aspirin) was Dr. Fritz ter Meer, a convicted war criminal, who after committing crimes against humanity was sentenced to seven years in prison at the Nuremberg war trials. Some of these war criminals escaped justice. The film have Lueng interviewing Dr. Luc Montagnier, who is the Nobel Prize winning co-discoverer of the AIDS cirus. He explained to Leung during his interview that AIDS can be overcome (or cured) with nutrition and that the vaccine approach is entirely overblown. Companies profits from the drug obsession. Montagnier [the scientist] said that:

"...I think this is one way to approach, to decrease the rate of transmission, because I believe HIV we can be exposed to HIV many times without bring chronically infected, our immune system will get rid of the virus within a few weeks, if you have a good immune system; and this is the problem also of the African people. Their nutrition is not very equilibrated, they are in oxidative stress, even if they are not infected with HIV; so their immune system doesn't work well already. So it's prone, it can, you know, allow HIV to get in and persist. So there are many ways which are not the vaccine, the magic name, the vaccine, many ways to decrease the transmission just by simple measures of nutrition, giving antioxidants -- proper antioxidants -- hygiene measures, fighting the other infections. So they are not spectacular, but they could, you know, decrease very well the epidemic, to the level they are in occidental countries, western countries..."

So, Montagnier in his interview with Lueng said that You can be exposed to AIDS without getting infected, a strong immune system can protect you against AIDS, the importance of AIDS vaccines have been exaggerated, with the help of good nutrition, you can fight off AIDS, AIDS can be approached with low-cost, highly-effective alternatives to vaccines, What the African people really need is better nutrition to protect themselves from AIDS, and that the facts about nutrition and AIDS are being neglected (by the medical establishment). The doctor is rather overt in his information without conjecture. He even acknowledges to Leung that what he just said was essentially a "bombshell" of information that stands at odds with conventional AIDS scientists such as Fauci. The truth is that alternative thought on the AIDS issue have been unfairly demonized by the establishment. Lueng's film expose the Big Pharma AIDS vaccine scam that even the mainstream media have talked about or discussed. The international nonprofit scientific organization Rethinking AIDS gave its full support today to 37 senior researchers, medical doctors and legal professionals who are requesting that the medical journal Science withdraw four seminal papers on HIV authored by Dr. Robert Gallo—papers widely touted as proof that HIV is the "probable cause of AIDS." So, these scientists want to question the idea that HIV explicitly causes AIDS.

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George Washington Carver

George Washington Carver is a famous black American researcher and leader. This will look at the contributions that he made in his life. No man is perfect and George Washington Carver wasn't perfect. This doesn't mean we ignore the good things that he did for black people and all people in the world. He was a great researcher and agricultural developers plus inventors. He was born in about 1864 (the exact year is unknown) on the Moses Carver plantation in Diamond Grove, Mo. His father died in an accident shortly before his birth, and when he was still an infant, Carver and his mother were kidnapped by slave raiders. The baby returned to the plantation, but his mother was never from again. He has an illness and was frail, but he learned to be a scholar. He helped with household chores and gardening since he wasn't strong enough to work in the fiedls. He explored the woods for hours around his home and worked in his duties. He possessed a great interest in plants early on. He gathered a wide spectrum of flora from the land near his home to become the plant doctor. He helped neighbors and friends with ailing plants. He developed reading, writing, and spelling words at home since there were no schools for African Americans in Diamond Grove. At age 10, he had a more thirst for knowledge. He went into other places in Missouri and Kanasas. By 1890, he came into Indianola, Iowa in order to be enrolled in Simpson Collge (to study piano and painting). He excelled in art and music. Although the instructor Etta Budd, whose father was head of the Iowa State College Department of Horticulture recognized Carver's horticultural talents. She convinced him to pursue a more. She convinced him to pursue a more pragmatic career scientific agriculture. By 1891, he was the first African American enrolled at Iowa State College of Agriculture and Mechanica Arts, which is caled today as Iowa State University. Carver was involved in a myraid of facets of campus life. He was in the debate club and apart of the YMCA. He was a trainer for the athletic team, and he wrote poetry. He created 2 paintings that were exhibited in the 1893 World's Fair in Chicago. Carver's interests in music and art remained strong, but it was his excellence in botany and horticulture that prompted professors Joseph Budd and Louis Pammel to encourage him to stay on as a graduate student after he completed his bachelor's degree in 1894. He was so good in botany and horticulture that he was the first African American faculty member of the Iowa State University. He studied fungi and developed scientific skills involving plant pathology and mycology. He published many works on botany and he gained national respect. In 1896, he completed his master's degree and was invited by Booker T. Washington to join the faculty of Alabama's Tuskegee Institute. He gained an international reputation in research, teach, and outreach. He taught his students that nature is the greatest teacher and you can understand the forces of Nature to be proficient in understanding agriculture. Carver discovered the creation of 322 products from peanuts, more than 100 products from sweet protateos, and hundreds more of a dozen of other plants native to the South. He recieved tons of awards and accolatesd. He died in 1943. George Washington Carver was bestowed an honorary doctorate from Simpson College in 1928. He was an honorary member of the Royal Society of Arts in London, England. In 1923, he received the Spingarn Medal given every year by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. He was an agricultural chemist. Carver had applied for 3 patients. The George Washington Carver Museum was dedicated at Tuskegee Institute in 1941, he was elected to the Hall of Fame for Great Americans in 1977, and he was commemorated in postage stamps in 1947 and 1998. Carver helped to use industrial applications from agricultural crops beyond just cotton and tobacco. George Washington Carver recieved the the Roosevelt Medal for Outstanding Contribution to Southern Agriculture in 1939 and there was a national monument created in Diamond Grove, Missouri. He believed that God gave gifts to him to create his products. In 1941, Time magazine dubbed him a "Black Leonardo", a reference to the Renaissance Italian polymath Leonardo da Vinci. He called himself a Christian and taught Sunday school. The lesson of George Washington Carver is that in humanity, a person can make great contributions in the world via the inspiration of God.

The Great Debaters is a famous movie that's based on actual events. In that time during the early to mid 1900's, discrimination and overt racism was a lot worse than the bigotry occuring in America today. Legalized forced segregation was in America and innocent people of numerous backgrounds were assaulted or even murdered by cowardly criminals. The story is about the Wiley College debate team. The movie about it was released on December 25, 2007. Oprah Winfrey produced it and the actors plus actresses involved were Denzel Washington, Forest Whitaker, Nate Parker, Denzel Whitaker, Jurnee Smollett, etc. The debaters were made up of African American young people from Wiley University. They did infact debated members of the University of Southern California in 1935. The University of Southern California were in that time the reigning debating champions. Wiley Colege is based in Texas. During that time in the 1930's, there were Jim Crow laws were common and lynch mobs were a threat among black people. The debating coach was named Melvin B. Tolson. Tolson was an American modernist poet, educator, columnist, and politican. Melvin B. Tolson lived from 1898 to 1966. He taught in Virginia, the University of Oklahoma, and Wiley college. Wiley College with its students indeed defeated the college in the matchup. One famous debater was James L. Farmer Jr. including Herman Sweatt. Each person were civil rights activists. James Farmer Jr. was a young person in the debating circle. James L. Farmer debated Malcolm X in the early 1960's about the tactics about bringing about equality in American society. This was before Malcolm X reject abritarity racial seperation and he held onto the false doctrines of the N.O.I. until 1964. In 1964, Malcolm X existed with a mental tranformation to believe in the equality of all men and desire to actively promote black power in constructive means of building up businesses, education, and cultural awareness among the black community. Tolson inspired his students to be well rounded people and to stand up for their rights. In 1941, he published his poem "Dark Symphony" in Atlantic Monthly. Some critics believe it is his greatest work, in which he compared and contrasted African-American and European-American history. Melvin Tolson contributed to literature as writing eloquent poetry that consisted of wit, humor, and other components. He promote the rights of farm laborers and tenant farmers. That was very controversial since the Communist scare was still fresh in the minds of Americans in the 1930's. He died after cancer surgery in Dallas, Texas on August 29, 1966. he was buried in Gurthrie, Oklahoma. Other debaters include Hobart Jarrett, Henry Heights, and J. Leonard Farmer Jr. The debters had an amazing record of losing only one decision out of 75 debates (in mostly black and some mostly white Universities). Wiley College suffered through economic problems years ago. Now, the enrollment in Wiley College have sorared past 900 in the first time in at least 40 years. The administration building transpired with a face lift. The Methodist Church founded Wiley in Marshall in the northeast corner of the state. Certainly, the lesson of the Debaters story dealt with the fact that all human being regardless of their background, race, or class can present highly intellectual debating skills given intervention and basic opportunities. It's a profound story inspiring people to achieve great achievement and to stand up for legitimate precepts in our society of justice, freedom, and pure equality for all human beings.

Popular Culture Galore Part 5

Zooming thousands of miles globally is the modern technology in the world. Popular culture like technology rapidly evolve and spread in the globe. In recent years in the 21st century, this information about popular culture have increased faster in any other time in history. So many people are talking about this issue that artists like KRS-One is publicly talking about the Jay Z/Illuminati rumors. What that signfies to me is that we shouldn't compromise our core beliefs. We know that Secret Societies exist. We know that there is a distinction between positive, uplifting music that can spiritually and emotionally build up the character of human being along with the evil music sent out to bash humanity (and encorporate false stereotypes about fellow human beings). All music isn't wrong, but there is nothing inconcievably immoral about exposing evil music. Certainly, it's time to mention additionally facts about popular culture. Before going forward, it's time to dispell a stereotype and a lie that's common in many quarters of the world not only in America. This lie is that if you're a nice male or female, then somehow you're weak or emotionally inferior. Frankily, the response to that ignroance is that all humans are made up with different personalities. There is value in all human beings, even though all people have certain unique qualities. Now, being nice isn't being weak since weakness is certainly affiliated with compromise. Weakness is being ashamed of what you are. Weakness is compromising yourself for the sake of appealing to a clique or to the world. Weakness is denying your true potential for fear of criticism or fear of rejection. We shouldn't fear anything, but Almighty God alone. The function of being nice deals not with weakness, but standing up for oneself, having core convictions, and consisting of responsbilities to handle your own business (regardless of what haters or others may say). There is nothing with being assertive, being nice, being laid back, being extrovert, being introvert, etc. as long as you know who are with respect toward all human beings. You can be a nice person and be able to stand up for yourself as well. See, numerous folks believing in the nice is weak lie want all people around them to be monolithic (or act the same, think the same) acting like a robot sheeple. Sorry, I'm not a sheeple, but I am a man with a noble history and a great destiny to fullfill. People have a right therefore to be unique with different personalities and attributes. Hollywood and others in popular culture promote the nice being weak lie constantly in an attempt to control society. Hollywood is a corporate funded enterprise, so when you see Popular Culture spewed from Hollywood remember that it's a corporate propaganda machine showing deception. That is why the word actor in Greek comes from the word hypocrite since numerous actors act one way in movies (even violating God's commandments, etc.) and then act differently publicly. Much of the wickedness in popular culture is a reflection of the wickedness in America plus the world. The lesson is that we should stand up for ourselves, treat all people the same, fight for the truth in constructive ways, never be ashamed of what we are, and enjoy the good things in the Universe. Don't trust evil, confirming camps or "cliques." Trust in God alone 100% and promote independent thinking without compromise. We aren't helping some Madison avenue, corporate propaganda that tries to bring us into the Matrix at all. Never let know one crush your spirit or dreams in life.

Syriana is a very famous movie in the 21st century. It is a 2005 geopolitical thriller film being written and directed by Stephen Gaghan. It was executive produced by George Clooney (it stars an ensemble cast). Gaghan's screenplay is loosely adepated from Robert Baer's memoir "See No Evil." Baer is a famous ex-CIA agent. The film deals with petroleum politics, and the global influence of the oil industry. The National Board of Review named Syriana as one of the best films of the year and Stephen Gaghan's screenplay as the Best Adapted Screenplay. This industry has economic, political, legal, and social effects in the world. George Clooney plays a CIA operative, Matt Damon plays an energy analyst, Jeffrey Wright plays a Washington attorney, and Mazhar Munir plays a young unemployed Pakistaini migrant worker. Like Gaghan's screenplay for Traffic, Syriana uses multiple parallel storylines jumping from places in Texas,Washington D.C., Switzerland, Spain, and Syria. Clooney won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor for his role as Agent Bob Barnes (as a veteran CIA Operations Officer), and Gaghan's script was nominated by the Academy for Best Original Screenplay. Bob Barnes tries to stop Middle Eastern illegal arms trafficking. He was on an assignment in Tehran to assassinate 2 Iranian arms dealers. The movie shows Barnes being betrayed by the CIA for speaking his mind on foreign policy issues. His life is even saved by a Hezbollah leader when he comes to stop Mussawi from beheading Barnes. As of April 20, 2006, the film grossed a total of $50.82 million in the U.S. box office and $42.9 million in the rest of the world, for a total of $93.73 million. The film deals with the American energy giant Connex losing control of key Middle east oil fields in a Kingdom ruled by the al-Subaai family. American intelligence wants to assassinate Prince Nasir to gain control of his oil resources. Clooney's character tries to organize a plan to assassinate Nasir. Yet, his character is a rogue agent, so he warns Nassir about the assassination plot. It was too later since the missile strikes and Nasir and his family, along with Barnes, are all killed in the explosion. Woodman survives the blast and makes his way home to his wife and son. The movie ended when the Connex-Killen merger being a success.

This movie is based on 9/11 and its aftermath with the war on terror. Gaghan met Baer for lunch to understand about the mechinations of the Middle East. ex-CIA officer Robert Baer had a memoir called "See No Evil." The word Syriana derives from Syria + the Latin suffix -ana, a neuter plural form; it means, roughly, "things Syrian." Historically Syria was bigger than the modern State of Syria, but it expanded from the middle Eurphrates River into the Mediterranean Sea (or apart of the Fertile Crescent, which was called Aram back in the Biblical days). Baer once have questions about the official story about 9/11, but backtracked and denied that 9/11 was an inside job (which it is). This is ironic since the CIA did inside jobs or false flag terror for decades like Operation Ajax against Iran (for Iran nationalizing its oil resources and trying to be independent from Western political influence).

The film was controversial as some loved the storyline and some criticized it for embracing cliches about the CIA, terrorists, oil companies, and the U.S. government. That part of the world has a long history. Many leaders in the Middle Eastern are members of Papal Knighthoods and the Muslim Brotherhood. The big picture is that the elite in the Vatican, the Pilgrims, etc. have used the war on terror in trying to ecnomically plus politically pacify the Middle East in order to promote a globalized world society. The war on terror in the Middle East is similar to a Crusade too. The infiltration of the West of the Middle East has been going on for centuries. The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al-Husseini worked with the Jesuit-inspired Nazis from 1941 to 1945. (The Grand Mufti even visited the city of Berlin). There has been working together of the Jesuit-influenced Nazi fascism, Jesuit-influence Soviet Communism, Islam, and Labor Zionism since they all have been aided by the Vatican (with the Knights of Malta) including high level Freemasonry. The banking cartel funds all of these entities from the City of London and New York City. The anti-freedom Kaiser Wilhelm II and Sultan Adbul Hamid II had involvement in the Armenian Genocide killing millions of mostly Orthodox Armenian Christians. Today, you have the Jesuit Jan Bronselvd being the Jesuit Provincial for the Near East Vice-Province Local Master of Hezbollah and Government of Lebanon. Even Christopher Plummer early-on in the movie Syriana makes mention of the use of water over oil as a fuel. The corporations with power in the Middle East have leaders who are Knights of Malta, Rockefeller influenced, Pilgrims, CFR members, etc.

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From Hell is a 2001 film that starts actor Johnny Depp. It's a film about Jack the Ripper and his murders. It's based on the graphic novel by the same title by ALan Moore (who is a pro-Gnostic worshipper & occultist) and Eddie Campbell. It was directed by the Hughes brothers. It was first released on October 19, 2001. The film is set in 1888 London and the poor lead horrifying lives in the East End's Whitechapel district. Mary Kelly is harassed by gangs and forced to work the streets for a living. Kelly and her small group of prostitutes trudge on through this dialy misery and their only consolation being that things can't get any worse. Things do when their friend Ann was kidnapped and they are drawn into a conspiracy with links higher up than they could possibly imagine. The kidnapping is soon followed by the gruesome murder of another woman named Martha. It becomes apparent that they are being hunted down one by one. Sinister even by Whitechapel standards, the murder grabs the attention of Police Inspector Frederick Abberline, who is a brilliant yet troubled man whose police work is often aided by his psychic "visions." Abberline is deeply inolved with the case. It takes on a personal meaning to him when he and Mary begin to fall in love. It's found in the movie that Sir William Gull or the doctor of the Royal family is Jack the Ripper. He has been killing the witnesses to Prince Eddy's forbidden Catholic marriage to a prostitute, who has his legitimate daughter Alice (who is heir therefore to the British throne). The Freemasons decide to lobotomize Gull to protect the Royal family from the scandal as he is a member of this secret society. Mary Kelly doesn't die, Jack mistakes Ada or the Belgian girl for her and he kills her instead. Mary lives with Alice in a cottage on a cliff by the sea. Inspector Frederick Abberline dies alone of an opium overdose knowing that he can never see Mary again without endangering her. Johnny Depp plays Frederick Abberline. He uses drugs in the film to dream scenes fom the murders. Drugs like opium are common in the British East India Company. Also, some drugs are used int he occult world. The real Jack the Ripper story is an interesting one. Jack the Ripper in real life did indeed murdered innocent women. Some believe that the murderer was a Freemason, a Royal, or other identities have been proposed to identify the actual identity of Jack the Ripper. The murders occured in 1888 in the Whitechapel district of London. At least 5 women have been murdered by him. He mutilated the bodies of his victims in a cruel, sick way.

Constantine is a movie that recently existed. The movie was released in February 8, 2005 in Hong Kong and in February 18, 2005 in the U.S. plus Canada. It was based on Vertigo Comics' Hellblazer comic book. It has some plot elements from "Dangerous Habits" story arc (or issues #41-46) and others—such as the inclusion of Papa Midnite—from the Original Sins trade paperback. The movie has religious themes in them. It was set in Los Angeles, California. Keanu Reeves plays John Constantine. He is a chain smoking cynic that has the ability to see half angels' and half demons' true forms. He seeks salvation form eternal damnation to hell for a suicide attempt in his youth by sending half-demons back to Hell with his sidekick Chas (Shia LaBeouf). However, full demons have begun attempting to cross over. Disturbed by this information and with his death looming over him due to lung cancer, Constantine seeks an audience with the androgynous half-breed angel Gabriel (Tilda Swinton). Gabriel tells him that as he does his exocrism to escape Hell and for his own benefit, but they are vain acts that won't spare him. The story deals with God, Satan, and the battles Constantine tries to fight in order to cause him to go into Heaven.

Constantine encounters LAPD officer Angela Dodson (played by Rachel Weisz) investigating the death of her twin sister Isabel. She leapt from the roof of the mental hospital she was committed to.

The symbolism and messages in the film of Constantine is abundant. John Constantine meets with Gabriel in a black with Masonic black and white tiled floors. Gabriel tells John Constantine that: "I know what you want, son." Constantine responds by saying: "... Still keeping your all-seeing eye on me, Gabriel?" The All Seeing Eye is an occult image of Horus, the GAOTU in Freemasonry, and imagery found in paganism in the 4 corners of the Earth.The All Seeing Eye is found on the American one dollar bill representing the Deistic/Masonic concept of Providence watching over the American shores. There are 6s found in a bowling alley in the film. The film shows the sun cross representing the 4 directions in Nature and the sun god. There is another occult/Illuminist triangle in the circle symbol in the movie.There is the triqueta image in the movie that represents the occult in Nature and according to some 666. The movie is similar to Legion wherefore they distort what the Bible says about Heaven, Hell, redemption, suffering, etc. They outline an almost moral relativist view on religion. Gabriel tells John Constantine that horror can bring salvation to him, which is false. Only God's grace not horror redeems the souls of men. John Constantine wants to fight demons. Gabriel is presented as a feminine quality when all of the angeles in the Bible are in masculine form. Gabriel in the film is bad, but the real angel Gabriel is good as all angels of the Lord are holy and righteous. The fallen angels and Lucifer/Satan plus the demons are in fact evil. The movie covertly views one's good works as necessary for salvation, but Jesus Christ can only save us form our sins to allow us to go into Heaven. This is proven in Acts 4:12.Jesus Christ's blood from the cross cleanse us from our sin as found in Romans 10:9-10.

We do know that Nicholas Cage is of the Hollywood world. He supports Albert Pike, Freemasonry, and Pike's book called "Morals and Dogma." Now, Jerry Bruckheimer (he's apart of the Jewish Fraternity called Zeta Beta Tau, which includes Jack Warner and a Disney President, U.S. Senators, etc.) and Nicholas Cage's new project is called the "Sorcercer's Apprenctice" being a Disney project. This movie has occult symbolism galore as Disney has promoted occult-themed movies for decades. Nicholas play Balthazar Blake. He is a sorcerer or an occult, magical practitioner. Balthazar is a reference to the Babylonian King. In mythology, he is called one of the three wise men who visited Jesus Chirst. Bathazar means "Baal protect the King." Baal is the false Semitic god that is related to a god that God criticized in the Old Testament. Baal was worshipped in Carthage and Tyre where the Phoenicians plus Carthaginians lived at. The Semitic god Ba'al Hadad was depicted as a human, a ram, or a bull (above the lesser gods in religious circles). The demon Baal is commonly exposed in the New Testament. Blake coup be a reference to William Blake, who has a famous history. He rejected Orthodox Christianity since he rejected the conept of sin, and he didn't view God as superior and seperate from man. He viewed the man can be God, which is impossible of course. The film of "The Sorcerer's Apprentice" has a Masonic phallic structure that is the Chrysler's Building. Blake's character in the film wants to teach a young man on how to be a sorcerer. The film shows gargolyes, demons, and other occult images. Nicholas Cage's "The Ant Bully" has an Eey in the Pyramid subliminal. It has the light coming from an object. Lucas' (remember Lucas means light) grandmother who is obsessed with conspiracy theories, for no apparent reason (other than her interest in CT) the filmmakers decided to reveal a Masonic compass and square on her chair when she moved (note the torchlight).

The Oscars is a Hollywood ceremony with literal ritual performances, acts, and shows. This show is also called the Academy Award. The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (or AMPAS) presents the Oscar award to actors, producers, directors, writers, etc. for having excellent in the film industry. It's the oldest award ceremony in the media. Other award shows (like the Grammy Awards, the Golden Globe Awards for all visual media, and for the Emmy Awards for television) are often modeled from the Academy Awards. Now, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences itself was concieved by Metro-Goldwyn Mayer studio boss Louis B. Mayer. Mayer is a famous Freemason, so Freemasonry (including Secret Societies) and Hollywood go hand in hand for almost a centuries. There is even the Masonic Shrine Auditorium in the Hollywood area. This place is owned and operated by the Scottish Rite today in 2010. Famous actors are Masons or members of the DeMolay like John Wayne, W.C. Fields, Oliver Hardy, Bud Abbott, Gene Autry, Irving Berlin, Nat King Cole, Cecil B. Demille, Duke Ellington, Douglas Fairbanks, Clark Gable, Walt Disney, Audie Murphy, and Danny Thomas. Even Darryl Zanuck of 20th century FOX and Jack Warner of Warner Brothers were Freemasons.

The 1st Academy Awards ceremony was held in Thursday of May 16, 1929 at the Hotel Roosevelt in Hollywood. Thsi was to honor oustanding film achievements of 1927 and 1928. It was hosted by actor Douglas Fairbanks and director & Freemason William C. deMille. The 82nd Academy Awards honoring the best in film for 2009 will be held in Sunday, March 7, 2010 at the Kodak Theatre in Hollywood. The hosts of this award show will be actors Steve Martin and Alec Baldwin. MGM's art director Cedric Gibbons was oen of the original Academy members, who supervised the design of the award trophy by printing the design on a scroll. The image was based on Mexican film maker Emilio "El Indio" Fernández. His wife was Dolores del Rio. The sculptor of it was George Stanley. He made the Muse Foundation at the Hollywood bowl. It was originally made up of 92.5 percent tin and 7.5 percent copper plus being gold-plated it. The AMPAS vote for the voters of the Academy Awards including actors. Many of the ancient Egyptian motiff is found in the Academy Awards and Hollywood. The Shrine Auditorium hosted the Academy Awards in many times. The stage design looks like something taken from a Masonic tracing board. We have stairways, checker board floors, a columned arch and an enormous solar object at center stage. The Kodak Theatre has a solar motiff of the sun disk styled ceiling. Masonic iconography is alive and well in the Kodak, as we see in this checkerboard curtain and the pair of three Sun symbols.

Now, Total Recall was a film that came out in 1990. It has tons of symbolism, but now it's time to give an overview of what the film was about. This film was an American science fiction action film. The film stars Bohemian-Grove connected California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sharon Stone. The movie was based on Philip K. Dick's story entitled "We Can Remember It for You Wholesale." Philip K. Dick was pro-Gnostic and believed that reality was ficiticious, which is a New Age creed. Dick said that he loved choas and that there should be more of it. The movie was directed by Paul Verhoeven and it was written by many people (with the names of Ronald Shusett, Dan O'Bannon, Jon Povill, and Gary Goldman). The soundtrack made by Jerry Goldsmith won the BMI Film Music Award. The bilm was about Schwarznegger playing Douglas Quaid being an unsophisticated construction worker who turns out to be a freedom fighter from Mars and then he's relocated to Earth. He tries to restore order and reverse the corrupt influence of commercial powers. The film ends with Quaid conquering the corruption and restores Mars to a viable community (despite some self doubts and challenges from his wife on Earth). The film is based in 2084. Douglas Quaid dreams of exploring the human colonies of Mars. He visits Rekall or a company that deals with implanting false memories of a virtual trip at any location. Quaid pays for a Mars experinece like aspects of being a secret agent experience including aspects of being a secret agent (plus discovering alien artifacts).

Quaid experienced a previous replacement procedure when Rekall attempts to implant the memories. Quaid thinks that he's an agent and his cover has been blown, so people of the medical staff put him to sleep when he attacks them. They restore his memory and send him home. His former friends and his wife Lori are out to kill him. He subdues Lori and learns that his life prior to the past 2 months are all false memories. He found out that she and his friends were there to keep track of him. Their marriage was false and she is really the girlfriend of Richter, who is the man that has led the attacks on Quaid. Quaid is pursued by Richter. He meets a man that claims to be a former friend and gives him a breifcase. The briefcase has a device that Quaid used to get rid of a tracking device found in his skull. The video found in the breifcase exposes Quaid as being named Hauser. He used to work for Mars administration Vilos Cohaagen. The video of Hauser insists Quaid travel to Mars and deliver the information stored in his mind to the authorities to bring down Cohaagen.Quaid arrives at the Mars colony and avoids capture by Richter and Cohaagen's men. In Mars, he connects with Melina or the lady of the night in the redlight area of Venusville. Lori and Dr. Edgmar (or the leading researcher from Rekall) said that he must take the pill to regain his previous rights back. As the citizens of Venusville and the colony find themselves safe and free of Cohaagen's rule, Quaid and Melina kiss, Quaid still wondering if this is still all part of his Rekall memories.

By Timothy


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